So shall it be with my father: he shall be
called a prince over his posterity, holding
the keys of the patriarchal priesthood over the kingdom of God on earth, even the Church
of the Latter Day Saints, and he shall sit in the general assembly of patriarchs, even in
council with the Ancient of Days when he shall sit and all the patriarchs with him and shall
enjoy his right and authority under the direction of the Ancient of Days.
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  • Female
    + CARTER, Mary Caroline

    Birth  6 Mar 1827  Greenville, Bond, Illinois, United States Find all individuals with events at this location
    Death  19 Oct 1869  Joseph, Sevier, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location
    Burial  21 Oct 1869  Joseph, Sevier, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location
    Spouse  HADDEN, Alfred Sidney | F10635 