1857 - 1933 (76 years) Submit Photo / Document
Set As Default Person
Name |
HADDEN, Minerva Jane |
Birth |
8 Apr 1857 |
Parawan, Iron, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Female |
20 Aug 1924 |
_TAG |
Reviewed on FS |
Death |
16 May 1933 |
Sevier. Sevier Co., Utah |
Burial |
19 May 1933 |
Joseph, Sevier, Utah, United States |
Headstones |
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Person ID |
I20111 |
Joseph Smith Sr and Lucy Mack Smith |
Last Modified |
19 Aug 2021 |
Father |
HADDEN, Alfred Sidney , b. 13 Jan 1813, Mount Sterling, Montgomery, Kentucky, United States Mount Sterling, Montgomery, Kentucky, United Statesd. 27 Apr 1895, Emery, Carbon, Utah, United States (Age 82 years) |
Mother |
CARTER, Mary Caroline , b. 6 Mar 1827, Greenville, Bond, Illinois, United States Greenville, Bond, Illinois, United Statesd. 19 Oct 1869, Joseph, Sevier, Utah, United States (Age 42 years) |
Family ID |
F10635 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
BAKER, Orange Thompson , b. 1 Sep 1851, Tooele, Tooele, Utah, United States Tooele, Tooele, Utah, United Statesd. 12 Aug 1928, Joseph, Sevier, Utah, United States (Age 76 years) |
Marriage |
30 Oct 1880 |
Family ID |
F10646 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
24 Jan 2022 |
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Notes |
- Written by Revo Morrey (Young)
An overview of the people living in Joseph Utah around 1920
The neighbors we knew best were the Levi H. and Sarah (Hatch) Jackman family. They were in our view because they lived in a tall log house across the street south from us. There was a flower garden and herb garden with a pole railing around it surrounding it from the well with its windlass and oak bucket. A row of tall silver poplar trees lined the street down to the corral. Sister Jackman was the town nurse with home-made cough syrup. She said she knew all about sick children because she had always had sick children. She carried a big tin milk pan with a white dishtowel cover to carry home the flour, sugar, vegetables or meat donated her as part of her pay. Brother Jackman was the mail carrier and he drove a one-seated buggy pulled by one horse, Biddy. He met every train, morning and afternoon and would take a passenger for 25 cents. He was ward clerk and baptizer. Once or twice each summer he rounded up a crowd of boys and girls to take to the canal behind Lydia Wells' house for the ceremony. He was also ward chaplain, I think, for if we were late for church we had to wait outside until he mumbled, "Children of Israel---tops of the mountains." He was a good man who wouldn't take his medicine, on his death bed, until "Have ye give Sahary hers? She's lots sicker than I be." (Macel and I walked home from high school in Monroe for his funeral. As I can't remember the service, we probably were too exhausted to go to it.)
Some of the Jackmans had already left the nest before we arrived on the scene, but they came home often. Levi and Oliver were "section crew" on the railroad, and lived at Marysvale (?) and the “Y” at Sevier. Levi Lewis and Annie (Petersen) had “Sadie” (Rasmussen), Dora and Francis. Oliver and wife Mary (Peterson) had Eva, Reuben, and Thelma. Francis and wife, Pearl (Baldwin), lived at Junction until they moved to Joseph when he taught school. (We played with their children Bert, Mark and Cleo.)
Wallace Arthur Jackman was Uncle Eli's friend. After he came from his mission he married Velma (Foreman) and moved to Idaho. (In his retirement years he came back for a visit. He said, "I went to the farm. I lay down at the ditch and took a drink. It tasted just like it used to.") Wilford Jackman married Perl Hanks. Ezbon and Necha lived at home until Ezbon married our cousin Killarnia Moore and continued living in the home after his parents were gone. They had children Oma, Madge, Enid, Carl, Harvey, Dan and Renee. Necha married Sim Stapley. We knew Sim's intentions when we saw him knocking at the door as he carried a big bouquet of his sister Sadie Gay's garden flowers. Their children were Thora, Erma, Norine (?), Floyd, Iva Del, Leland.
The Jackman boys were musical, playing coronets, flute, violin, etc. It was not unusual to hear them playing at the farm while Biddy wandered away. Brother Jackman would follow, pulling redroots from the beet patch as he went.
Uncle "Hen" and Aunt Eff (Effa Hyatt) lived a block west from us. He was Papa's brother. They had lived on adjoining farms and bought adjoining places in town. They lost their first children and only Robert and Utahna were left. We associated with them almost daily; big family vs. little one. Aunt Eff was a wonderful housekeeper and a perceptive humorist.
