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Rachel Hadden Applegate
March 12, 1848 - August 24, 1938
Rachel Hadden was born the 12th of March 1848 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co. Iowa, USA. She is the daughter of Alfred Sidney Hadden and Sarah Ann Carter. Rachel was the oldest child in a family of five brothers and five girls. Her mother, Sarah Ann Carter married in polygamy and was the third wife. Sidney was also married to her sister Mary Caroline Carter. The Carter sisters parents and family emigrated along with the Haddens, to Utah sometime between 1850 and 1852.
Rachel lived the usual pioneer life, learning at an early age how to wash, card and spin wool and then dry it. She knitted stockings and sewed all her clothes by hand as sewing machines were very scarce. She was an excellent quilter and made many quilts. When she was in her middle seventies, she made 13 quilts for one woman in Parowan. She was an industrious woman, making soap, drying peaches, apples, apricots and plums. Many times she would go to the mountains and gather wild berries and fruits. She set hens and hatched out chickens, scrubbed the family wash on the board, an as a girl cooked over a fireplace.
The Hadden family settled first in Panguitch and because of Indian depredations, were forced to flee. Th Indians burned their crops. About all they had to eat the following winter was frozen potatoes which the men went back to dig. The Hadden family then settled for a while in Parowan. There Rachel met and married James Applegate. They became the parents of eitht children, six girls and two boys. Later they moved and did some homesteading in Circleville. After 48 years of marriage, Rachel was left a widow. She made her home with her different children until she lost her eyesight when she was 77 years of age. She never liked to be idle and a still knitted several stoles and some stockings after she was blind. She passed away in Circleville on August 24, 1938 at the ripe old age of 90 years and 5 months. She is buried beside her husband in Circleville cementery.
(Information written ty a daughter, Lovina Applegate Monson) | HADDEN, Rachel (I20125)
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Robert Owen looked up from his work. Coming down the road was a man whom he had not seen for quite a while. It was his friend John. John had been sent from their town in Wales to England by one of the ministers to learn of a new religion which seemed to be gaining in popularity.
Robert went back to his work but later that day he heard of a religious meeting being held in which John would speak. Robert was a prosperous, - man, and because he was active in the affairs of the community, he felt inclined to attend the religious meeting. He was open to new ideas, always looking for truth.
There was much about seventeenth century England which Robert was opposed to. The Stewart restoration had introduced a new kind of continental elegance to the worldly court. Courtiers took to wearing immense wigs and using snuff. They displayed their elegance in high heeled-slippers, flourished walking sticks and ostentatious mansions. This show of conspicuous consumption was resented by Robert and his associates.. Although prosperous himself, he felt there was little need for opulence in life.
That evening as Robert sat amongst his neighbors listening to their friend, a sweet spirit settled upon him. His friend had obviously been converted to this new religion. He spoke of the need to come unto Christ, Jesus who died for them, and had sent his spirit into their hearts, to instruct and guide them in the things pertaining to life and salvation. He felt that through repentance and a true change of the heart, a man could gain strength and guidance in the practical affairs of religion.
Robert sat up. Was he really saying that a man could on his own talk to God and gain help in his personal life? This was new religion! Coming from a time of memorized prayers and priests who did the reading of scriptures and praying for their congregations, this was new doctrine indeed. Listening again he heard the words “Man may have the privilege of direct access to God, without the intervention of the human priest.”
Robert was up much in the night thinking of these new religious concepts. His heart seemed to accept this new idea and feel at home with its revelation. Robert spoke to his young wife, Rebecca, about what he had heard. They had recently been married, and they had such plans for their lives together. With all this talk of religion, Rebecca could not help but wonder what part these new teaching would play in their future. They went back many times to hear more, and joined with friends from the community to which these new teaching had found a willing heart.
Robert’s friend John had been converted to the teachings of a man by the name of George Fox. He was a simple man who called his followers “Friends” and his “Society of Friends” grew over time to a very large following from one side of Europe to the other and even into Asia and Africa. The name “Quakers” came to this group in time, and this is the name whereby they have been know for generations in England and in America.
There were many men of wealth and learning like Robert Owen who felt impressed to join themselves with the new society which was rapidly becoming a religion of its own. Robert was grateful for the new truths he was learning which went along with the bible as he knew it. Many of his friends felt the same and there was a companionship together.
With all the happiness which the new followers of George Fox were feeling, all was not well in the country as a whole. Charles II had come into power, and he and his cohorts were not happy about the new religious uprising. The numbers attending the Church of England were dwindling, and the church had become a way for the King to control his subjects.
Years before, King Henry VIII had broken away from the Church of Rome and the Pope and declared himself head of the Church in England. In order to discover any secret opposition to his purposes and crush it, he had introduced the Oath of Supremacy, by which prominent subjects were required to confess with an oath that King Henry was the supreme ruler over the Church in England as apposed to the Pope. During the reign of Elizabeth 1 some religious tolerance was offered, in the early stages at least, but during her half-sister, Mary’s reign, intolerance abounded and much cruelty was evoked upon those who would not submit.
Now Charles II was in power and he was adamant that all would submit. Special acts were passed to prevent the spread of Quakerism. Quakers were forbidden to meet together and compelled to take the oath of allegiance and supremacy. This oath was completely contrary to the teachings of the Quakers who were learning to put God and Jesus Christ first in their lives. How could they swear an oath that went against everything they believed? As some began to balk at taking the oath, the court was astonished and filled with fury because they could not make the Quakers bow to their will. In response, all persons not attending their parish church were heavily fined by the court, as were those who attempted to preach the Quaker faith.
Rebecca’s own father, Owen Humphery, was having trouble with the Church of England also. He and some of his friends were among those who refused to attend the new Church of England. Because of their beligerance in defying the order, they were accused of non-attendance in the Church of England in their parish church and were shut up in a filthy hog-pen for days, and their servants were not allowed to come near them or give them proper food and clothing. Some were confined for years in Bala of Dolgelley jail, within sight of their homes, and others were so heavily fined as to almost ruin them. Rebecca was distressed over the treatment of her father, but there was nothing she could do against the powerful church authorities.
Robert talked with, Rebecca, late into the night. What would they do when it came time for him to swear the oath? They could see the terrible persecution that was happening all around them. They prayed to their new found God, and struggled in their hearts. Robert knew he could not turn his heart against the teachings he had accepted. He had felt things in this new religion which he could not deny. Surely there was a God in Heaven, and surely his son Jesus Christ, whom he had accepted would sustain him in his time of trial. Rebecca knew the deep conviction of her husband and felt the same burning in her own heart.
The day came when Robert was required to take the Oath of Supremacy, confessing Charles’ supremacy over the church. Robert knew in his heart who reigned supreme over the church. His faith in God and Jesus Christ could not be shaken by the craftiness of men. Robert stood firm, refusing to take the oath. Rebecca was touched with gratitude for a man who would stand for the truth, yet there was an ache in her heart as tear-stained eyes watched them lead her beloved husband to his imprisonment.
It would be five long and lonely years before Robert would be released from the wretched prison. When Rebecca was finally allowed to bring her poor husband home, his health was not well. It would take time and tender care to restore his once vibrant energy, but she was grateful that their prayers had been heard and that he was finally away from the filthy prison.
As Roberts health improved, Rebecca found that they would soon be starting that long awaited family they had always planned for. Soon she was cradeling a baby son whom they named Evan. Two more babies would follow, a boy the next year and a girl the year after that, but sadly, both died shortly after their births. It was such a heartbreak for Rebecca and Robert who had been forced to postone their family for so many years during Robert’s imprisonment to now have these sweet children taken from them in their infancy.
There was great excitement among Robert and Rebecca’s friends in Wales. They were looking for a new place to live their religion. William Penn had distributed pamphlets all over Europe to the Quakers inviting them to join him in the New World. This was a whole new idea to Rebecca. To leave their lovely land of Wales and her dear family behind was a big commitment. Robert, on the other hand felt it to be a grand adventure. He yearned for a place to raise his family with religious freedoms.
After much prayer and talk and after one more baby girl had joined the family, the decision was made. Robert and Rebecca gathered their two little ones, bade a tearful goodbye to their parents, and together with their friends, set sail for America in 1690.
It was a long and wearisome journey for Rebecca as she was now carrying another child within her. Robert helped with little Evan and baby Elizabeth, but Rebecca was tormented with sea sickness most of the voyage. It was a great relief when they were finally able to step foot onto solid ground in the New World. They gathered in what would become Pennsylvania on a large tract of land being bought up by the Quakers.
Robert became actively involved in the community from the start, serving as Justice of the Peace. In 1695 he was elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly and was re-elected for a second term.
Life was good in the new world. Over time, three more babies were added to the family so that they had five growing and healthy children to keep their lives busy. Robert and Rebecca were stalwarts in their new community as they had been in Wales. It was a good life.
The year of 1697 started out with the joy of a baby daughter born in the cold month of January. They named her after her mother, and baby Rebecca was adored by her brothers and sisters, as all babies are.
When the summer came, the community was caught in a great small pox epidemic. There were many in the neighborhood who were stricken with the dreaded disease. Rebecca was the first to be laid low. She suffered terribly, and all that could be done to help her was tried. Robert and the children prayed for their dear mother, but in the end, the young family bade their mother farewell and Rebecca died on the 23rd of August. She was only about 34 years of age. It was a great blow to her six little children who ranged in age from little 7 month old, Rebecca to 13 year old, Evan.
Robert was devastated by the death of his wife. She had truly been his sole mate. They had been through so much together in their short years together. Now what was he to do without her. The family was not over their grieving, for just a month later baby Rebecca was laid by the side of her mother in an earthly grave. By now the dixease was rampant in the community, and soon Robert himself was stricken. Of course, they tried everything they could to save the young father. The prayers of the religious community remembered him, but finally, just seventeen days after his baby’s death, Robert was to follow, returning to that God who gave him life
With all of the deaths from the smallpox epidemic, the community banded together to care for those who were left behind, like the young children of Robert and Rebecca Owen. The children were taken into the families of their friends and raised as their parents would have wanted them to be.
Years would go by, but the legacy of Robert Owen would follow him down through the generations. Uncle Edward Hunter, the great, great grandson of, Robert Owen was very proud of his ancestor. He would relate the circumstances of Robert’s short but remarkable life, and in his quaint way would close by repeating, “Oath of allegiance—yes, yes, yes—refused to take it—imprisoned for five years!” Then lifting up his hands, throwing back his head, and half shutting his eyes in a sort of dreamy ecstasy, exclaim, ‘Beautiful! Beautiful!’
Robert Owen is the father of John Owen, who is the father of Rebecca Owen Maris, who is the mother of Hannah Maris Hunter, who is the father of William Hunter who is the father of Edward Hunter, who is the father of Mary Ann Hunter Barrus who is the mother of Edith Marian Barrus Dew, who is the mother of Deloris, Milo LeRoy, LaMar Owen, and Maxine Dew
This story is based on the following accounts: Edward Hunter Faithful Steward, by William E. Hunter, M.D., 12-18. Religious Encyclopedia, The New Schaff-herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, by Phillip Schaff. 393 (DFH/Hu82-83).
Dew Book
This story comes from a book I (Jolene Christensen Dew) wrote which is in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City call # 929.273D51dj There are 102 stories in the book. The book is titled for each of the families in the book as follows: " Dew, Gillette, Kirk, Barrus, Hunter, Nickerson, Hyde family stories : Samuel Phillip Dew, Edith Marion Barrus, Heber Dew, Elizabeth Kirk, Thomas Dew, Jane Gillette, Phillip Kirk, Mary Ann Taylor, Owen Henry Barrus, Mary Ann Hunter, Emery Barrus, Huldah Abigail Nickerson, Freeman Nickerson, Huldah Chapman, Edward Hunter, Martha Ann Hyde, Edward Hunter, Ann Standly, Rosel Hyde, Mary Annn Cowles, Heman Hyde, Polly Wyman Tilton" Author Jolene Christensen Dew
Here is the original link:
When the schoolhouse in Chester County, Pennsylvania, burned to the ground in 1833, wealthy Quaker Edward Hunter offered to replace it on land he would donate if residents “would allow all persons and persuasions to meet in it to worship God.” 1 This requirement was included in the articles of agreement for the donated land and building. The finished building was called the West Nantmeal Seminary.
Quaker and Scotch-Irish Presbyterian farmers populated Chester County, which is located about 12 miles west of Philadelphia. In the spring of 1839, Latter-day Saint missionaries Elijah H. Davis and Lorenzo Barnes arranged to use the West Nantmeal Seminary building to teach the gospel. When residents became outraged, Edward Hunter reminded them of the agreement made in 1833 allowing people of every religion to have the privilege of meeting there to worship God. He told the people that the “Mormons” would have their rights or he would take the building back. Such were the circumstances that surrounded the first visit of the missionaries to the valley that would eventually become known as “Mormon Hollow,” circumstances that prepared Edward Hunter to be an advocate for these early Saints.
An Ancestor’s Influence
Born on 22 June 1793 in Newtown Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Edward Hunter was the second son and seventh child born to Edward and Hannah Maris Hunter (p. 227; see note 1 for complete reference). As a youth, he was strongly influenced by stories of his stalwart ancestors from England and Ireland. Of particular influence was the story of his second great-grandfather, Robert Owen of North Wales, also a man of wealth and power. Ancestor Robert was imprisoned for five years because he refused to take the oath of allegiance when Charles II was restored to the British throne. After his release, Robert immigrated to America and purchased land in Philadelphia amid other Quakers such as himself.
As an adult, strong-willed and tenacious, Edward Hunter was fond of referring to this incident in the life of his ancestor. He would tell the story and then end by repeating, “Oath of allegiance—yes, yes—refused to take it—imprisoned for five years.” Then, lifting up his hands, throwing back his head, and half shutting his eyes in a sort of dreamy ecstasy, he would exclaim, “Beautiful! beautiful!” (p. 228).
No doubt Edward drew upon this example of integrity shown by his ancestor when he stood firm in behalf of the Latter-day Saint missionaries in 1839.
