JosephSmithSr. So shall it be with my father: he shall be
called a prince over his posterity, holding
the keys of the patriarchal priesthood over the kingdom of God on earth, even the Church
of the Latter Day Saints, and he shall sit in the general assembly of patriarchs, even in
council with the Ancient of Days when he shall sit and all the patriarchs with him and shall
enjoy his right and authority under the direction of the Ancient of Days.
Franklin Hale Lysinger.jpg Last one, the picture of Grandmother Lucy's surviving sons, taken during WW II, just before Uncle Lans on the left (Lansing Frederick Lysinger) joined the army. He became a paratrooper with the 87th Airborne and was dropped behind enemy lines many times after D-Day until Germany surrendered. I have his silk jump map (framed) which Uncle Lans gave to my mother after the war to use as a head scarf! Uncle Frank (Franklin Hale Lysinger) in the center was already serving his time in the Air Force (never sent overseas). My father, Philip Eugene Lysinger, on the right was payroll manager at the Long Beach ship yards during the war and default head of the family after Jesse died. By the way, I have the letter Lucy wrote to Audentia describing how they all sneaked off and had their picture taken. This pic is also behind glass.