Neighbors to the north were George and "Nine" (Salina Ross) Low. I played with Evelyn until they moved to Beaver. (Evelyn and I got a switching for making paths in Papa's grain patch.) When they left town Charles and Minnie (Gilbert) Hopkins moved into the house. Their children Iva, Deward, Grace, Janice and Olive corresponded in age to us children. The Hopkins house was clean as a pin and their customs appealing. They celebrated "Mother Goose Day" on New Year’s Day (maybe because the Sears Roebuck order had not arrived for Christmas.)
The Hopkins family moved to Delta about the time the Alunite Mill closed after World War I and the Will and Susie (Noaks) Mills family bought the home. They were good neighborly people. Will had osteomyelitis and suffered a great deal from his crippled leg. Susie gathered in everyone, especially the neighbor children. Delroy Mills had married Ruby Ross (Daniel's daughter). The other children at home were Margaret, Leonard, Melvin, Maude and Dick.
We were fond of the Arnfred and Lizzie (Elizabeth Hyatt) Christensen family who had a farm and lived a block east and a block north of us across the little canal. Arnfred was the bishop and also the school principal. He was a good-natured Dane from Ephraim. I enjoyed a class of penmanship he taught us, "Waltz me around again, Willie, around, around, and around," as we practiced making pen and ink ovals. His teaching was humorous as when he read, "Men may cry, Peas peas, but there are no peas," when correcting a paper. Lizzie was Aunt Eff's sister and the children, Laura, Walter and Janice Marie, were our playmates. We were sad when they moved to Shelley, Idaho.
W. T. Owens bought Christensen's home and the Owens family came from Panguich. Brother Owens had a first family and a second family. Of the first were Alta (Mrs. George Daley who died young, leaving children Mildred and "Dot”). Gwen lived at home and was courted by Cliff Shipp. Of the second family Ferol was the apple of Charlie Shipp's eye, but married Dwaine Hendrickson of Glenwood. Delwin married Clara Lott. Waldo married Grace Joos, Meta married Owen Warenski and had Ned, Billy and Marjorie. Melda married Richard Beck and reared her family in Joseph. Rayfl made a home in Salt Lake or Ogden. Brother Owens wife was Elizabeth (Richards) who seemed to be a homebody. He was a choir leader and was always present, even when his daughters gave his hair a henna pack and turned it orange, causing him to have to wear a skull cap, even in church. He was a sly man when playing the game Barnyard Animals. He was named a hen. He ran to the center of the ring, cackled, and ran back to his seat to find an egg. He slipped it into his pocket and hardly anyone was the wiser.
Still later, Bench Utley and family moved from Millard County and bought the Owens family home.
As we farmed east of the river, we were better acquainted with folk there. Nehemiah, Dave and Pearl (Thornton) Harmon had a deformed daughter, Rosina, to whom they were devoted. Dave was easy-going and pleasant. Who else would wear an underbit in his nose all the rest of his life? (Dave was skinning a deer when his knife slipped. He reached up and whacked off the piece of his nostril that was hanging.) Pearl was red-headed, always blinking one eye nervously. It was said that when telephones were new to the area, Pearl wouldn't let the line cross her place because she wasn't going to let everyone know her business.
One quiet spring day Papa went out to plow the garden. The horse balked and wouldn't pull the plow through the orchard. Papa, who knew all the swear words, used them on the horse. He finished the job and went in to dinner. While still sitting at the table, he and Mama heard groaning, panting and mumbling. Looking out, they saw Pearl and her bent old father who was without teeth, crawling through the pole fence. It took several repetitions before they understood, "Is Dave in the river? Is Dave in the river?" Dave had taken Rosina to town and it was necessary to ford the river at a crossing of the county road about a hundred rods above our place.
Robert and Elnora (Gay) Ross owned the farm north of our place. It was before I remember that an incident happened which involved me. Mama took me to church to have me blessed. She was beside herself when two other babies had my name. Mary Ostergaard hurriedly gave me the name I carry. When Papa greeted his little one, "My Evelyn Lucina," Mama said, "I dinn't name her that. I named her ______ I don't know what I named her." In the night she remembered, got up, lighted the lamp and wrote R-e-v-o on a paper. As Papa was riding after cattle the next day, Elnora said, "What did you name the baby?" Papa said, "I don't know, but here it is."