Light Filled the Room
Soon after the missionaries taught the gospel in 1839 in the West Nantmeal Seminary building, Edward heard that missionary Elijah H. Davis was going to speak in Locust Grove, a few miles away, and that there were plans to treat him badly. He mounted his horse and rode over to Locust Grove. Of Elijah Davis and his teachings, Edward said: “He was a humble young man, the first one that I was impressed was sent of God. … He spoke well on the subject [of the Atonement], but before he was through [Robert] Johnson interrupted him and ordered him to quit preaching. I sprang up and said: ‘He is a stranger and shall have justice shown him and be respected; we will hear him and then hear you speak.’ I was informed that there were many present opposed to the ‘Mormons,’ but I resolved as I lived that Mr. Davis should be protected, if I had to meet the rabble on their own ground. I kept my eye on them and determined to stand by him at the risk of person and property. I had friends, though Mr. Davis had none. Mr. J. Johnson, brother to Robert Johnson, came to me as I was going out and apologized for his brother’s conduct. I walked out of the crowd, got on my horse and rode home alone” (p. 229).
After going home and retiring for the night, Edward lay awake for some time thinking about what had taken place. “My reflections were,” he said, “why have I taken such a decided stand for those strangers, and I asked the Lord: ‘Are those Mormons thy servants?’ Instantly, a light came in the room at the top of the door, so great that I could not endure it. I covered my head with the bed-clothes and turned over to the wall. I had exerted my mind and body much that day and soon fell asleep” (p. 229).
Baptisms in Chester County
On 8 October 1840, Edward Hunter was baptized by Elder Orson Hyde. Edward’s wife, Ann, was also baptized. Of Edward’s baptism, neighbor H. W. Vallette said, “I only felt that if a man like Edward Hunter, whose name was a synonym of upright probity, of sound sense and discernment, could be brought to believe in these things, what right had I or others of less understanding to … ridicule them.” 2
Hearts were softened among these Quaker residents, and soon about 200 were baptized, sometimes at the rate of eight to ten a week. The Prophet Joseph Smith stopped in “Mormon Hollow” for about two weeks in January 1840 in connection with a trip to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. The Prophet spoke to the Saints at the West Nantmeal Seminary and stayed with the Hunter family. During the autumn of 1840, Hyrum Smith visited Edward. They attended conference in Philadelphia, and Brother Hunter “subscribed liberally to the building of the Nauvoo House and the Temple” (p. 229).
On a subsequent visit, Hyrum walked with Edward along the banks of the Brandywine River, and Edward told Hyrum about the death of his young son George Washington Hunter. Hyrum taught him of the plan of salvation. This brought great comfort to Brother Hunter, who had been “devotedly attached” to his son. About a year later, Brother Hunter had a dream wherein he saw his young son. “In appearance he was more perfect than in natural life—the same blue eyes, curly hair, fair complexion, and a most beautiful appearance,” said Edward. Edward begged him to remain, but George said “in his own familiar voice” that he had many friends in heaven (p. 230).
Exodus to Nauvoo
Edward had found financial success from the time he was a young man because of his hard work and good business sense. But he was also generous. In September 1841 Brother Hunter visited Nauvoo, Illinois, and purchased a farm and several town lots. He then returned to Chester County and sold two of his farms. In June 1842 the Hunter family moved to Nauvoo. Once there, he cheerfully donated $7,000 in cash and nearly $5,000 in goods to the Prophet Joseph for the building of Zion. He continued to donate generously, so much so, that the Prophet Joseph Smith told him he had done enough and to reserve the rest for his own use (p. 230).
In Nauvoo, as persecution against the Saints began to mount, Brother Hunter was arrested with others on the charge of treason and taken to Carthage Jail in June 1843. Now Edward had been wrongfully imprisoned as had his ancestor. Fortunately, the imprisonment was short, and all were soon sent free.
When the Prophet was put on trial in Springfield, Illinois, Brother Hunter was there. After the Prophet’s acquittal, Edward offered his home to the Prophet as a place of safety. Loyal and devoted, Edward became one of Joseph’s bodyguards. During this time, Brother Hunter enjoyed the confidence and friendship of the Prophet.
Among the revelations the Prophet received in the Hunter home were sections 127 and 128 of the Doctrine and Covenants concerning baptism for the dead. Of this time, Brother Hunter said, “The two years I was in Nauvoo with Joseph, it was one stream of revelations.” 3
As a member of the Nauvoo City Council, Edward voted to put an end to the Expositor, a libelous paper created by apostates and enemies of the Saints to encourage mob violence. Soon after the destruction of the press, the Prophet Joseph asked Brother Hunter to go to Springfield to represent the Church’s position to the governor.
“You have known me for several years,” said the Prophet to Edward. “Say to the governor, under oath, everything good and bad you know of me” (p. 230).
Brother Edward and two other men did so. They returned to Nauvoo late in the afternoon on 27 June 1844—about the same time Joseph and Hyrum were killed at Carthage Jail. Of the events following the Martyrdom, Edward wrote: “Next day, [Joseph and Hyrum’s] bodies were brought from Carthage to Nauvoo. We formed two lines to receive them; I was placed on the extreme right, to wheel in after the bodies, and march to the Mansion. As we passed the Temple, there were crowds of mourners there, lamenting the great loss of our Prophet and Patriarch. The scene was enough to almost melt the soul of man. Mr. Brewer, myself and others took brother Joseph’s body in to the Mansion House. … At midnight [we] carried the body of Joseph from the Mansion House to the Nauvoo House, and put him and Hyrum in one grave. Their death was hard to bear. Our hope was almost gone, not knowing then that Joseph had prepared for the Kingdom to go on, by delivering the keys to the Twelve and rolling off the burden from his shoulders on to theirs” (p. 231).
Ordained a Bishop in Nauvoo
Five months after the Martyrdom, President Brigham Young, assisted by Elder Heber C. Kimball and Presiding Bishop Newell K. Whitney, ordained Edward Hunter a high priest. He was then set apart as a bishop of the Nauvoo Fifth Ward. When he was promised that he should “have power to raise up the drooping spirit,” he felt simultaneously “a remarkable sensation thrilled through his being, confirming the truth of the speaker’s words” (p. 231).
Elder Orson F. Whitney wrote of Bishop Hunter’s character: “Honest, straightforward in his dealings, and candid even to bluntness in his speech, his heart overflowed with kindness and he enjoyed the love and confidence of all. Childlike and humble, he was nevertheless shrewd and discerning. He was charitable and open-handed to all. … He was a great exhorter to faithfulness, particularly in the payment of tithes and offerings. His familiar speech at the Bishop’s meetings: ‘Pay your tithing and be blessed,’ has passed into a proverb” (p. 232).
When the Saints were forced from Nauvoo, Bishop Hunter and many of the “Mormon Hollow Saints” left together in the spring or summer of 1846 and joined the main body of Latter-day Saints in Winter Quarters. Bishop Hunter had suffered from sickness in Iowa, but upon arrival at Winter Quarters, he again served as bishop.
Winter Quarters to Salt Lake Valley
As the hard winter of 1846–47 ended and the exodus to the Salt Lake Valley began, President Young appointed Bishop Hunter captain of 100 wagons. The group arrived on 29 September 1847. Once in the valley, Bishop Hunter again served as bishop.
In the fall of 1849 President Young sent Bishop Hunter back to the Missouri River to supervise the immigration of the poorer Saints to Zion. Bishop Hunter played an integral part in the implementation of the Perpetual Emigrating Fund (PEF). Under the direction of the First Presidency and as a member of the PEF committee, he helped “set in motion the vast emigrating enterprise which has peopled with souls from two hemispheres the mountain vales of Utah” (p. 231). Bishop Hunter’s generous donation of $5,000 of his own money literally helped build Zion.
On 7 April 1851, following the death of Newell K. Whitney, second Presiding Bishop, Edward Hunter was sustained as the third Presiding Bishop of the Church. At the time, “they were responsible for Church temporal affairs, for local bishops, and for stake Aaronic Priesthood quorums. Bishop Hunter met every two weeks with northern Utah bishops to coordinate efforts regarding public works, tithes, resources, immigration and immigrants, and the needy. However, the First Presidency, not the Presiding Bishopric, made finance and resource policy and called and released bishops.” 4
Two years later, during general conference on 6 April 1853, he laid the southwest cornerstone of the Salt Lake Temple.
Bishop Hunter’s Death
For 62 years Bishop Hunter watched over the temporal workings of the Church. He succeeded in his desire to magnify his calling in the Church and was a loyal and loving husband and father to his wife and children. He once said he hoped his life’s work was acceptable “in the sight of God and those who preside over me in this Latter-day work” (p. 232).
Bishop Hunter died on 16 October 1883 after a long illness. According to Elder Whitney: “His health had been feeble for a long time, though his mind was unimpaired, and for the last month he had frequently been absent from his office. Among those who visited his bedside during his illness were President John Taylor and Apostle Erastus Snow. So passed from this stage of action, where for over 90 years he had acted well and faithfully every part assigned him, a man of God as noted for his uprightness and integrity, as for his genial nature and overflowing kindness of heart. His memory will live as long as the great work with which he was identified, and which he labored so long and faithfully to establish” (p. 232). | OWEN, Robert (I63493)
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Andrew was an exceptional man, endowed with power, influence and strong characteristics. He had a great spirit; he loved the Lord and knew how to cooperate with Him; and served Him all the days of his life.
He was a teacher and shared unselfishly his acquired knowledge with others. He had a burning testimony and was valiant in expressing it whenever the opportunity presented itself.
He was a student, particularly of the gospel, a lover of books, which he marked with red and blue, commentary notes on the borders of the pages. He always carried small note papers, yellow and white, which were found in all his pockets and stuffed in envelopes bearing the labels “humor, poetry, genealogy, accounts, miscellaneous, etc.”
His talents were many. He was a gifted writer and a poet in the true sense. He was “handy” in making and fixing things around the house. He was a gardner and believed in producing. He loved music and his soul vibrated to the rhythm of it. He was meticulous and orderly in everything he did.
No man could have suffered more courageously the ills of the flesh than he. His life was an example of integrity, loyalty, humility, devotion to home and family. He loved children and was a kindly and considerate father. Loyalty to his friends, to the State in which he was born a “native son,” to the Church which he loved, and to the Country that gave him freedom were among his marked characteristics.
I respect him, appreciate him, and love him.
Mary H. Smith | SMITH, Andrew Kimball (I41008)
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Freskin Moravia
Born: Circa 1100 In: Duffus, Moray, Scotland
Died: Before 1171
Immediate family
Unknown Moravia
His wife
Hugo Sutherland I
His son
William Sutherland I
His son
Andrew de Moravia
His son
Unknown Moravia
His mother
Clan Sutherland :
12th to 13th Century:
Battle of Dornoch 1150c; The Sutherland forbear was Freskin de Moravia, whose father was probably a Flemish noble named Ollec with lands in Morayshire and elsewhere ("de Moravia" being "of Moray"). He was given a commission by King David I to gather the Sutherland Gaels together and clear the Norsemen from the area, and he received Strabrock in West Lothian and Duffus in Moray from King David I. Some hold that he was therefore probably the hero of the clan legend about the killing of the last Norseman. The crucial battle took place near Dornoch where the Norse chief had gathered his men in a desperate attempt to stop the Scottish advance. The fight at first went the Norsemen's way when they penetrated the Scot's formation and the Sutherland chief was injured. As the chief lay wounded though, he spotted a Norse general coming up to support the attack. Finding a horseshoe at hand, he threw it with all of his might striking the Norseman squarely in the forehead, killing him, and turning the whole battle around. By the end of the day, all of the Norseman had been killed or captured. Battle of John o' Groats; Hugh Freskin Sutherland is said to have strengthened the family's royal favor by riding the north of a ferocious band of robbers lead by Harold Chisholm. Among the crimes, a number of Sutherland churchmen were tortured by nailing horseshoes to their feet and making them dance to entertain the followers before putting them savagely to death. On hearing of this outrage, King William the Lion ordered Hugh of Sutherland to pursue Chisolm to the death and a great fight ensued near John o' Groats. All of the robbers were either killed or captured. Harold Chisolm and the other leaders were given a punishment to fit the crime, horse shoeing and hanging. The rest were gelded to prevent any offspring from men who were so detestable. This seems to have been a frequent punishment of the time. In 1198 an entire sept of the Sinclairs were castrated for the killing of the Bishop of Caithness. Rebellion of the Sinclairs 1222; The trouble was over tithes imposed by the Bishop of Caithness whose seat was at Dornoch. The Clan Sinclair Earls of Caithness had long resented the fact that the bishopric was under Sutherland control and decided to exploit the discontent over tithes, to get rid of the bishop and have the seat moved. There was soon a riot, said to be incited by Sinclair gold. The unfortunate bishop was roasted alive and his cathedral was set on fire. The rioters then headed north to join up with their Sinclair allies. Once again the Lord of Sutherland was given responsibility by the crown for restoring law and order, and for punishing Sinclair for his instigation of the incident. The Clan Sutherland force was gathered and the far northeast was laid waste in a campaign of revenge and repression. Wick and Thorso were burned and the Sinclair stronghold razed to the ground. Eighty men were tried at a summer court session at Golspie and there was strict punishment for the rioters. Four of the ringleaders were roasted and then fed to the town dogs for good measure.
Freskin Son of Ollec:
The Sutherlands (Sutherlarach) and Murrays (Moireach— Latin: de Moravia) descend from Freskin, son of Ollec, a Flemish knight with lands in what is now Pembroke in Wales. He was granted by David I, King of Scots, the lands of Strabrock in West Lothian and also Duffas in conquered Moray. Freskin or his son William intermarried with the Picto-Scottish Royal House of Moray, in whose defeat he was taking part, following the Norman custom of consolidation by intermarriage.
clan sutherland - a personal view
by Gordon Douglas Duffus
The origins of the people of the Great Clan Sutherland are obscured by time and legend. It has been said that the first inhabitants of what would later become known as Sutherlandshire were "The Catti", a fierce tribe from the deep dark forests of Germany. They supposedly shared the area with bands of ferocious Mountain Cats who kept the bens and glens free of rodents and other pests. The Clan fosters these legends today by the use of a Wildcat as the Clansmen’s capbadge and the Chief’s Gaelic desig- nation as "The Great One of the Cat". The Catti not-with-stand- ing, it is more probable that the original occupants of Suther- landshire were roving bands of hunters from the continent who may have built temporary shelters during their visits. The Picts, that race without a written history, settled the land and built their stone tombs, hill-forts, and brochs throughout their territory. Intermarriage with invading Norsemen and Celts eventually made up the stock from which most of the Sutherlands are descended. A further influx of people into Sutherland occurred during the twelfth century when the defeated adherents of the Royal House of MacAlpin were transported into the north from their homes in Moray.
Coincidentally, it was from these ill-fated rebellions that the Clan Sutherland was eventually to gain its initial line of chiefs. In 1150, King David the Saint marched north into the Province of Moray to put down what would prove to be the last in a long series of rebellions staged by the followers of the House of Alpin, the last truly Celtic Scottish Kings. In David’s army was an adventurer known variously as Freskin Ollec, Freskin son of Ollec, Freskin de Moravia, and/or Freskin of Strabrock.
Not only is Freskin’s name a mystery but his place of origin is also in some question; Lothian, Moray, and even Flanders have been put forward as possibilities. Although his early history cannot be stated with any certainty, it is certain that when the revolt had been crushed and the rebelling tribes had been destroyed or transported, Freskin became lord of a vast and far flung estate as a reward for his military support of the victorious David.
Freskin apparently married into the Duffus Branch of the Royal House of Moray and thereby furthered his territorial gains. He built defensive works at Duffus, just north of Elgin, and at Glen Fiddich in Banffshire. The Castle of Duffus was initially a wooden structure built upon a man-made hill which was placed upon a low ridge in the then substantial Loch of Spynie. Later additions, in stone and mortar, make up the present day ruin which occupies the original site.
The Castle of Gauldwell currently appears as a jumble of "massive fangs and fragments of masonry" and is perched above the steep ravine where Glen Fiddich meets the Altderne. Freskin continued his role as a warrior for the king and was sent north, into Sutherland, to turn back a Viking incursion. From this expedition we have been given "The Legend of the Last Viking". Freskin and his force succeeded in locating the raiders near Embo and the shield walls formed on both sides of the field. Within minutes, the air was filled with flying spears and arrows. The otherwise silent hills began to echo with the cries of the dead and dying and the clash of metal on metal. Charge and counter charge flowed across the field. Each success and failure being marked by the bodies of the fallen. A final Viking charge succeeded in breaking through the Scottish formation and a wild melee ensued. Viking axes and swords bit deeply into shields and helmets as the combat became individualized and personal. At the height of the madness, Freskin was knocked to the blood soaked ground and lost his weapons. While attempting to regain his feet, Freskin observed certain death approaching him in the form of a huge Viking Chieftain with upraised sword. In desperation, he grabbed onto the only object within his reach... a discarded horse shoe. With all of his might, Freskin hurled the shoe at the Norseman. The missile found its mark squarely between the Raider’s eyes and before his blood had a chance to flow freely, he fell to the trampled heather, dead! As word of their leader’s demise spread through the scattered groups of Vikings still fighting on the field, they began to retrace their steps back toward the beach and their waiting long ships.
The orderly withdrawal soon became a rout as the Scots perceived their advantage and increased their pressure. The Vikings, giving up all pretense of defense, broke out of their small groups and raced toward the beach and the safety of the sea, never to return again! Freskin recovered from his wounds and returned to his lands along the Moray Firth. Life was good for The Hero of Embo and Freskin had the satisfaction of seeing three grandsons born to his children. Two of these grandsons, Hugh and William, founded the great houses of Sutherland and Murray, respectively.
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Subject: Re: [LITTLEJOHN] Mungo Murray to Anne Murray to Oliver Littlejohn
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:48:02 -0000
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Freskin - also Friskin, Frysken, Freskin Ollec (son of Ollec), Freskin le Fleming, Freskin Flanderensis
I used to romanticise Freskin as a "noble savage" who was "normanised" by David I - I would love to say the Murrays were Pictish.
However I am sure now that Freskin was the son of a Knight from Friesland or Flanders - mostly likely he was indeed a Fleming from Flanders.
It is most likely that he and the next generation and maybe another after that were married into the "royal" rulers of Moray called "Mormaers". Hence why it was only in the next generations that Freskins descendents took the "de Moravia" title.
Why am I convinced of this? Three reasons:
1. The coat of arms of Freskin depicts 3 mullets (stars) - this signified he was in heraldic terms a third son of the Flemish house of Boulogne.
2. David I had natural links with the Norman Flemish families in England after the 1066 invasion and hence their families in Flanders plus these weren't just minor Flemish families they were the elite families of Europe. The manner in which he ruled mimmicked William the Conquerors and later Kings use of continental knights as enforcers in Anglo Saxon England and Wales - in fact there are sporadic, unqualified evidence of his family having earlier held lands in Pembroke, Wales. This may have been granted to Freskin's father Ollec after his endeavours subduing unruly Welsh rebels. David I spent much of his childhood and adolescence at the court of Henry I. Thus he would have collected many "English" friends plus his marriage to Maud, Countess of Huntingdon - the richest woman in England. Maud's father was the last major Anglo-Saxon lord of England - Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria - who was executed. Maud's mother was Judith of Lens daughter of Count Lambert of Lens who himself!
married Adele sister of William the Conqueror. Lamber of Lens was the brother of Eustace II Count of Boulogne who led the left flank of The Conqueror's army at Hastings and was his largest ally - proof that a large number of Flems were part of the invasion in 1066. When Maud married David I in 1624 she brought north a large retinue of Flemish knights. David I's sisters Mary and Edith/Matilda married Eustace III Count of Boulogne and Henry I, King of England. During the Civil War which followed the death of his brother-in-law Henry a civil war broke out in England between David's niece (Henry I's daughter), the Empress Matilda and the husband of another niece, Stephen of Blois. David I backed his niece the Empress Matilda but was primarily acting for his own benefit - not specifically against Stephen of Blois. David I's connections with the Flemish are evident.
3. The first lands that Freskin had under his domain were in West Lothian, south of Edinburgh, at a place called Strathbrock. It would not make sense for David I to have granted an unruly native Pict ruler some of the best land in Scotland? This would have undermined David's efforts at consolidating his control of Scotland and empower one his most unruly native lords? Plus all of the lands around Strathbrock was granted to Flemish/Norman knights - it fits the pattern.
As of yet nobody has managed to pinpoint an exact lineage - it may be that he was illegitimate - the result of a relationship at court.
What is interesting is that their is another Freskin - who was supposedly a descendent of Freskin "de Moravia". The coat of arms plus historic folklore suggest that the Douglas family were a branch of the Morays. The first Douglad named in history, William de Douglas, had six sons - five of whom became religious clerics. His youngest son known as Freskin de Douglas became Dean of Moray.
We know for sure that the de Doulgas family were continental knights not picts. If the Flemish Dean of Moray was called/nicknamed Freskin de Douglas similarly to the origional Freskin - it suggests that the name may well be "Pictish" and popularised as a nickname in the Moray area - but also that it did not have to be bestowed upon a pict.
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William, son of Freskin, is a witness to a charter granted by Malcolm IV to Berowaldus Flandrensis of the lands of Innes, at Christmas 1160. Between 1165 and 1171 he obtained a charter from William the Lion of the lands of Strabrok, Duffus, Rosisle, Inchikel, Machir, and Kintrai, 'quas terras pater suus Friskin tenuit tempore regis David avi mei. This charter is now missing, but it was seen and copied by Nisbet. William witnessed several charters of King William between 1187 and 1199, and died about 1203, when his eldest son appears as Lord of Duffus. Mr Cosmo Innes, editor of the 'Chartulary of Moray,' founding for want of better authority, on a marginal note in the register relative to Gilbert, Archdeacon of Moary, afterwards Bishop of Caithness - 'Iste Gilbertus erat filius domini de Duffus' - remards that if the anonymous annotator be correct, Gilbert, along with John and Richard his brothers, must all apparently have been sons of William, son of Freskin, Lord of Duffus, and nephews of Hugh Freskin. But if Richard, brother of Gilbert, be identical with the Richard de Moravia to whom the Abbot of Dunfermline, about 1240, gives and confirms all his lands of Kildun, near Dingwall, in Ross, then the annotator must be wrong, because this Richard is distinctly called 'filius Murdaci filii Alexandri de Moravia.' [The Scots Peerage II:121-122]
William, son of Freskin, who under that designation appears on record first as a witness to a charter granted at Perth by King Malcolm IV in 1160 to Berowald the Fleming of the lands of Innes, in Morayshirer. Between 1166 and 1171 he had the grant, already cited, of his father's lands of Duffus, etc. He witnessed a number of royal charters, chiefly those granted at Elgin or elsewhere in his own neighbourhood, though he is also found further afield. He seems to have survived the year 1204, if he were the William Fresekyn who was Sheriff of Invernaryn in that year. [The Scots Peerage VIII:320] | SUTHERLAND, Sir William (I44095)
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Prince William Smith was born August 2, 1859 at Provo, Utah County, Utah. His parents were Silas Smith and Sarah Orton. He was born into a polygamist family as his mother Sarah was Silas’s second wife. Silas’s first wife Elizabeth was a sister to Sarah. Prince William was the first child born to Sarah and Silas.
In 1860 the church made a call to settle southern Utah and the town of Deseret was founded. Silas moved Sarah and their son to Deseret about 100 miles southwest of Provo. Deseret was a rather remote area and Sarah suffered the hardships of pioneer life. The Pahvant Indians frequented the area and by their depredations made life and possession of property precarious for the early settlers. In addition the Sevier River frequently overflowed its banks washing away crops and homes. Here is where Prince William (known as William or Will) lived until he was eight years old. In the minutes of the Deseret Branch of the church for May and June 1866, it states a corral was built with donated labor and William built 12 feet and his father Silas 10.
Those living in Deseret worked hard at building a dam on the Sevier River. Time and again it would have to be repaired to keep it from washing out. Then on July 15, 1868 high water on the River washed out the north settlement and half of the dam. Deseret was deserted as quickly as the people could finish their harvesting and move. Silas moved Sarah and their two sons Prince William and Elias to Meadow about 40 miles southeast of Deseret. William lived there with his family for about four years. It was here he was baptized on September 10, 1869.
In 1872 Sarah and her family were living in Oak Creek (later called Oak City) which was located just about 20 miles east of Deseret City where Sarah and her family had lived previously.
On May 24, 1874 Sarah, Silas and their three sons, Prince William, Elias, and Alonzo, signed their names down to join the newly organized United Order in the Millard Stake, Oak Creek Ward. But the people were not yet sufficiently prepared to live under the rules of such a structure and by the spring of 1875 all of the wards in the Stake had discontinued living the United Order.
In 1880 William was living with his parents Sarah and Silas and his two brothers in Leamington, Utah, a small town just fifteen miles north of Oak Creek. In 1882 the Peter Nebel family moved to Leamington from Goshen, Utah to work on the railroad. Prince William met their daughter Mary Ann (known as Mary) and began keeping company. Soon they fell in love and began making plans to marry in the spring.
One day while Prince William was digging a well, the bucket that was used to lift the rocks and dirt to the surface dropped back hitting him on the head, cutting a large gash and injuring him quite badly. His mother was ill at the time so Mary Ann was asked to come to care for him. They decided to get married right then even though their plans had been to go to Salt Lake and go to the endowment house. Prince William’s father Silas was a Justice of the Peace so he married them on February 7, 1882 and then on September 14 of that year they went to the Endowment House in Salt Lake City and were sealed. Prince William’s mother Sarah was not happy about the marriage because Mary Ann was a cripple and she feared Mary Ann would not be the kind of helpmate that was necessary for every pioneer girl to be at that time.
Prince William took out a homestead in Leamington and they made their home there for the next six years. They lived in a one-room log house with a dirt floor about one-half mile from town. Their first child a son, William Henry was born here on September 5, 1883.
When winter came they moved into town and had a house with a board floor. Prince William was working on the railroad and they were very happy. Prince William was active in church work, serving as a Sunday School teacher and as a ward teacher all the time they lived there.
Their second child, Linna James was born in this little home March 20, 1885. He only lived eighteen months, dying September 11, 1886 of pneumonia. He was a beautiful child and his parents were heartbroken at his death..
After the death of their son Prince William and Mary Ann moved to Joseph City where her parents were living. Prince William’s mother Sarah and his brothers, Elias and Alonzo made the move with them. It was here on January 11, 1888 that their third son, Leo was born.
On May 10 1899 when Leo was one year old they all moved to Star Valley, Wyoming, Prince William, Mary Ann, sons William and Leo; William’s mother Sarah, and her sons Alonzo and Elias; and Mary Ann’s parents John and Anne Nebel and their family. There was plenty of good land to be had by the Homestead Act and some to be bought at a cheap price. There was lots of wild game to attract the daring hunter and plenty of good fishing so all in all it looked very attractive. They forgot to consider that they would face many tough winters. Nevertheless they were a hardy bunch and were not afraid to face the hardships. There were not many families living in the valley at that time. They homesteaded on Salt River west of Dry creek, building a one-room log cabin to shelter their family, which included Sarah, Alonzo and Elias.
They walked every Sunday to Fairview to the little log church house to attend their meetings. The first church meetings in Fairview were held in the log cabin of John C. Dewey who was the appointed presiding elder. Then in the summer of 1890 the settlers built a one-room log meeting house. It was 20 x 28 feet with two windows and a big double door.
The first winter in the valley was very hard for them. They had never seen much snow. Winter came early and they didn’t have sufficient food for themselves or their animals. The cow went dry and they had no milk for the children. In February they had very little flour and that was mixed half with bran. The snow was so deep and the wild deer were so poor and weak from hunger that the dog could overtake them. The family had plenty of boiled deer meat. Prince William went on snowshoes to Afton a distance of five or six miles to get flour as long as there was any there. Later Prince William and Mary Ann’s brother went on snowshoes to Montpelier, Idaho fifty miles away and carried flour back to the family on their backs.