The Rosses moved back from Uintah to their farm, after an absence. Their children Ab, Vaun, Andrew, Ila and June came to our school. Ila’s long, dark ringlets set her apart. I stayed with her one night and had a cold horseback ride to school the next morning.
I don't remember any of the Birdsall family that lived on the hill. Their adopted son visited in our home. We children gawked at him, for he was black, the first we had ever seen. Mama told us the Birdsalls sent to an orphanage for a boy. When he came their hearts were touched and they wouldn't refuse to keep him. Years later, I was in that big empty house. I think Dell Gay's daughter Verl (Nielsen) moved there.
Dell and Sadie (Stapley) Gay lived in the next place (except the "Will Field”) south past Harmons. Dell had lost two young wives, one leaving a daughter, Regena, my age. He and Sadie had Verl, Venoy, Dee and Carlyle. They were hard-working people who raised fruit, vegetables and flowers. Dell was a Sunday school teacher, a familiar sight in a long bearskin coat, carrying his toothbrush in his suit coat pocket in plain sight. Dell was later one of Papa's counsellors in the bishopric.
Charley Shelton and his wife Nettie (Annetta Warenski) had a big rock house at the bend of the road. Some of the family had married and moved away before my time, but I do remember Elda, Annie, Lorin and Alice. I went to Lorin's birthday party and his mother taught us to play Post Office, where we paid forfeits with kisses. Most of the time Lorin was my enemy because he called me names. He told me long afterward that he did it because he liked me.
Nettie Shelton took her husband's pants to mend and went across the river to visit her parents, the Warenski's. Charley was on a mad and wouldn't go after - until he was forced to. He wanted to go to the Fourth of July celebration. "Where are my pants?" he demanded. "Did you look in the trunk?" Annie asked innocently. "Yes, I turned everything upside down." While Charley was putting up the horse, Annie slipped the pants into the trunk. Then she showed them to Charley. "Well, I'll be damned! I couldn't see them."
Jack and Mary (Adams) Robinson lived close to the river bridge. They were from Tennessee. Their southern ways seemed strange to us. Brother Robinson walked a few steps ahead of his wife. His brogue amused us as he visited us in the capacity of home teacher. "Now what is that boy heaping upon Phillip?" he inquired when Grant hid to conceal his grin. He liked Grant and told him, "Boy, ya'll kin drive through my place if ya'll put up the (wire) gate." Grant took him at his word, but could see Brother Robinson coming full speed ahead from the opposite direction, shouting, "Whoa, Whoa!" and tearing through the fence. "Boy, ya'll go through and put up the gate."
He was concerned when Grant broke his back and came over to offer a remedy. "Ah broke my back onst and war a kilt pretty nigh daid. It happened so: The women folks had throwed out the wash water out the noth door an made a heap a ice. Ah war goin' to the train, an as Ah stept out that noth doah mah feet slippt out frum undah me an Ah fell on that heap a ice. Ach (Arch Hicks) came runnin but Ah sez, "Done tech me or Ah'll die. Leave me be." Ah laid thah til Ah could crawl into the house. Ah could neither lay down nor set up. Ah war that way fer several days till I saw Molly puttin on her stays. Ah sez, "Molly, if y'll give me them stays, Ah think Ah kin wear em." An, oh, how good they felt! Grant Boy, if ya'll kin find a pair of stays, Ah think t'll cure ya all's back."
Another story that tickled Grant and all of us was: "When Ah war a boy in Tennessee it war a custom that when a man die thare would be a auction to sell off his goods. A neighbor died an I sez to mah pappy, “Ah want ya'll to fetch me his gold watch an chain.” He sez, “Son, ah will if Ah kin." When the sale war over Ah seen mah pappy leanin agin the rail fence talkin to some men. Ah sez, "Pappy, did ya’ll bring me that watch an chain?” He sez, "No, Son, Ah couldn't affort it." That made me powerful mad. Ah slippt behind him an sot mah teeth in the thick pa't o' his thigh. He whoppt me a powerful blow that sent me sprawlin."
Let's go next to String Town, or Jericho and come from there into town.
I don't remember the Svdeens or Ostregards or where they lived. The first people living in the first house were the Carlos Andersons, in the late twenties or early thirties. They were from Brooklyn (Elsinore) so associated there as much as in Joseph. The only ones I recall were Maxine (Henrie) who became a writer, and Kyhl.
Laura (Gilbert) Prisby was a widow who supported her family by raising fruit (Gaino and Jonathan apples), honey and vegetables. Her family was Brice (married Martha Ronnow and had children Lawrence, Marie, and others), Gladys, Gladys who had a lovely girl LaVee, Minnie who was my age, Ileen, and Cline.
Across the road the Solmonsens, Gus and Susie (Gilbert) had a farm. I think they may have lost their child when Laura Prisby lost two with diptheria. They moved to the Uintah Basin and came back only in old age. They sold the farm and I recall going there to visit Herman and Fern (Fernie Moore) Lott shortly before they moved to Fielding, Utah. They had a large family: Belva, Alta, Calvin, Theon, Vernile, Vernessa, John, maybe others. The farm became the property of Clair Orrock and Beverly (Christensen), who had children Lila, Elaine and Donna. (Jack Shipp and Lorraine (Poulsen) have reared their children there since they bought the home.)
Billy (Joseph William) and Margaret (Neel) Parker built the large rock home on the north side of the highway. It was an imposing structure with the double row of poplar trees along the street. They (Parkers) had moved there from a small house near town. I went to the big home when it was new. Margaret had died but the girls, Myrtle (Mcknight) and Ireta (Lemon) were entertaining the "Tickaboo Club" of women. That was the first of many visits I made with Madeline and Melba. In fact, many kids in town went there on Sunday afternoons because they were welcomed. Parkers were hard-working and there was milking to do, delivering ice from their ice house, dinner dishes and other chores to do. The family was: Elbert (married Zina Snow whose name was Lucina like mine. They took over the home and reared their family of Iris, Sylvia, Lynn, Fay, Margaret, Melba and Joyce, as Elbert raised prize jersey cows and race horses. He also was bishop of the Joseph Ward.) Myrtle (McKnight), Iretta (Lemmon), Ervin, Maurine (Fuhriman), Clayton, May (Smith), Alton, Madeline (Nielson), and Melba (Redd). Mr. Parker later married "Aunt Til" (Matilda Olsen Dalton) who had a daughter, Edna (Who married Byron Parker, Billy's half-brother.) Then they had Mary, Hulda (Mrs. Dilworth Young) and Olena. The Parkers were lovely, charitable people. Brother Parker was bishop, then later in the stake presidency. He was a strict man, as we noted when the baby Olena had a tantrum in church. Her father left his presiding post, came down and spanked her soundly and returned to his seat.
Billy was known to have embarrassed his wife "Maggie" while living in their tiny house. She said, "Oh, my! Here come the Relief Society teachers, and look at these children! They need their faces washed and some clean clothes." Billy said, "Hide them. You kids go under the bed. You hide behind that curtain, etc." The company stayed too long so Billy said, "You children may come out now."
Ervin, as a little boy, got lost when he was supposed to come home from school. A search was made, but no Ervin, no tracks toward the canal, no report of strangers in town, no wild animals! Eventually Ervin crawled off a haystack where he had been asleep.
I wasn't acquainted with the Hunts on the next farm. I just remember Marion coming to school without a haircut. The other boys were wearing "Butch" cuts. They caught Marion and clipped his hair until he was bald.
Eli and Mary Jane (Green) Barney bought the Hunt place (which is now occupied by Lynn and Shirley Johnson Parker). Some of the Barney children were Laura (Wells), Violet (Willis), Thelma, Stella, Larcell and Betty. Eli was part of the Barney orchestra who furnished music for our dances. The Barneys told jokes on each other, such as: One said, "I'm the dirtiest. The other said, "You ought to be, you're the oldest." and, "We Barneys don't talk fast, but we fight fast." One Sunday I went with one of the Barney girls to her home. Eli let us take the horses and buggy to go to Brooklyn and Elsinore. I was shocked into memory by the sight of dozens and possibly hundreds of snakes we saw coming out of hibernation in a pile of posts on the Elsinore hill, as it was a warm spring day.
Jesse Willis and his kind little wife Emily (Robinson) built the house at the turn of the road (Later occupied by Charles and Mabel (French) Shipp and children). Their children Earl, Harriet or Hattie (Smith), Viola and George were gone from home when I first was aware of the family. At home were Priscilla (who married Orin Howard and had precocious children Orin, Chester and Mona. When a mere baby Orin could repeat, "Po-po-catapetel is the highest mountain in Mexico" and in church “I want to go out ." "Why did you want to go out?" "Because the bishop said he'd have to call on all the men, and I didn’t want to preach.") Merrill married Violet Barney and had children Harvey and Ruth. He had a garage on the north edge of Joseph. Uncle Will Orrock hit a pig that was never identified, and the grease skidded him into the garage causing a crash. Julia was Alice's (Morrey, later Bailey) friend. Arthur and Walter were younger. Brother Willis was a gruff man with a heart of gold. He was conductor on the "Sanpete Creeper", the D.& R.g. railroad. He always called out "Joseph City," none of that "Joe Town." for him. He toted us kids around. He took three of us Morrey girls to the opening celebration of Bryce Canyon Park in 1925. He even introduced us to the Democrat Governor George H. Dern. In 1926 he took Macel, Clara Christiansen of Monroe, and me to Salt Lake City to enroll in the University of Utah. It was an all-day drive in his open Ford.