When spring came Prince William left and went to Woolie Valley, Idaho, on the Blackfoot River, to find work and earn money to build up their home. When time came for haying Mary Ann went there also to help with the cooking for the hay men. She went over the tin cup road, west and north of the town of Freedom, Wyoming. They didn’t come back until late in the fall. When they got back they found they had left their homestead so long that their claim had been jumped by William Child. They no longer had a home.
Mary Ann’s father, John Peter Nebel, who was living in Fairview let them build a home on his property.
On September 27, 1890, they were happy with the birth of a baby daughter, Olive Ann, but saddened because she was partly blind.
They bought 40 acres of land next to Prince William’s brother Elias about one mile east of Fairview on Salt River. They also bought a lot in Fairview, it was located on Bitter Creek Road in the second block south of the town blocks (in 2004 it was owned by Hillsteads). The house was log with a dirt roof and a lean to at the back. They bought it from Mary’s father, Peter Nebel
William served many years as tithing clerk for the Fairview Ward. Butter, eggs and garden produce were turned in. Mary Ann helped to care for the food turned in. Prince William was never absent from Sacrament meetings unless he was ill. He also served as a ward teacher.
They had four more sons born in Fairview. Frank Alvero, born July 15, 1892; Joseph Lymon, born July 27, 1894; Silas Asael, born October 3, 1896 and Wesley N. born January 28, 1899.
With such a large family and no work in the valley, Mary Ann and Prince William decided to move back to Utah. So in 1899 they sold their lot to Benjamin Wilson along with the 40 acres of land and with their seven small children the family left Star Valley. Grass Valley, Utah was where they intended to move. When they left Star Valley they had two wagons with good teams of horses. They were accompanied by Mary Ann’s parents, the Peter Nebel family. They spent one winter and summer in Goshen, Utah, Joseph City, Utah and Leamington, Utah. They went to Grass Valley and were disappointed in it so they decided to return to Star Valley. They returned in 1900.
They lived about one and one-half miles up Bitter Creek on the west side of the road. Here their second daughter, Ida, was born December 8, 1891.
They seemed to be unable to get settled again and decided to go to the Big Horn area in northern Wyoming. Many people were moving there including Mary Ann’s parents, the Nebels. They went as far as Spencer, Idaho and worked all summer. Then they changed their mind and returned to Fairview. This time they bought 160 acres one mile north of Fairview and settled down to make a home for their family.
Ada May was born there on May 14, 1904. She was the 10th and last child and their only child that a doctor delivered. All of the others had been attended by Mary Ann’s mother, Anne Nebel, who was a midwife.
Prince William and Mary Ann worked hard to improve the land. They cultivated 20 acres, planting it in alfalfa. The squirrels were so thick it was hard to raise a good crop. They came right into the house and even ate patches of grain right down to the ground. Sometimes they took most of the garden. Everyone called it the squirrel bed. Prince William would go to Idaho each fall to work in the spuds or in the sugar beets, coming home with apples, spuds and flour for winter.
Prince William and Mary Ann became discouraged with the ranch because of frost and squirrels so they decided to try Idaho again. They rented their place and moved to Iona, Idaho in 1906, staying for two years. Then in 1908 they came back to Fairview to try farming again.
Prince William became ill. He suffered from Bright’s disease (a disease of the kidneys). Then he contracted pneumonia and on November 16, 1909 he died leaving Mary Ann with nine living children to care for. He was only 50 years old at the time of his death and Mary Ann just 47. Prince William was buried in the Fairview Cemetery.
Sources: History written by Mrs. Leo Smith
Oak City Records and Leamington Utah Record | SMITH, Prince William (I65323)
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The joys of my childhood, the fun that we had. Our kind and gentle Mother, and our extra special Dad.
Nine special spirits, they were blessed to have, All of them were good, how could we possibly be bad?
There were four boys and five girls, Red heads, freckled faces, and never any curls.
Seven grew to have families of their own. Two little boys were called early to go back home.
I had two big brothers, not around too much. I guess they had girl friends and dates and such.
My older sisters, they always worked hard, They worked in the fields, and even learned to render lard.
We two at the last, we always had fun, With games that we played like Run Sheepie, Run.
There was Kick the Can, Pomp Pomp Pull Away, and many more games, That was played at our big house and barn up the lane.
The party's we had, the corn that we popped, The ice cream we froze, the fun never stopped,
The girl friends, the boy friends, as older we grew, Then all of us married, and families we had too....
Jonathan David Wood, Jr.
Jonathan David Wood, Jr. was born at Farmington, Utah, on June 20, 1875, son of Jonathan David Wood, Sr. and Cathleen Blanche Bird Wood. He was the second child in a family of twelve. Eight boys and four girls.
In 1881, when six years old, he came to Fielding, Utah, then known as Poverty Flats. Poverty Flats included all of Bear River Valley. He and his father came with team and wagon to thresh the first crop of wheat that was on his father's ground.
He had very little schooling, about two years in all, and that was at Farmington, Utah. When eleven, he batched alone on the farm, and every summer after that until he was 24 years old.
He served as President of the Deacons Quorum for four years, and President of the Priest Quorum for six years. When 24 years old, in 1899, he was ordained a Seventy and was called on an L. D. S. Mission to the Southern States. He served for 26 months traveling all that time without purse or script. People there were bitter against the Saints, and at one time he was shot with a shotgun. He returned in 1901, and moved to Bear River Valley. Here he met Phebe Gleason and on September 9, 1903, at the age of 28 he married her in the Salt Lake Temple. They moved to Poverty Flats, and settled in the little town of Fielding. Their first home was a log house with a dirt floor. Here they had their first child, a boy named David G. Then they built a two-room frame house and their children Ross, Earn, Roxie, and Adeena were born there. In 1914 they built a big home with 3 bedrooms upstairs, and here Viola, Chester, Letha and Phebe were born.
Father served in the Presidency of the first genealogy organization in the Fielding Ward. He was a Ward Teacher for 33 years. When the 187 Quorum of Seventy's was organized he was made the Senior President. He was the Second Counselor of the Bishopric for two years, with H. L. Richards as Bishop and George Coombs as First Counselor.
In 1935 they went along with Frank Wood and his wife on a trip through the Northwest to Seattle, Washington, and down the coast to Oregon, California and home.
In 1936 they went with H. L. Richards and wife back east to New York, and down the coast to Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Old Mexico, California and home. They spent a lot of their winters in California, as some of their children made their homes there.
For 34 years they lived in the big house in Fielding, and in 1949, they bought a home in Garland, Utah. They farmed all their lives, having about 25 acres of irrigated, and about 160 acres of dry land.
They are the parents of nine children, four boys and five girls. They lost two of the boys, Earn and Chester, while they were babies.
In November 1952, Dad took real sick. The doctor said he could not live. All the family was together by his bedside for 3 days while he was in a coma. He got better, but was down again in 6 months. This time he was taken to the L. D. S. Hospital in Logan, Utah, X-rayed good, but the doctor still could not say what the trouble was. He was in the hospital for a week and then went home, but returned to the hospital again in 2 months. This time they decided it was ulcers and put him on a strict diet and he did improve.
On September 6, 1953, Mother and Dad held their Golden Wedding Anniversary at the old home in Fielding. All of the family was there, and a lot of pictures were taken. On this day their son David and his wife, Ross and his wife, and Roxie and her husband celebrated their 25th anniversary. It was a wonderful day.
Father died February 16, 1957, at his home in Garland. He was buried in Fielding. After Father died, Mother spent most of her winters in California and her summers in Utah. In 1958 Mother broke her hip, had to have surgery and put in a pin. She responded very well and was able to walk without a cane in a short time. She died May 17, 1960 in San Fernando, California. She was shipped to Fielding for burial.
As of March 1968 they had 29 grandchildren and 63 great grandchildren. | WOOD, David G. (I5770)
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Hugh WAKE was born 1210 in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England. He died Dec 1241 in , , Palestine. Hugh married Joan de STUTEVILLE on Mar 1229 in Cottingham, East Riding, Yorkshire, England.
Joan de STUTEVILLE was born 1216 in Liddell, Cumberland, England. She died Apr 1276 in Cottingham, East Riding, Yorkshire, England. Joan married Hugh WAKE on Mar 1229 in Cottingham, East Riding, Yorkshire, England.Other marriages: BIGOD, Hugh III le Chief Justice of England
They had the following children:
i Sir Baldwin WAKE Knight was born 1236 and died Feb 1282.
ii Nicholas WAKE 1 was born 1238 in Bourne, Lincolnshire, England.
iiiSir Hugh WAKE Knight was born 1240 and died 31 May 1315 | WAKE, Lord Hugh II (I45547)
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Nine Grandsons and ten granddaughters. What a wonderful blessing . Nineteen personalities, each very different from the other. But each one is blessed with parents who would do everything in their power to help their children develop into wonderful men and women who want to contribute something good to the world and their fellowmen.
Each one of you have been born with a wonderful body, to be kept clean from the temptations of the world. We do not have the right to defile these bodies which the Lord has blessed us with. Who would want to “embalm their body with alcohol, or be petrified with nicotine’?
In addition to keeping our bodies clean, we need to keep our minds and spirits clean as well. One way to do this is to always be able to pray to our Heavenly Father, so he can inspire us with wisdom when we need to make choices. We are really making our own record from day to day. Are we unselfish, are we obedient to our parents and our Heavenly Father? Do we try to understand one another? Do we keep busy doing something useful? Are we patient? Do we really love one another?
As my grandsons reach the age to hold the Priesthood, always remember what a wonderful privilege you have to be the Lord’s helper here on earth. If you honor the Priesthood, it will help you to live clean lives; give you the strength to say “no” to temptation. It can give you a dignity and pride in what you believe. You can be more tolerant of other’s mistakes. It will help to give you courage to bear your testimonies; to be honest with yourself; to go with the right crowd. As a worthy Priesthood holder, you have something of greater value than does the President of the United States, or any king.
As my grand-daughters reach this same age they will be soon budding into womanhood. Let each of you always remember your own mothers and try to be as sweet and clean as they are, so that when you have your own children, they can always be proud of you. Do not let fashions and fads turn your hearts from uplifting ideals. Choose good companions with high ideals. Be helpful and not selfish. Learn to appreciate each other’s values. Be a sweet, clean L.D.S. girl with high standards. Wear a smile. One can tell and ideal girl by the way she treats her parents and brothers and sisters.
Let me say to each of you, whether grandson or grand daughter, that you are a child of God. You have a divine spirit within you. Each of you has made an agreement with the Lord that you will represent him while here on earth. If we are closer to our Heavenly Father today than yesterday, it is because we have put forth sincere effort.
My earnest blessing and desire for each of you is that when you come before our Heavenly Father, is that you can say “I have builded, did not tear down; I lifted, I did not tear down; I grew, I did not shrink. I helped others grow.”
With much love to each of you,
Your Grandfather, LeRoy T. Ostler
After dressing three little girls, Bessie, Frances and Gwendolyn Ostler in their pretty Fourth of July dresses and letting them attend the big Fourth of July celebration in 1901, Elizabeth Taylor Ostler gave birth to her first son. His father, George Oliver Ostler, was born the 21st of May, 1872 at Nephi, Utah to John Ostler and Mary Ann Prince. Elisabeth Taylor Ostler was born the 14 day of July, 1874 in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was the daughter of Emma Harris Taylor and Thomas Edward Taylor son of John Taylor, the third president of the LDS Church.
Needless to say, the parents of this baby boy were very happy to have a son. Lizzie T. Ostler, as she was known by most of her friends, had been raised in the city. She had dreamed of her first son as being a replica of Little Lord Fauntleroy. George Ostler had other ideas, that his son was to be his namesake. So a compromise was made and this one was named LeRoy.
In recollecting his childhood, LeRoy well remembers some of the little suits he wore as he grew beyond babyhood. Little starched white blouses had embroidered collars, and the rest of the suits were in the same category. Many are the times when “Little Lord Fauntleroy” had to change his companions ideas of whether he was a sissy or not, even if he did wear that kind of clothes.
Father George was just as determined that his boy was not to be brought up as a sissy. Probably this determination was the reason for LeRoy having to take a grown-boy’s share of responsibility at a very early age.
Very early in life LeRoy was interested in caring for animals, even doctoring them when necessary. This trait has carried through his life. He seems to have a natural knowledge of what is necessary to bring animals back to health; and is called on very often to do just that. When not even six years of age LeRoy found a sheep with a broken leg. He applied splints to it, but it didn’t heal, so he amputated the leg. The sheep recovered, but did limp, but lived for several years longer.
At about eight years of age LeRoy had to spend considerable time out with the cattle on the range. Rob Chappel was working for the Ostlers at the time. A bunch of wild horses had come near their camping spot out in Sage Valley. Mr. Chappel caught a two year old colt which was running with these wild horses, and gave it to LeRoy. This colt was LeRoy’s pride and joy. But he had some narrow escapes from death while he had it. At one time (he was too small to reach to put his foot in the stirrup, but had to hoist himself up by the front leg of the horse, then try to get his feet in the stirrup) his foot slipped through the stirrup, the horse started to run and drag him for quite a distance. He hit his head on a post while being drug, and was unconscious when found.
Another experience in which he nearly lost his life was when he was sent over to Goshan at a very early age to bring in some cattle. A heavy run off of water had dumped a lot of water into the Mona Reservoir, covering bridge and many other landmarks. The horse missed the bridge. The horse couldn’t swim, neither could LeRoy. If it hadn’t been for Gus Keate of Mona, the father of Verlael Keate, a lot of the following facts could not have been told about the life of LeRoy Taylor Ostler.