The next home I recall up the line was that of John A. and Molly (Gilbert) Parker. John was a progressive man who loved music, had a history of band leader, and appreciated education-later being on the district Board of Education. His was an experimental farm for the Agricultural College. Molly was a home-body, a fine cook, and jolly company. She enjoyed telling jokes on her family.
Governor Maybe was "stumping" in the state. Molly reported to John, "The Governor was here to see you today." "What did he want? What did you tell him?" "I said, Mr. Parker isn't here; he is a very busy man." That was turning the tables, for the joke had been on John, John Morrey and Walt Hyatt. That was told them when they asked to see the governor as they went to inspect the then new capitol building.
Molly told about Andrew: "Ma, what is button-hole twist you told me to get?" "I asked Mabel Roberts for it, and she said, 'get out of here, you dirty dog, or I'll call Pa."'
John and Molly's family was prominent in our town. Ethel (Thornton) and husband lived there until they moved to Salt Lake City. Their children were Yvonne, Parker, Mayo and June. Wallace, Ethel's husband, drove the school bus the year of the Spanish influenza. Not many students were going back to school; Alice (Morrey) was. She was a night hawk so in the morning she lay in bed as long as possible. Wallace would sit out in the bus after he had honked. The family would be getting Alice ready, one feeding her, another putting up her lunch, another lacing her shoes, all the time she was ratting her hair.
"Nettie", Martha Annette Parker (Cook), was a favorite of ours, and often worked for Mama in our home. She had an admirer, "Frenchy" who owned a car. When Nettie heard the car coming she ran and hid. It was in that car I had my first ride.
Virgil married Annie Farnsworth and she taught school while he went on a mission. I remember the town turning out to meet him at the train, when he came home. Vetris, one of Annie's first grade pupils, said, "I didn't know Mrs. Farnsworth had ever kissed a man." Annie told about Vetris in school. The children listened to the poem "Up In A Swing", and told "What they saw." Vetris saw stars; she fell out. Virgil died young, leaving Annie with children Ruth, Irene (Gray), Virgil and John. When her children were grown Annie married Snow McDonald.
Harold, still living at 92, was a popular young man in town and a prosperous business man. He went to World War I and his ship was torpedoed. When he came home he married Gladys Anderson of Monroe. They had eleven lovely and talented children: Geraldine (Aldous), Robert Hal, Juel, Patsy (Greenwood), Bonnie (Evans), Colleen (Sanders), Sally, Sammy and Gordon.
Hazel married George Henderson and had children: Garn, Virginia and others. Everyone loved Hazel and enjoyed George's humor. When Eldon's first baby, John Rolph was born Eldon was a proud 30 year old father. George looked at the baby and said, "Are you going to try to save him?" When the ward was raising money for the new church there was a Kangaroo court with George the judge. I had to appear before the court because I had been at the married people's dance. George said, "What are you doing with thirty kids if you aren't married?" I think it was Dennis Carter or Joe Baker arrested for speeding in an old car. He was seen "Going up the street with all the stops pulled out."
Thelma lived at home again after two marriages. We girls used to walk to the farm to get our hair marcelled and listen to her Atwater Kent radio squawk, and that was about all we could hear as there was so much static.
Andrew married Evelyn Bohn; Max married Melba Eames, Max' twin brother Rulon Rex was killed in a hunting accident in 1930, the same day that my brother Harold Morrey was also killed in a hunting accident. Karl went to college and became a professor at Utah State College.
I don't know when Ariel and Maggie (Lott) made their home along the road, but they reared their family there. They were: Isabell, Donna, Norma, Fred, Gail, Harvey and Monte. Ariel is still alive at 92.