When about twelve years of age LeRoy took about a hundred head of sheep, ewes and lambs(those who couldn’t go with the main herd), with only his coat and a few dollars in his pocket, to upper Diamond Fork Canyon, some seventy miles away. He had to trust to luck to find a place to stay each night, then buy something to eat on the way. This trip took about a week. Then a few days later he would return and trail the horses, colts, etc up to Diamond Fork. Sometimes this trip could be made
One or two days. This was an annual affair for at least six years. Also during his teen years it was an annual affair to drive a team of horses with the camp wagon and trail equipment from Soldiers Summit to Nephi; then in the fall to take it back to Soldiers Summit.
Much of LeRoy’s schooling was broken into because of the sheep and cattle business, until he had quite a time trying to keep up from year to year. Never the less, he was chosen as president of his Freshman class in high School. He wasn’t very tall but what he lacked in height he made up in strength. He was somewhat older than some of his classmates because he had to miss so much school. His happy school memories, as far as class work was concerned, were connected with his shop classes under Mr. James Spendlove. In his sophomore year he was chosen to attend and extension school of two weeks at Logan, for his agriculture class. He finished high school in three years.
Now, as to his church membership and activities:
Baptized by Erin D. Bigler, July 4,1909
Confirmed by William H. Pettigrew, July 4,1909
Ordained a Deacon by A.H. Belliston, 8 Feb.1915
Ordained a Teacher by Joseph M.Christensen, 14th Jan.1918
Ordained a Priest “ “ “ 29th Nov. 1920
Ordained a Elder by Robert Lomax 14 June 1922
Set apart for his mission July 11, 1922 by James E. Talmage
Left for mission to Holland on 12th July 1922
Returned from Holland 1st Dec. 1924
Stake Missionary in 1953-54
President of the Elders Quorum in the 1930’s
Member of Genealogical committee of Stake 20 the Dec.1953-1955
Taught several different Sunday School Classes continuously for at least ten years.
LeRoy’s missionary experience was entirely different from his early life. He had worked mostly in the great outdoors in the wide open spaces. But most of the places in Holland where he labored were large cities with millions of people. Little did these people know about the freedom which we enjoy. Although Holland was a neutral country it was in constant fear of being dominated by some of the stronger countries surrounding it.
This experience strengthened his testimony of the gospel. He realized what a great blessing was given to him because of his Great Grandfather, President John Taylor, giving up everything to join the church. Even though he may not have gained a lot of material wealth in his life, yet the blessings of this testimony influenced his life for good, and that of his posterity.
While on his mission he did have to be operated upon for a goiter. This was a very serious operation in that day; and his life could easily have been taken. But the Lord had further work for him to do and blessed him to recover and perform the same. His sincerity as a missionary won the admiration and love of one of the Lord’s choice souls in Holland, Louise Roth. Louise had a chance to come to America with the family of Van Gervon several months before LeRoy was released from his mission. He returned home in December of 1924. In February, 1925, LeRoy and Louise were married in the Salt Lake Temple.
They lived for about two years at a ranch southeast of Elberta. The first winter was very hard. Snow was about ten feet deep. Hundreds of cattle and sheep out on the range died because of lack of food and little or no feed could be taken to them. Very little communication could be had between Nephi and the ranch. Very few trips to close-by Elberta could be made for supplies. On December 23,1925 during this hard cold winter, a baby boy was born to LeRoy and Louise. Hoever, Louise and the baby stayed at the Ostler home in Nephi until March.
The trip back to the ranch was a never-to-be-forgotten one. Little or no trail had been broken for the little open car to reach the ranch. About three miles from the ranch the car stalled and could not be started again. LeRoy carried the baby wrapped in blankets, and Louise was about frozen by the time the ranch house was reached. Wood was their only fuel, which had to be chopped before a fire could be made to warm up the house. This was a cold homecoming for the new mother and child, but it was HOME. Much happiness was known in that small humble home away from the hustle and bustle of community life.
On the 13th of November, 1927, they were blessed with a baby girl. She was named Elizabeth Louise, and called Betty Lou. Louise only lived two months after this baby was born. She died on the 11th of January. Little Betty Lou was cared for by her Grandmother Ostler. She was a beautiful child, well formed physically and loved by all because she had such a sweet disposition. By the time she was sixteen months old she had lived the span of life allotted to her. She was seized with several convulsions one after another, when she seemed in the pink of health just minutes before. As a result of pneumonia she died on March 10,1929.
By now LeRoy’s life was very empty. Had it not been for the care and responsibility of a little boy, LeRoy, Jr. he would have given up many times, but he did his best to rear his little son, and be both mother and father too him.
After the funeral for Louise, our Stake Patriarch, James W. Paxman came down to the Ostler home and gave LeRoy a lovely patriarchal blessing. Among other things he told “That the Lord, according to they prayers, would provide for thee every essential thing for thy development, peace and comfort. He will raise up unto thee in His own due time, another companion in life who shall be virtuous and true and whose spirit shall be congenial, and who shall be a true mother to they children and guard and protect them and bring them up in the nurture of the Lord, to the comfort and blessing of they soul and to the satisfaction of their dear mother.”
Whether this blessing is to be fully realized is yet to be seen. But LeRoy Ostler and Anna Grace were married in the Salt Lake Temple on August 11,1930.
LeRoy had continued to work for his father and with his brothers in the farm and cattle business. When the opportunity arose he would find additional employment to help meet family expenses. In 1927 he worked for the Utah Idaho Sugar company, weighting and receiving bids for the company. During the early 30’s he organized a crew of men and together they constructed a dozen or more reservoirs. It was cold and disagreeable work, and not much money, but it was a job and an income.
By 1937 four new children had come to bless our home, as well as LeRoy Jr. who was nnow twelve years of age. Financial reverses and marital troubles in his father’s family meant that little remuneration could be had from this source, even though LeRoy had given many years of his life and vitality in working for its success. With his father’s promise of years ago “that if he had money for a mission he could expect little from the company as his share” he started out on his own with nothing but a cancelled insurance policy to make a down payment on a farm.
This farm had belonged to David Casier, but was very run down. No machinery was available so we had to start from scratch to develop a big farm into a productive farm, and obtain machinery little by little to run it. LeRoy worked early and late helping others in order to get an income so machinery could be purchased to run our own farm with. We bought a grain drill and did a lot of drilling for other farmers, to get money to pay for our own seed and necessary equipment.
The next year he drilled peas for the Hunt Canning Co. He later leased a plot of ground to the company for the construction of a pea vinery, where he became foreman. Our young boys, as they grew, worked many hours also, at the pea vinery. During the year the pea vinery was located on the farm, LeRoy went into the dairy business. He would gather milk from the different farmers and deliver it to the Arden Dairy in Salt Lake.
Just as a sideline, will say, that one of our dairy cows was called ”La Paloma”. The reason being, that one of the Mexicans who had been hired by the pea viner company took a special liking to one of our cows. He would always sing while milking this particular cow, and his song was “La Paloma”.
LeRoy needed a silo, so he took an agency with a steel company that built silos and granaries, then sold and constructed silos and granaries within a radius of fifty miles from here.
LeRoy was appointed brand inspector and was a state employee in this capacity for at least ten years. He became interested in the Farm Bureau. He sold memberships as well as automobile life and fire insurance, also was their representative and claim adjuster. While working with the Utah Farm Bureau, he went on a tour into Montana with a group from the eleven western states, to sell Farm Bureau memberships. Later that year he went with a group to Milford and Beaver to sell Farm Bureau memberships.
As farming operations became more extensive we needed a truck. Through Pearson and Croft at Marysvale we bought an International pick-up truck and became an agent to sell their farm machinery in this locality. LeRoy and David accompanied LeRoy to Marysvale to obtain the new truck. They were very happy little boys to realize we had some transportation faster than the team and wagon.
In about 1959 or 1960 LeRoy took out a dealership with Century Water Softner company. He sold and installed water softeners in the vicinity of Brigham City for nearly for nearly a year. He met with an accident that almost cost his life.
About 1952 or 1953 he became the Justice of the Peace. This gave him many new experiences and knowledge in many facets of life which he comes in contact with.
After leasing the farm in 1962 he became interested in carpentering work and cement finishing, and in 1963 went into the cement contracting work, putting in curb and gutters, sidewalks and runways, even carports. This together with veterinary work keeps him very busy.
He has led a very busy life, always looking for how he can earn to pay for the rising expenses of a growing family. No task has ever been to menial for him to give it the best he could, if he thought its performance woulBrief History of Katherin Sorensen Grace as written by Anna G. Ostler (Daughter) July 4, 1964d bring out a better living for his family. He has lived by the policy of not investing in what you do but have ready cash to buy with. He has never believed in installment buying.
He is the father of ten children, as follows:
LeRoy Jr. (Roth) born Dec. 25, 1925—Betty Lou, Born Nov. 13, 1927
David Sorensen, born June 17, 1931
Grace Taylor Ostler, born Dec. 15, 1932
John Taylor Ostler born Oct. 24, 1935
Thomas Morris Ostler, born July 4, 1937
Karen Ostler, born May 9, 1941
Paul Harrison Ostler born May 7,1943
Steven Mark Ostler born Dec.29, 1944
Kathryn Ostler, born March 19,1948
All six of his sons have performed honorable missions. Both girls who are married at this time, have been married in the temple to fine, honorable men. As of the summer of 1964, fourteen grandchildren are numbered in his posterity. May each of these children and grandchildren so live that their father and grandfather will have the satisfaction that his valiant efforts and life has not been in vain.
LeRoy died of cancer 1967
The Fourth of July, 1901 is the day I began to make history. George Oliver Ostler and Elizabeth Taylor Ostler (better known as Lizzie) had previously been blessed with three daughters, so they were more than anxious for a boy. Consequently I was a little extra special to start out with. During the late summer our family, together with some of our friends, spent a week in Bradley’s Canyon. Dad would ride back and forth on the saddle horse to work. One morning Mother and I were missing, but her tracks were headed west so Dad rode fast. He found Mother and I home safely in bed, Mother having walked the six miles in her sleep.
Being the first boy, my father was quite set on having me named George; but my mother, having read the story of “Little Lord Fontleroy”, was equally set on having me named LeRoy Taylor Ostler. They compromised by naming me Leroy Taylor Ostler. This was the beginning of a never-ending contention. Because my Mother dressed me appropriately to my name, such as hair in ringlets, shirts of fine linen trimmed with lace and embroidered, knee trousers of velvet with silver buckles on the knees, stockings were white and securely fastened to a panty waist, the same as my sisters; and my slippers were black with silver buckles on them, I became a thorn in my father’s side. This type of clothes prevailed until I entered school. I had to fight every boy because I was a sissy. Being out-numbered by such great odds, as well as size, I began to tear off the lace and pick out the embroidery work and lose my silver buckles.
My father, being equally determined to make a boy out of me, took advantage of every opportunity to have me learn to do things the hard way. He delighted in taking me with him on horseback; and at an extremely early age, started sitting me on the saddle horse, as well as the workhorses, without any security. Our corral was about one-half a block from the creek where the animals had to go to drink. Father would take off the saddle, or the harnesses, and sit me on one of the horses while they went to drink. This went well as long as he led the animal, even though I fell off several times. One evening he put me on Buck, the saddle horse, to go alone.
I held tightly to his mane and stayed on until he stepped down into the water and lowered his head to drink. I went over his ears into the water and went downstream. When the horse returned without me, Dad was excited and rushed to the stream. By the time he found me I had gone downstream the length of a city block and was nearly drowned. Pneumonia developed, which left me with weak lungs that have caused me much trouble the rest of my life.
When I was five, Dad decided to build a new home of red sandstone. The quarry where he got the stone was about six miles west of Nephi, in Dog Valley. Dad was very industrious. Besides being a harness maker, a farmer, a cattle and sheep man (with his brothers), he found time to get enough stone quarried for the house. He used to take me with him, together with a Jim Reddin. We took two wagons each trip, but the process was so slow that whenever Dad could borrow an extra team and wagon he would allow me to ride the middle wagon and hold the lines of the team that was tied onto the back of the lead wagon. After several trips in this manner I drove alone, with the exception of down the steep hills, when Dad would set and release the brakes for me.
My brother, George, took delight in going out on the railroad tracks and stop the trains. He was so nearly hit so many times that we moved into a house a block north of the building in process.
During the process of building, I was the water-boy; and did other little jobs such as picking up nails and asking a million foolish questions.
In the spring of the year before I turned six, Dad took me to the shepherd with him and left me for a week. Mother was furious; but this was just the beginning of weaning me away from home. From then on I was left for longer periods of time until the summer of 1910 when I was left to help with the herding.
I was always interested in watching what was done whenever we had someone doctor the animals. One afternoon, while bringing a load of hay into the feedlot, Dad ran over the front leg of a nice ewe lamb. The leg was broken so badly that Dad ordered me to kill it, remove the pelt and throw the carcass to the pigs. The lamb was a very nice animal. In order to save its life, I smuggled the lamb up into the loft of the barn where I set the leg in splints. Bu the bone was so mangled and my knowledge was so limited that I couldn’t make the cast solid. After about two weeks Dad became suspicious that something was going on, so he followed me. When he found what I was doing, he spanked me severely and ordered the animal killed. I still felt there was hope, so by night I managed to get the lamb down into Grandmother Ostler’s potato pit. I cut the leg off just under the knee with the meat saw and pulled the skin over the end and sewed it. In spite of what I did, it healed well and lived to produce many valuable sheep.
While early in my teens I took over and did all of the veterinary work, not only for us, but for many of the townsmen. As I grew older I developed a veterinary practice that called me to towns in a radius of thirty miles.
One morning, while on the way to town from the ranch, I came upon a Model T Ford stalled in a snowdrift. A man and his wife were trying to get to a hospital for the deliverance of a baby, but being stuck and unable to get out he had gone on to secure help. When I learned of the situation I climbed into the back seat of the car, delivered the baby, made the mother and baby as comfortable as possible and went on my way.
During my interrupted years at school, I became associated with a group of boys and girls of my own age, whom I enjoyed very much. One girl in particular I became very fond of. Not only was she popular, but she came from a family of love and happiness and lived a code of morals to such an extent that I set her up as an ideal for a companion, as well as a guide post to help me over many of the pitfalls that came in my path for years to come.
I recall going down to Soldier Summit from the sheep herd for supplies at a fourth of July celebration. The town was young and booming. The group I was with decided to stay over night with some girls at the hotel, but I had a letter from my girlfriend; and I knew it was not in keeping with her standards. So with her help and my respect for her, I left the crowd and went home alone. Four days later all of the men that stayed came down with venereal disease. Today, that girl and myself are separated by hundreds of miles, have nothing particular in common, but the remembrance of a lovely wholesome past is treasured.
About 1917 the growing corn for livestock feed became popular, so we decided to build a silo for storage. The silo was made of concrete stave blocks supported by steel bands at each joint. During the construction I learned the art of building and helped on many other silos that were built later.
The building of the silo brought about the necessity of corn harvesting equipment so we purchased an ensilage cutter and I helped harvest all the corn in the valley until other farmers secured their own machines.
As the years came we enlarged our holdings in land, cattle, sheep, a garage, and a sizeable equity in a moving picture house. I wasn’t particularly interested in the garage business, but I enjoyed operating the moving picture machine every time I was afforded the opportunity.
The spring of 1915 we purchased a lambing ground just under the Strawberry Reservoir. It became my lot to trail the rams (the tail end of the herd that were left behind) up to the lambing ground. This operation took about a week. I had a few dollars in my pocket and a coat over my arm. I trailed early in the morning and as late as possible in the evening, buying a loaf of bread or whatever I had to eat along the way; and trusting I could find a barn or some place to stay at night.
As soon as this operation was over I went back home and started over again with about thirty head of colts and horses. I had to leave Nephi as soon as day began to break in order to reach the ranch by dark. Some of the time I couldn’t get through in a day and would have to lay in my saddle and blankets for the night and finish the trip the next day. The same operation in reverse was also a fall procedure.
In the spring of 1917 I took two milch cows with me onto the lambing ground, moved camp and picked up the orphan lambs. It was a never-ending job, but I saved ninety-two lambs, which gave me a good start in the business, for myself.
As soon as snow came so that the cattle could get by without water on the winter range we took most of the dry stock to Ferner Valley, Dog Valley and Sage Valley. We usually had a cattle herder. Not that I was of much value due to size and age, I was often left out with the herders over the weekends. Some of the weekends were nine or ten days long. Frequently we would run wild horses. One day Bob Chappel caught a nice two-year-old buckskin mare. She was poor and covered with wood ticks; but it meant I had a horse of my own and I was very proud of her. The next summer, with the help of David Latimer, I broke her to ride.
That fall I was helping with the branding. We had a small corral down in the lower end of the farm especially for that purpose. Father left me to put out the fire and bring the branding irons. After cooling the irons and putting out the fire I tied the irons on the saddle. Being too small to reach the horn of the saddle, I pulled myself up by holding onto the saddle strings until I could get my foot into the stirrup and reach the horn with my hand. This day my foot slipped clear through the stirrup and jabbed the mare in the ribs, which made her run. She ran the length of a five-acre field, dragging me by one foot. As she made the turn down the lane, I swung out and hit the fence. The stirrup strap broke and let me loose, but I had a fractured skull.
While still working with my father, we had ninety acres of irrigated alfalfa. It seemed like we were always putting up hay. We started to cut hay before anyone else. We usually used two mowers and continued to cut until it was all down, in the pile, and ready to haul. We had two good hay wagons and plenty of horse and other equipment. I started riding the derrick horse when about five years old; and was graduated to handling the Jackson Fork much too soon because it was much too heavy for me, especially with my younger brothers riding the derrick horse. Dad did the stacking. He worked much too hard because of our inexperience and ability to drop the hay where he wanted it. Even so he was an exceptionally good stacker, building long, wide and tall stacks. Our hay, for the most part, was much too dry and exceptionally hard to handle, but having so much of it we had to keep at it. As soon as we finished the first crop of hay on the irrigated farm, we went to the Tolley ranch and put up sixty-five acres of dry land alfalfa. By the time we finished there we had the mowers cutting on our two hundred acres of meadow hay. When the meadow hay was done we were starting on the second crop; and thus it went until grain harvest and corn cutting time.
During the summer of 1917 I had the misfortune of dropping a heavy harrow on my foot, which put me on crutches for two months. To keep me out of mischief Dad sent me up to the herd to take the place of one of the men who could help on the farm. He figured that I could ride a horse and could get along somehow.
Each fall we shipped our lambs to Kansas City for sale. We all liked to go on this trip, even though it was very inconvenient to ride freight trains. Because it afforded a lot of practical education these trips were very helpful to a young boy. By carefully planning, I saw much of the United States that would otherwise be unknown to me.
In the fall of 1919 I felt the urge to go back to school. I had quite an argument with the principal and the superintendent about starting in high school, inasmuch as I had only finished the sixth grade before quitting. They proffered to let me in for a trial and I could only stay as long as I maintained a class average. It was a challenge and I had to study more than I had planned on, but I was elected President of the Freshman Class, as well as president of the Ag Club. My Father was unhappy about me going back to school, so I was without money.
My shop teacher, Jim Spendlove, took an interest in me and I worked with him after school, Saturdays and some class periods finishing homes, etc. During slack periods I made double trees and neck yokes for farmers. When the need for double trees and neck yokes slowed down I turned to making folding ironing boards and rolling pins. In the spring of 1920 we started to put in cement floors, walks and etc. This gave me a good supply of cash and a field of knowledge that has helped me to this day.
My mother was anxious for me to fill a mission; but my father opposed it so I had to figure some means of support.
During my second year of high school I became interested in one of my high school teachers. I was a year younger than she, but she was a graduate of the Chicago University. She encouraged me to take extra classes and helped me to plan my classes so I could graduate in three years. Having a girl friend required more money than before so I became affiliated with the Murray Meat Company and worked out a plan where I could buy cattle, sheep and hogs for them and sell them on a dressed basis.
I had a good pony and I bought a number of notebooks. Each morning at the crack of day I would go from corral to corral and list every animal into several categories; then place a valuation on each one so that I could afford to buy it and sell with a good profit. After school I would go back and bargain with the owner and for the most part I made a deal. By the end of the school year I had $1,200. (I’m grateful we didn’t have to file an income tax in those days.) With this income, together with the value of the livestock that I had accumulated and turned over to my Dad, I was able to pretty well finance myself on a mission.
I was called to the Netherlands Mission, so I ordered a passport. Inasmuch as I was not twenty-one and my Father wouldn’t sign for it, I had to wait until July 4, for a visa. On July 9, I was set apart and on my way.
Before leaving I helped trail the herd to Soldier summit. Having encountered many difficulties that we were not expecting, it took two days longer than we had anticipated. To top it all, when we arrived there, I had to drive the team and camp outfit back to Nephi. It was already late in the afternoon and I was dog-tired, but I started for home, traveling all night, and arrived home just before noon of the day I was to be set apart and go. The Lord was with me and I got there just in time.
There was a group of six in our party, four to Holland and two to Germany. I slept all night and awoke just as we came into Cheyenne, Wyoming. I had traveled over most of the country before, but at a different time of the year, so it was still interesting to me. We stopped at Chicago, transferred and were soon on our way to Quebec. As we left the Hudson Bay we stayed within land sight of the coast until we reached sight of Iceland, then we turned east, sailing on the “Empress of Britain”. During the night it became quite cold and we were awakened by a continuous blast from what we learned was a foghorn. When we went on deck the next morning it was terribly foggy. We were anchored, waiting for the fog to lift because we were in an iceberg zone. It seemed like we had sailed for a month. Then one morning, just as the sun was coming up out of the ocean, the green hills of Scotland came into sight. It was a glorious view. We landed at Harwich, England, and left by train for London. Here we were met by one of the representatives of the steamship company, who prevailed upon us to cross the English Channel a day sooner than we had planned. We were badly misled, because we got onto a freighter without supper and had no sleeping accommodations. The channel was terribly rough and I became so sick I thought I was going to die, then I was afraid that I couldn’t die. I lay down on the floor and locked my arms around a table leg. I stayed there until they carried me off and set me down on a bench just outside of the Customs Office. The sidewalk still kept trying to come up to meet me; but I was too sick to do anything more than close my eyes and open my mouth.
Inasmuch as we were a day earlier than schedule, no one was there to meet us. We had to catch a train from the Hook of Holland to Rotterdam, and then find someone with transportation to get us from the station to Crooswijkschesingle 16 B, the address of the Church Headquarters. We hired an old man who had a two-wheeled cart to carry our trunks and baggage, which he pushed by hand. We six forlorn wanderers followed him up the cobblestone road to our destination. We slept all day. That evening we went to meeting in Rotterdam. There was a big crowd and nearly every one talked to me but I couldn’t understand a word of it.
This night I met Sister Louise Roth. It seemed as though I had known her all my life. She impressed me very much, not only looks but in sincerity and character that constitute a true L.D.S. girl. Her home was in Rotterdam, but she was working for a family of newly baptized saints living at Schedam.
The next day I was assigned to work at Schedam with Brother Hyrum Dalingha, man in his late fifties, a native of Holland who had emigrated to Ogden. He had no idea of how to help me with the language or anything else, inasmuch as he would run off and leave me alone for as long as a week at a time.
The Vangervens, where Louise was working, were wealthy and very kind. We ate dinner at their place twice a week. They also had an automobile (the only family of saints in Holland with an automobile). They took us to church twice a week to Rotterdam in the car. I taught an English class once a week and we had choir practice once a week, so I was in the company of Sister Roth nearly every day of the week. This went on from mid July until late November, when I was transferred to Delft, to work with Ruloff Steemblick, an Elder of Dutch descent. He had been in the mission field about a year. He helped me a great deal with the language and the Gospel. We worked long, hard hours tracting. Brother Steemblick came from a large family. They wrote to him often, but packages were few and far between. My mother kept me well supplied with candy, cookies, etc. which I had out for both of us to use at will. When our Christmas boxes came from home, Brother Steemblick put his goodies in his trunk with no offer to share, which hurt me just a little, even though I kept it to myself.
I had an idea that Brother Steemblick was getting into my trunk and reading my mail, so I placement of certain articles, which seemed to be placed in the same position that I left them. One evening I went to bed extra early. After being gone for about an hour I returned very quietly and found Brother Steemblick at my trunk reading my letters. This hurt me very badly. I broke down and cried to think that I had trusted him so implicitly and then to have him treat me in such a sneaky manner.
He asked forgiveness and we kneeled down and prayed for the Lord to forgive both of us that we might forgive one another and enjoy our work together; that we might enjoy the spirit of our calling and have success.
About a month later I received a letter from Sister Louise Roth telling me that the Van Gerven family was immigrating to America and that she was going with them. I didn’t tell Brother Steemblick about the letter, but the next day Brother Steemblick had an excuse to go to Rotterdam. He had gotten into my trunk and made a copy of the letter and took it to President Hyde. President Hyde didn’t come out to see me for about a week. In the meantime I had written to President Hyde, asking permission to go to the boat and see the saints off for America. I was delighted with Brother Hyde’s visit; but not until then did I know that Brother Steemblick had been reading my mail again. In the presence of Brother Steemblick I related everything that had happened between he and myself and my acquaintance with Sister Roth. President Hyde was very kind and asked if I cared to continue working with Brother Steemblick. I told him that I was forgiving and willing to try once more, but I would leave it up to him and the Lord to decide.
The Volendam, the boat on which Louise was to sail, was to leave at 9 p.m. I went to Rotterdam where they had a farewell meeting for about twenty saints who were leaving that night. We left the church and walked down to the boat in a group, about 125 of us all together. I had purchased a nice handbag as a remembrance for Louise. As the whistle blew in readiness for us to leave, in the presence of Louise’s mother, Brother Hyde, and the missionaries and saints, I put my arm around Louise and kissed her goodbye. Brother Hyde and his wife turned and looked at each other but said nothing. About a month later I was transferred to Amsterdam to work with Brother Francis De Bry until the arrival of some new missionaries.
About three weeks later I was on my way home to Marnixstraat when I saw two Americans. They were badly confused with the directions a policeman was giving them. So I proceeded to help them by telling them that I would take them there and wouldn’t charge them very much. I didn’t tell them that the address they were inquiring about was my address. They tried to brush me off a dozen or more times and get rid of me, but I kept on just as persistent and lead them right to the door, took out the key, opened the door and said, “Welcome home, Brothers, I am Elder Ostler.” We went upstairs and had a hilarious good time. Brother Lyon and Brother Perkins were the new Elders and Brother Lyon was assigned to me.
We loved each other, worked hard and made a multitude of friends. Brother Lyon learned the language fast and in two months was sent to Amersfort to become senior elder.
I then took Brother Perkins for a companion. He was still studying hard trying to learn the language, when I was transferred to Den Helder, with Brother Fisser, an 85-year-old Dutchman from America, as my companion. He was a good man but only wanted to visit with the saints and talk about going home.
I had a goiter that was bothering me, so President Hyde gave me the choice of going home for an operation, or undergo the operation in Rotterdam. I chose to have it done in Rotterdam so I could complete my mission. I did well and returned to Crooswijkschesingle 16 B on Thanksgiving Day. After a week I was transferred to Amersfort to work with Brother Billings, who had just been operated upon for appendicitis. He was a good boy but terribly in love and homesick. This was a rough winter. Coal was rationed to seven pounds per week. I was terribly weak and had lost weight until I weighed less than one hundred pounds. Thousands of Belgian children, refugees of the war, were scattered through the city and it was very common to see them lying dead in the streets and hauled off to the garbage dumps.
I was transferred to Appledorn to work with Brother Crockett, and later was given Brother Carstensen as a partner. We became very intimate with a policeman and his family, but because of family pressure they didn’t join the church.
Brother Hyde planned on letting me be home for Christmas, so he sent me down to Leige, Belgium for a conference speaker. From there I toured Belgium, France and Germany, on a bicycle. I sailed from Cherborge, France for home on the “Majestic”, the largest boat sailing on the sea at that time. While still in Paris I made connections with a French army officer and toured the battlefields of World War I, from start to finish.