The Will and Charl (Charlotte Bradbury) Dunn family was colorful. Will was a small English man with a lame leg. He had a sheep herd, so the home often had an odor of good mutton stew. Charl knew the birthdays of every kid in town, "He is the same age as my Raymond", or Ethel, Bud, Karl, or Arnold, or Mary, or Vida, or Iva and Ila, or Lono, or Clair. Will was one of the first in town to have a car. I think it was a 1914 Ford. It was impressive with a chrome front, and a crank that dangled in front, and a rolled-back top. It is said that he took it to the mechanic and told him, "Grease it from the toe nails to the eyebrows. Put Orl in the transgression and check the devilrenchie." They had a vocabulary for every occasion. Charl told me that some injured man "went from drupor into drupor." Something made her feel "ranchum", and when quilting she was going "vicey, vercy." Her mother had been operated and "the decision busted and the bed wasn't fertile." A man in Canada had been made "Menistrator" of a friend's estate, and "he menistrated it all away." It was fun to visit with them.
"Bill and "Aunt Ett" (William and Etta Hyatt Wells) also lived on a farm. They had a large family, some married and living in town. Bertha was Mrs. John Lott; and Clyde married John's sister Vernessa Lott. (She died young and he died of Spanish influenza during World War I.) Walter married Laura Barney. I don't remember Lester, but at home were Delbert, Leslie, Frank, Rulon, Grant and Lanita. Bill worked away from home on construction, but Aunt Ett was always at church and was our loved primary president. I can just see her at church, wetting her handkerchief with spit to wipe the baby's face. In primary in the Relief Society hall she assigned me to give the "memory gem" the next week. I forgot. On the way to primary Macel asked me if I was prepared. I panicked because I didn't know a Bible verse. Macel said, "Say, 'Jesus wept.' That's a Bible verse.' I doubted it, but was on the spot. When my part was announced I clumped all the way up the long hall and said, "Jesus wept", and clumped back to my seat.
Besides church, Aunt Ett was a regular attendant at the weekly 10 cent picture shows Mr. Engar brought from Elsinore. (We sat on long slat benches and school desks.) Even before the time of Tom Mi those early films were cliff-hangers and the continued ones always left the heroine tied to a railroad track or in an abandoned mine and we had to go back the next week to see how she escaped. Aunt Ett moved back and forth with the movement of the horses, anticipated aloud all the horrors, "Hurry! Hurry! - Now that bridge is going to break!--Oh, you big fool!"
Somewhere, running east toward the river was the Warenski Lane. When I was a little girl Necha Jackman took me with her in the buggy to herd cows. After sampling the sour bullberries which grew in profusion, we went to Al and Sophia (Wells, sister of William “Bill” Wells) Warenski's farm house for a drink. The old black dog met us at the gate and followed us around to the kitchen door. Mrs. Warenski, in a large white waist apron, invited us to use the dipper that hung above the water bucket on the "wash bench." Her kitchen smelled of fresh apple pie. Umm!
Ed and Lou (Edward and Lucinda Wells) Skinner lived on the east side of the road. The children I remember were Letha, Jim, Earl, Elva, Lamar and Louise. I liked Lamar, but he avoided me after I scratched him with my long fingernails because he dipped my blond braids in the ink well on his desk.
George and Althea (Foreman ) Bradbury lived in a smaller house while they built the rock house at the north entrance to Joseph. Eltha's niece, Eltha Winn lived with them and then they had a son, R. G. We spoke' of "Big Eltha and little Eltha." They attended church all the time, but George, a cattle man, didn't. He observed the work going on the new church. When approached for a contribution he said, "I'll give you a donation, by ____, if you'll tell me when they learned to dance on a side hill."
For a usual thing in the town of Joseph each family lived on a quarter of a block. The first, entering town from the north, was the home of "Pete and Bell" (Peter and Isabell Farnsworth) Lott. There was another big family, though some were already in homes of their own: Herman, Maggie (Parker), Celia (Hopkins), John, Vernessa (Wells), and at home Emma (Christensen), Clara (Owens), Florence (Wanlas), Hazel (Edinger), Grace (Hyatt), Harvey and Vernal. I went to school with Florence and Hazel. Once Hazel didn't come and the teacher questioned Florence. Florence explained, "She hasn't any shoes until Pa and Ma go to Richfield. Dell was teasing her and she threw her shoe at him, and it went into the peach preserves on the stove."
John Lott and Bertha (Wells) both died young leaving a large family, seven, I think. Mary and Deloyd kept them together until Mary was old enough to marry. There were Naomi, Wanda, Beverley, Florence and others.
Lewis and Annie (Anderson) Ross' home was across the street south from Lotts. Nora of the family was a little older than I, but she was my friend. Andrew and Marie (Butcher) and Hakan were married. (I remember meeting Hakan and Mildred (Prisby) as they came home from their honeymoon trip.) Still at home were Lewie (Lewis), a harmless man-child who used to visit around town, Josie, Lavon, Melba and Nora (Utley). I think it was at their home I first tasted venison, brought from the west mountain. Lewis told a story, "I just went to knock on Jackman's door when Ezbon opened it a crack, hawked and spit right in my eye. That was sure a good joke on Ezbon."
Snow and "Noan" (Elnora Ross) McDonald lived on the opposite corner of the block from Rosses. They had the adobe house that was built for the Joseph United Order. Their children Ross, Dan, Mary and Ada, were around our ages, Ada was Vetris' (Morrey) pal, but I knew Dan best. I was grown before I knew he was the little boy in second grade who had insisted there was a parade on his birthday (July 24). (Dan, Phil Shipp and DeMont Bell were the first beaux of Luie Anderson, Alice Bell and myself.)
The next block south was for public buildings-the Relief Society hall, school and the public square. Joseph F. Parker owned the frontage of the block west across the street.
Brother Parker had been one of the few polygamists in town. His first wife, Mary Ross Parker, died before I remember, and her home was gone and the family married and away. They still came home often to see "Daddy," as they called their father, so we knew them: Huldah (Leavitt), “Billy" (J. W.), T. Bryant, (Whose wife was Ader Gilbert. They lived in Joseph before moving to Richfield, their children being Lyman, Lawrence, Arlene (Michelsen), Gilbert.) John, Mary Susannah (Young, and my dear mother-in-law), Anna (McClellan), Amy (Webber), Estella (Goodwin), Ella (Ogden) and Alta (Poulson).
The second wife, Adelia (Cooley) died before I remember, and daughter "Viney" (Melvina Baird) was married, but the others at home were Ariel, Florence (Sylvester), Marie (Larsen) and Byron.
Brother Parker, who had been the bishop for many years, before I remember, was a sociable man people not related to him, called "Uncle Joe". He said he made the girls hard to catch, which was true, for we were usually with some of his grandchildren whom he kissed when he met them - and extended the privilege to others. He married a widow, "Aunt Ellen" (Brown Nyswander), and the marriage was on the rocks. She often visited in our home to tell her troubles. She was an advocate (and advertisement) for asafetida which smelled worse than limburger cheese, and which she wore on her neck to ward off disease. She talked so much about her sugar diabetes that Grant called for, "Please pass the sugar diabetes," while she ate at our table.
When Brother Parker was a free man again a Danish woman from Sanpete spotted him and moved here bag and baggage, made a contract with him, which they signed and sealed. She was Louisa Torkelson. She was quite a woman and watched him like a hawk. He offered us some of his pie plant from a long row, but she kept saying, "Remember Mareeee and her eleven kits." Yet, when we went into the house with her alone, she climbed up on a chair and took a plate of candy off the top of the wardrobe to treat us. Her granddaughter, Blanche Fullmer, came to live with them, and married the town's bachelor, Delbert Wells.
Across the street south from Parker's was the pool hall, turned to cafe, to grocery store. The frame building was destroyed by fire while Owen Warenski was managing it. Next to it was the Roberts store, a long log building. Both buildings had wide porches in front where men liked to loiter to swap yarns and do tricks. I was offered some candy by one of the pranksters. Peeking into the sack I found a set mousetrap. Grant and his bunch fixed up one above the sidewalk near the store. They hung a horse collar in the tree. Charley Cracroft, a little bent-over man with a squeaky voice (Aunt Eff said he looked like a monkey on a grindstone), was the victim. In the dark the boys let the collar down, knocking him over while he repeated, "Sic um, Bob!"
Bill Roberts was English. He kept a poorly stocked store, but for years, the only one in Joseph. He would say, "I 'aven't it today, but will 'ave it tomorrow.” Then he'd make the trip in his Ford to Chris Anderson's in Elsinore or Richfield. I had a hard time buying a light globe from him as he asked, Wat wot?" I thought he was saying, "Want what?" His large family took turns clerking, and I think his crippled son, Joe, ended managing the store.
The Roberts home was south of the store. Bill's wife Sarah (Briggs) is reported to have been crying of fright before her first baby was born and Bill coaxed, " 'Ave this one and you won't have to 'ave hany more." The children were Sarah, Abe, Della, W. H., Joe, Harriet, Ida, George, Vera, Lawrence, Mabel and Ione.
Mary Brown, Will and John Dunn's English mother lived in the middle of the block with her family, Lono Brown, Lily (Winget), Edna (Hopkins), and Lena (Christiansen). Their house burned down and I don't know where they moved. Lono went to Canada and the girls lived in Monroe.