We had a lovely voyage; but what a glorious sight to see the Goddess of Liberty welcoming us back home. The Elders in New York put themselves out to show me as much of the city as possible in twenty-four hours. I spent a few hours in Birmingham, New York to see Lazell Chase and Lillian Weight, girls from Nephi who were on a mission.
I stopped in Chicago overnight, with my Mother’s brother, John who was the Mission President there. I had planned on surprising the folks at home by walking in on them, but Uncle John phoned and they were in Salt Lake with Louise Roth to meet me. Because of heavy snow the train was two days late getting to Salt Lake. That night two more feet of snow fell, which made it nearly impossible to get to the railroad station enroute to Nephi. I arrived home, Louise with me, December 23, 1924.
The snow continued to pour down. The day after Christmas Louise left to go back to Salt lake and I left with a load of feed for Ferner Valley where the herd of sheep was snowed in. The snow was as much as twelve feet deep on some places. I had a terrible time getting to camp and found the herd to be in a terrible condition.
After spending a week with the sheep Dad asked me to try and get through and go down to the Hancock Ranch (a large cattle and horse ranch about thirty miles away, where my sisters, Bessie, Fanny and Gwen and their husbands were living and supposedly taking care of the animals). The snow was back deep to my horse, so we took turns breaking trail. After seventeen hours of fighting snow, I stumbled into the ranch, wet, cold and exhausted. On the way I saw many dead cattle, as well as a hundred or more that were snowed in and starving. The next day we spent building a snow sled to get feed to the snowbound cattle. We also started to haul and trail some of them into the ranch. This procedure went on for a week and things looked worse each day. My brothers-in-law were not used to that kind of work and didn’t know what had to be done. After two weeks of night and day work. I took three horses to change off with, and made my way back to Nephi.
After reporting the situation to my Father, he gave me $100.00 to buy furniture, clothes and supplies to get married, move out onto the ranch and take over. Louise Herberdina Roth, daughter of Larence Roth and Johanna DeRoon, and I were married February 19, 1925 in the Salt Lake Temple
Two of my brothers-in-law were badly discouraged and left. The other one, Frank Higginson, was sick with miners’ consumption, but he was willing to do his best and was a great help for the next fifteen months.
Besides the cattle and horses, we had a hundred or more starving red pigs that we fed the dead cattle to. The winter was long and hard. Our food supply was short. Before spring broke we had lost at least 150 head of cattle and were pretty badly discouraged, but we had to go on.
My wife was not used to frontier living and became terribly homesick. We all lived together in a little three-room house. In my spare time I dismantled part of the barn and built a two-room cottage, with a storage cellar underneath. This was home sweet home to us. We eventually had running hot and cold water. We had no means of transportation other than a wagon, or horseback, unless we invited ourselves to go with the Higginsons and their four small children in their small car. We did this quite often.
However I took advantage of the trips to town with the wagon, by driving a bronco horse with an old standy. We usually lead another bronco behind and drove it back to the ranch, enabling me to break two horses as well as go to Church and do our shopping. One time we decided to ride horses, but the one Louise was riding bucked and threw her off and she wouldn’t try any more.
On the ranch we had an eight-acre variety orchard, as well as three acres of concord grapes and a patch of strawberries. We had a small garden and about eighty acres of alfalfa. The ditches from the mountains to the ranch were in poor condition and needed constant care. To help out Dad hired an old man to do most of the watering. He was a very independent old fellow. He had to have his meals fixed just so and at the right time. This posed quite a problem and it became easier to do the work myself than it was to wait on him.
By the end of the summer I began to make preparations in case of an emergency because were expecting a baby. Father promised to send someone to relieve me, but no one came. Winter set in early. I had the cattle scattered through the hills and they had to be moved every few days. Sensing the seriousness of keeping Louise out there so far away from help, I decided that I had better get her to town. On the morning of December 21, we left the ranch in an old Model “A” Ford, and arrived in Nephi late that afternoon. Louise was sick so we went to my mother’s, where she went to bed. My sister, Bessie, and her family were living there too, for which we were very grateful because she was very kind to Louise. The next day we checked on the nurse and doctor, to have things as nearly ready as possible when the time came.
The next morning, December 23, before daylight, Louise started in labor, so I called the doctor. He was dead drunk. I called the nurse and he had gone onto another case. My Mother was in Salt Lake. So my sister, Bessie and I stood by awaiting Nature’s developments. Just before noon the doctor walked in, just in time to tie the naval cord of my first little boy. The Lord blessed us because Mother and baby got along well.
No one was willing to relieve me at the ranch, so a week after LeRoy was born, I took my saddle horse and went to Dog Valley and stayed at a camp we had set up there. The next day I worked with the cattle on the way to the ranch. The next two days I stayed at and around the ranch doing all I could to feed and care for the animals, then spend the next night at Dog Valley and the next night home with my wife and family. This went on until April 1, when I took Louise and Le Roy back to the ranch with me.
Later on that summer as LeRoy could waddle out to the corral, clad only in his diaper and shirt, he would wait for his Daddy to come. I held out my hands and he would grasp my forefinger of each hand, while I dipped him completely under in the cold watering trough. At first I thought this would discourage him from coming out to the corral, but he would stand and wait for me at the watering trough each morning until I dipped him under the water, then he would waddle on back to his mother in the house.
Another experience we had while at the Hancock Ranch took place at a dug dry well about thirty feet east of my cottage. It was about eighty feet deep, with little or nothing over the top of it. When I moved to the ranch there were several old bedsprings and other worthless household articles which littered the dooryard. One stormy day we gathered up the junk and dumped it down the well. One set of bedsprings lodged about thirty-five feet down. During the summer, Neddy Higginson, then about eighteen months old, was missing. As the search progressed we found him caught on the springs down the well. My lariat was not long enough to reach him, so I ran and got the trip-rope from the derrick fork, tied it to my lariat, made a loop and tried to drop it over him. On the second try I managed to maneuver the rope over his head and under one arm so I could lift him out. We took time to fill the well with rocks.
In addition to the regular summer work we had to replace a pipeline, and the pipe had to be hauled from the ranch onto the line. I traded labor with two of my neighbors because it required three men and twelve horses to get the loads of pipe up the steep hills.
Christmas Eve came and we started for Nephi before daylight. As we passed the sheep camp I heard a little lamb blat, so I knew we were in trouble. I took Louise and LeRoy back to the ranch and then put the sheep herd in the corral and pulled out 128 head of ewes that would lamb the next day or so. We had to work fast to make shelter and feed preparations for the new emergency.
Two days later we once more started for Nephi but the snow was so deep that it took us until eleven thirty that night to get down to Bronsons on the outskirts of Elberta where we slept on the floor. Next morning we proceeded on to Nephi. Louise was terribly homesick, but in spite of it she insisted on going back to the ranch with me after three days in town. We made good time on the way back to the ranch, but when we left Elberta it was snowing. The further we went the deeper the snow. Darkness came and shortly after we got stuck in a drift and couldn’t get out. So we wrapped LeRoy in a quilt and I carried him in my arms. Louise hung onto my coat and we tramped through snow to our knees, sometime as deep as our waist. We had three miles to go, so Louise and I were wet to our waists and terribly cold when we stumbled into our little cottage in the wilderness. We changed our clothes and it wasn’t long before our fire was pouring out warmth, which made us thankful to be home once more. We knelt down and had prayers. After tucking LeRoy and Louise into bed I went out, hitched up the team and pulled the car to the ranch inasmuch as there was no anti-freeze in our radiator.
One afternoon while working in the yard I hear Louise scream. I rushed to see what was the matter. LeRoy was playing just outside and Louise went to the door to check on him. There was a big rattlesnake coiled up on our doorstep. Louise was terribly frightened, but couldn’t get out of the house, so she grabbed the beat saw and the broom. When I arrived she had the broom on the snake’s head and her foot on the other end and was sawing it in two.
We were expecting another baby in November, so I set a date for leaving the ranch, hoping that someone would come and relieve me, but when September 15 came I packed what few belongings we had on the wagon and drove the team to Nephi. We looked at several homes but Louise hesitated at each one, inasmuch as she was sure something was going to happen and we would not need it, so we moved into an old home down on the farm. We had to carry water for two blocks, and we only had kerosene lamps, but it was home and we were happy.
Shortly after we moved in from the Hancock ranch I was fortunate in getting a job with the Utah-Idaho sugar company, running their beet dump at Nephi. This gave us some badly needed cash. However I had to work early and late to keep up with my own work as well as work on the farm.
When Louise started in labor I went for the doctor and the nurse. Towards evening we had a lovely baby girl, Betty Lou, a name her mother had chosen a long time before. Next morning Louise was quite sick so the doctor wrote a prescription for me to have filled. Inasmuch as I had to go to town the doctor advised me to go to the dentist and have a wisdom tooth pulled that was bothering me.
While the prescription was being filled I went to the dentist. He pulled and dug until mid afternoon, when he admitted he couldn’t get it. So I went home to find that the nurse’s children had sent for her. She was gone and didn’t come back. The doctor came and left a pain pill for me and informed me that if Louise didn’t show improvement by morning that we would have to move her to town. That evening after caring for Louise and the baby I took a pain pill and went to bed on a cot in the kitchen. I was soon asleep but I could hear dogs barking and sheep running. I don’t know how long this went on but when I awoke I was kneeling, looking out the kitchen window. It was terribly cold and a moonlight night. In spite of my face being terribly swollen, I could see about a hundred sheep running around the house with a pack of dogs chasing them. I hurried to the back room to get my shotgun. As I opened the back door to get out, the sheep rushed into the kitchen and on into the bedroom. They were so frightened and moved so fast they knocked the bedroom stove over. I soon had a room full of smoke and a fire on the floor. It was several minutes before I could get the sheep out of the bedroom and the fire extinguished. The house was covered with soot, cold, as the fire was out. I had two crying babies and a terribly sick wife. I got the stove in place, the pipe up and the fire going and spent the rest of the night cleaning up after the sheep.
Before noon the next day we moved into an upstairs room in my mother’s house. Louise was literally bleeding to death and the doctor was not doing anything about it. I asked him to call in another doctor to help him, but he refused. I took the case out of his hands and hired another doctor. He soon had the blood stopped but Louise’s kidneys were infected and she had developed a bad leak in her heart. Medicine for one reacted on the other until she was so low on blood and run down that the doctor decided she would have to have some blood and it would have to be soon. My blood seemed to be the only blood that would match hers for type. So a quart of my blood was taken for Louise. She responded, but never seemed to feel well. Three weeks passed. In the course of the next twenty days I gave her a quart of my blood every other day. She lapsed into unconsciousness for two days. I had prayed and fasted so long, only to see her fade away. Had it not been for LeRoy and Betty Lou, I, too, would have given up. I hung onto her so desperately that she could neither live nor die. I went into one of the other bedrooms and poured out my soul to the Lord, to give me courage to do his will; and should it be his will that I give her up, would he open a way for our future. I went back to her bedside, lay my hands upon her head and blessed her that she could have rest. As I did so she took one long breath, opened her eyes, smiled at me and she was gone.
I was whipped and I knew it. The first Sunday in February I took my two children to Church with me, at which time I gave my baby girl a name and a blessing, according to the wish of her Mother.
My Father’s brother, Steven, owned a farm adjoining ours. He needed someone to do the feeding when he was away and it gave me some extra cash. During the late winter and early spring I cleaned his ditches and supervised a hired man besides working myself every chance I could break away. By fall his yards were bulging with hay. During the winter, snow fell deep all over the valley, then we had an extra heavy storm that closed all of the field roads and hay became a premium in almost over night. Uncle Steve was somewhere in California and I couldn’t locate him. Finally I had so many exceptionally good offers for his hay I decided to sell it for him. I was very car4eful to keep all the weights and money up to date. Six weeks later the roads were open and you could buy hay for half of what I had sold for. One evening Uncle Steve came to my place and was furious to think I had sold without his permission. After he had cooled down some and given me a chance to speak I explained to him that if he needed hay that I would gladly replace it and he would have money left over. This he doubted. He set out a lump sum that he demanded of me. It was very unreasonable and he knew it, but I got the cash box out and after satisfying his demand I handed him an extra $1,100.00. This was such a surprise to him that he gave me $200.00 for my efforts.
Sixteen months after Louise’s death we were sitting in the living room of my Mother’s home one cold March evening. All eyes seemed to be focused on Betty Lou when she slowly tucked her dolls in and covered them with a blanket, one on each, then slid down out of the big rocking chair. She started to walk toward my sister, Emma, and held her hands up to Emma for her to pick her up. As she did so she went into a convulsion. The doctor was there within minutes, but she came out of one only to go into another for two days, when she too passed away.
Since the Lord had promised me in my Patriarchal Blessing that he had raised up another companion for me and I would know her when I met her, I made it a matter of prayer and started to go out with girls. I went with several; any one of them would have made me a choice companion. But after praying about it we just stopped going together, but remained good friends. Finally I met a lovely girl that I knew at school in my freshman year. As the Lord promised me, I would know her when I met her, so it was. She was, and has been a gift of God to me. She was teaching school at Roosevelt, so we were separated periodically for a year, then we went to the house of the Lord and were married August 11, 1930. She was not only a wonderful companion to me, but a lovely mother to my little boy and he loved her with all his heart.
We lived in part of the house with Anna’s father and his wife. The depression was on and it was terribly hard to get a job so we weathered the storm the best we knew how.
I went into the mountains and cut green oak, hauled it home, cut it up, but had to put it into the oven the day before so it would dry enough to burn (we couldn’t afford coal). I worked here and there for a few eggs, meat and what have you. With milk and butter from our cow, Anna’s savings, and a few days work now and then that she could get as a typist we pulled through. I was still helping out on my Father’s farm as well, but with little or no remuneration.
Father had purchased a large section of land from President Grant. It meant we were farming about 2,000 acres, planting half of it to wheat each year. We had purchased a 4 D Caterpillar tractor, plows, harrows, drills and a combine harvester so were heavily in debt in addition to payments on the farm. We had one good year followed by a drought year, a frost year, then another drought year. We had sold the sheep her and should have cleared away much of the debt, but Father was Judge and Jury. Inasmuch as everything was in his name he did how and when he pleased. He also became involved with other women, so without making payments for three years and so many other mistakes, President Grant took the farm from us and gave it to the Church. We regained part of the land for our machinery. This time each of the boys were allotted certain amounts of land, but there was so much hatred and foul play in motion all the time that I decided that it was not worthwhile, so I pulled away from it and never went back.
Father wanted a divorce, but wanted Mother to get it. After many years of quarreling my father tried to get me to go to court and testify falsely against my Mother. When this failed I lost all interest in everything that we had earned as a team, so by cashing in Anna’s and my insurance, we gathered together enough to make the down payment on a repossessed farm from the Federal Land Bank.
The place was run down and in terrible condition. To make things worse we had no machinery or tools or power and only half enough water. I worked at night burning weeds because the canyon breeze helped carry the flame into the unburned weeds. I purchased a small team on time, together with a mowing machine and a plow. By budgeting my time I was able to get enough work on the side to pay for my team, mower and plow.
The Farm Security Program under the U.S. Government came to my aid and loaned me enough money to buy a pick-up truck, some water stock, and some other equi0ment. The truck gave me more time to get around so I doctored hundred of horses during the spring of the year and other animals during the rest of the year. Shortly after I operated a beet dump for the Utah Idaho Sugar Co. I was soon appointed brand inspector. During the fall and winter I formed a small company and we went all over the range building stock watering reservoirs. The next spring I took an agency with an eartag company and sold ear tags to the stockmen. I learned of a lady who had some water stock, with the intent on purchasing a tombstone for her two deceased husbands. So I took an agency for tombstones, sold her the tombstones and purchased her water stock. We were both happy.
I needed a tractor very badly so I leased a section of the farm to the Pea company for a viner to be placed on my land. I got a job as foreman on the viner and paid for my tractor by leasing it to the Pea Company for power. We also had a contract stacking pea vines. The first two years I planted all of the peas for the company. While working for the Pea Company I slipped and sustained a double hernia and spent nearly all winter recuperating. By now we were out of debt so I purchased a 200-acre plot of ground down in the sinks. We had a well drilled, fenced it to keep the cattle in, and planted it to rye. We also purchased an eighth interest in the Nephi Land and Livestock Company for summer pasture for the cattle.
One of my friends called my attention to a sick herd of cattle so I told him how much I could pay. He bought them for $300.00 less and brought them to me. He made $300.00 and was glad. They were a sorry looking sight. They had all gone blind and their skin was peeling off in chunks, but knowing what to do I soon had them on the way to recovery. By the next spring when I sold them, I had more than ten times my investment, even though my neighbors were ready to try me for insanity.
During the winter I purchased a land leveler. After going over my own farm I used it on nearly every other farm in the radius of a mile.
I answered an advertisement for a silo and they sent one of their representatives to see me. He gave me a good deal whereby I could pay for it by helping him erect two other silos. After that I took an agency and sold silo at Lynndyl and one at Axtel. I took my boys with me and we soon became expert in steel construction. From silos we went into selling and construction of steel grain bins. There was more money in volume so we bought | OSTLER, LeRoy Taylor (I45785)
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Edgar The Aetheling, (born , Hungary—died c. 1125), Anglo-Saxon prince, who, at the age of about 15, was proposed as king of England after the death of Harold II in the Battle of Hastings (Oct. 14, 1066) but instead served the first two Norman kings, William I, Harold’s conqueror, and William II. His title of aetheling (an Anglo-Saxon prince, especially the heir apparent) indicates he was a prince of the royal family; he was a grandson of King Edmund II Ironside.
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After the Norman Conquest, Edgar submitted to William I, although the new king was occupied until 1069 in crushing rebellions in favour of the aetheling. Edgar lived in Scotland (1068–72) with his brother-in-law, King Malcolm III Canmore, and then went into exile when William and Malcolm came to terms. In 1074 he submitted to William again, and in 1086 he led a Norman force sent by William to conquer Apulia, in southern Italy.
Under William II Rufus, Edgar was deprived of his Norman lands in 1091, giving Malcolm an excuse for raiding the north of England. Edgar then mediated between the two kings. In 1097, acting on William’s orders, he overthrew Malcolm’s brother and successor, Donald Bane, a foe of the Normans, and installed Malcolm’s son Edgar on the throne of Scotland. About 1102 he went on a crusade to the Holy Land. He sided with Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, against Henry I in the struggle for the English crown. Edgar was captured by Henry in the Battle of Tinchebrai (Sept. 28, 1106), was released, and spent the rest of his life in obscurity. | ATHELING, Prince Edgar (I27771)
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Edgar The Aetheling, (born , Hungary—died c. 1125), Anglo-Saxon prince, who, at the age of about 15, was proposed as king of England after the death of Harold II in the Battle of Hastings (Oct. 14, 1066) but instead served the first two Norman kings, William I, Harold’s conqueror, and William II. His title of aetheling (an Anglo-Saxon prince, especially the heir apparent) indicates he was a prince of the royal family; he was a grandson of King Edmund II Ironside.
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After the Norman Conquest, Edgar submitted to William I, although the new king was occupied until 1069 in crushing rebellions in favour of the aetheling. Edgar lived in Scotland (1068–72) with his brother-in-law, King Malcolm III Canmore, and then went into exile when William and Malcolm came to terms. In 1074 he submitted to William again, and in 1086 he led a Norman force sent by William to conquer Apulia, in southern Italy.
Under William II Rufus, Edgar was deprived of his Norman lands in 1091, giving Malcolm an excuse for raiding the north of England. Edgar then mediated between the two kings. In 1097, acting on William’s orders, he overthrew Malcolm’s brother and successor, Donald Bane, a foe of the Normans, and installed Malcolm’s son Edgar on the throne of Scotland. About 1102 he went on a crusade to the Holy Land. He sided with Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, against Henry I in the struggle for the English crown. Edgar was captured by Henry in the Battle of Tinchebrai (Sept. 28, 1106), was released, and spent the rest of his life in obscurity. | ATHELING, Prince Edgar (I68512)
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AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN 116Q-04K
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 2730460+6 | ROS, Joan De (I51668)
13 |
AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN 1KWX-49D
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 1+2.1792+9+
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar 6 Sep 1978, SLAKE. | DUNHAM, Joshua Josiah (I22318)
14 |
AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN 1XH8-CW3
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 1+2.28>3+5+ | NEAL, Newton Brigham (I22650)
15 |
AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN 2D5C-JN
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 1+2.89
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 31 Oct 1783
BURIAL: Also shown as Buried 26 Apr 1861
~BAPTISM: Also shown as Baptized 2 Oct 1872
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar 10 Sep 1951, MANTI. | LAURITSDATTER, Anne Cathrine (I21159)
16 |
AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN 2DTS-39
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 1+2.382+3
BIRTH: Also shown as Born Sep 1761
BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening 13 Sep 1761 | BARCLAY, Janet (I21268)
17 |
AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN 95KK-XK
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 682592+6+
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1378
DEATH: Also shown as Died 1400
~BAPTISM: Also shown as Baptized 20 May 1994, SLAKE.
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 26 May 1998, SLAKE. | ARUNDEL, Johanna (I45246)
18 |
AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN 9G81-D9
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 20531^2.45338+93
BIRTH: Also shown as Born Abt 865
DEATH: Also shown as Died Deceased | BURGUNDY, Duke Richard (I60341)
19 |
AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN G8BM-XH
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 673100+5+
DEATH: Also shown as Died 1369
~BAPTISM: Also shown as Baptized 10 Jan 1942
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 15 Feb 1946
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar 5 Mar 1948 | COURTENAY, Sir Hugh de (I45235)
20 |
AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN KWXW-D4
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 1+2.1864+E
~BAPTISM: Also shown as Baptized 6 Jan 1880
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 9 Jan 1880
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar 1 Feb 1949 | WILSON, Lieutenant John II (I21817)
21 |
AFN: Merged with a record that used the AFN MGM8-P9
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 1+2.996+3
BIRTH: Also shown as Born Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.
BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Apr 1786
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 5 Jan 1953, SLAKE.
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar 4 May 2018, PHOEN. | LEONARD, Joseph Edwin (I20541)
22 |
BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening 15 Aug 1728
DEATH: Also shown as Died Deceased
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 31 Aug 2013, MTIMP.
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar 10 Jan 2014, MTIMP. | GOZ, Martin (I33671)
23 |
BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening 15 Mar 1601, Allhallows Bread Street, London, Middlesex, England.
DEATH: Also shown as Died Deceased | DAVENANT, Ann (I65304)
24 |
BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening 17 Aug 1656 | HURST, Agnes (I27884)
25 |
BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening 24 Jun 1711
DEATH: Also shown as Died Deceased
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar 5 Jan 1972, SLAKE. | PATERSON, John (I64718)
26 |
BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening London St Nicholas Cole Abbey with St Nicholas Olave, City of London, England, United Kingdom.
BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening 29 Oct 1604
BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Oct 1609
~BAPTISM: Also shown as Baptized Not Needed
~CONFIRMATION: Also shown as Confirmation Not Needed
~INITIATORY: Also shown as Initiatory Not Needed
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed Not Needed | SALE, Mary (I33724)
27 |
(a) Lewis Jones (LJ2N-TBQ) and Anna Stone (LZKK-NXF) apparently lived in Watertown, MA during all of their married lives with no indication that they ever were in Connecticut. That Lewis Jones did not include a son named Lewis Jones in his Will.
(b) List of their children in a biographical sketch in
Children of LEWIS JONES and ANNE STONE are:
i.LYDIA JONES, b. 1632 [??], Watertown, Middlesex, MA, Could have been born in England;
[This appears to be an unusual spacing of births of children, if accurate.]
ii.JOSIAH JONES, b. 1643.
iii.PHOEBE JONES, b. 1646.
iv.SHUBAEL JONES, b. October 14, 1651.
npschutz originally shared this
"U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900" (
Name: Lewis Jones
Gender: Male
Birth Place: CT
Birth Year: 1635
Spouse Name: Deborah Palmer
Birth Place: CT
Spouse Birth Year: 1643
Year: 1660
Marriage State: CT
"Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906":
NameDeborah Pallmer
Birth Date 05 Feb 1642 [1642/1643]
Father's Name Henry Pallmer
Mother's Name Ruth
(a) Lewis Jones (LJ2N-TBQ) and Anna Stone (LZKK-NXF) apparently lived in Watertown, MA during all of their married lives with no indication that they ever were in Connecticut. That Lewis Jones did not include a son named Lewis Jones in his Will.
(b) List of their children in a biographical sketch in
Children of LEWIS JONES and ANNE STONE are:
i.LYDIA JONES, b. 1632 [??], Watertown, Middlesex, MA, Could have been born in England;
[This appears to be an unusual spacing of births of children, if accurate.]
ii.JOSIAH JONES, b. 1643.
iii.PHOEBE JONES, b. 1646.
iv.SHUBAEL JONES, b. October 14, 1651.
npschutz originally shared this
"U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900" (
Name: Lewis Jones
Gender: Male
Birth Place: CT
Birth Year: 1635
Spouse Name: Deborah Palmer
Birth Place: CT
Spouse Birth Year: 1643
Year: 1660
Marriage State: CT
"Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906":
NameDeborah Pallmer
Birth Date 05 Feb 1642 [1642/1643]
Father's Name Henry Pallmer
Mother's Name Ruth | PALMER, Deborah (I24412)
28 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I1185)
29 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I9344)
30 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 0060 BC
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 0068 BC/ | LIBO, Scribonia (I60197)
31 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 0060 BC
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 0068 BC/ | LIBO, Scribonia (I70944)
32 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1302
DEATH: Also shown as Died 1364
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 4 Mar 1939 | FURNEAUX, Margaret De (I51499)
33 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1302
DEATH: Also shown as Died 1364
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 4 Mar 1939 | FURNEAUX, Margaret De (I70426)
34 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1478, Lyminster, Sussex, England.
DEATH: Also shown as Died 1531, France. | BELLINGHAM, Edward (I54835)
35 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1582
DEATH: Also shown as Died Deceased
~BAPTISM: Also shown as Baptized 20 Nov 2002, DALLA.
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 27 Oct 2006, DALLA.
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar 15 Nov 2006, DALLA. | GAISER, Martin (I65147)
36 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1590
DEATH: Also shown as Died Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.
BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.
~BAPTISM: Also shown as Baptized 28 Oct 1969
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 7 May 1934
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar Ready | ROUSE, Elizabeth (I58314)
37 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1622
DEATH: Also shown as Died New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.
DEATH: Also shown as Died Aft 1683
~BAPTISM: Also shown as Baptized 7 Nov 1991, OGDEN.
~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 23 Oct 1930 | NASH, Sarah (I30539)
38 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1715, .
BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening Kilbirnie, Ayr, Sctlnd.. | FIFE, Margaret (I21278)
39 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1802
DEATH: Also shown as Died Deceased | HUNT, Hannah Miller (I25818)
40 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1930 | ANDERSON, Luana Marie (I49667)
41 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1932
ID: Merged with a record that used the ID 40+3>21>217>21 | ANDERSON, Lucille LaVerna (I9645)
42 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1939 | TALLEY, Myrl Kinly (I63645)
43 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I41131)
44 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I15460)
45 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 20 Oct 1922
BIRTH: Also shown as Born El Dorado, Butler, Kansas. | JARVIS, Wilbur Leslie (I34642)
46 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I38010)
47 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 253, Dardani, Bosnia, Austria.
DEATH: Also shown as Died Deceased
GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Marcus Chlorus | CONSTANTIUS, Aurelius Valerius I (I60158)
48 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 253, Dardani, Bosnia, Austria.
DEATH: Also shown as Died Deceased
GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Marcus Chlorus | CONSTANTIUS, Aurelius Valerius I (I70906)
49 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 335 | VISIGOTHS, Ataulfe Alaviv (I60639)
50 |
BIRTH: Also shown as Born 335 | VISIGOTHS, Ataulfe Alaviv (I71301)