On the south corner of the block was the affluent home of Andrew Ross, known as "Uncle Andrew" by half the kids in town. They claimed he carried peppermints in his pocket for them. I wasn't that favored, for I got a scolding for stepping on his lawn while Mama was visiting him on his porch. Sometimes I peeped through a knothole in the buggy shed and could see the surrey, the harnesses, the chickens and other barnyard animals.
Twice or three times married and divorced, he was catered to by his relatives. In old age, he hired James and "Pet" (Mary Jane Smith) Shaw to care for him, and left them his home. Brother Shaw was crippled by a stroke before he died.
I was told by my father-in-law that in early days he had ridden with "Uncle Andrew" to Salt Lake. They stopped at Andrew's former wife's home while Andrew went in and had a piece of pie. The other passengers waited in the buggy.
The wife we knew most about was "Aunt Nora" (Anderson, a sister of Annie Ross). One of the anecdotes of the town was of one of Nora's entertainments. While Andrew was absent once, Nora had a "hen party." Before the women ate they were told to go upstairs and slide down the banister. Unbeknown to any of them Nora's brother had come from Kimberley that day and was in a room upstairs. As the last woman straddled the banister, Al, in Nora's night shirt and Andrew's night cap, was right behind her. The women screamed and Aunt Zole went right over the top of the dinner table.
Across the street east of Andrew's place was where Brog and Arletta (Carter) Hopkins lived. We used to use Mr. Hopkins' name for a call in the game Run Sheep, "Brognard Delecroy Weber Webber Hopkins." Parley was the last of the Hopkins brood at home, but the others lived in town with their families: Leroy married to Flora Ross, "Flo", was our Sunday School superintendent and we loved him. Clair was their son. Mary Ann was married to James Ross and I remember their children Delecroy and Gwen who was my age. Ida, Ab (married to Edna Brown), Tom (married to Cecelia Lopt), Charles and Parley. I think many of them moved to Delta. Grace Hopkins took me and Macel to her grandma's place and we were given a "piece." It was so unusual to us that we took it home to Mama - it was bread and lard.
Walt and "Mindy" (Arminda Carter) Hyatt lived in a big frame house across the street east from Roberts' Store. Aunt Ett Wells told of their getting together-Walt was her brother. In the early days of Joseph, Mindy and a group of friends went to the gypsy camp to have their fortunes told. Mindy was told, "You will marry a tall dark man." "Oh, you are mistaken. I'm engaged to a light complexioned man." The gypsy told her, "There he is now, going by on that wagon." But Walt Hyatt was a stranger in town. Sure enough, they were married and had children Effa (Morrey), Lizzie (Christensen), Robert, Will, Walter and Jim.
My second grade teacher, Mabel Lubeck, boarded at Hyatts. Mother and Dad were there to a party where they played parlor games, one being "Doctor and Patient." Sam Henry, a ranger who lived with his family in the Sid Carter home, was the patient. He chuckled at how adept he squirted water through his teeth hitting Miss Lubeck's pincher glasses squarely. He had a second laugh when he saw the dainty soot marks Miss Lubeck had drawn over his face and forehead.
Robert and Elnora Ross moved into the Hopkins home. I was often there with Ila. I was amused to see Bob, Elnora and Salina Miller rocking and visiting on the porch. Bob and Salina, one sitting on each side of Elnora, hadn't spoken to each other for years. The conversation went like this, "Elnora, Tell Salina _______.""Elnora, tell Bob _______.”
On the lot where Delwin Owens later built there was a little log house. Sim Peterson's parents, John and Mary (Crabtree) lived there. I don't know who the children Otto and Robinson were-maybe it was her children by second marriage. Otto was my age.
On the south end of the block was where Uncle Henry and Aunt Effa Morrey lived.
Ed Ross, a native Joseph man, son of John Ross and Sarah Wells, married Matilda Bell of Elsinore and they came to Joseph to operate the Cash Store. They built a new home across the street south of Andrew Ross' place. Their children were Mark, Barbara and Beth. After Ed died, Mrs. Ross had several of her relatives help her, the Bells, Johnsons, etc. She and Mother worked in the Stake Relief Society together and had many experiences going to meetings, pushing cars, fixing flat tires and such things.
Lydia (Carter) Wells was a widow when I first remember her. She was a lovely person, and had Ruby (Baker), Elva (Smith), Ernest (Who married Marion Naser) and Robert at home. Robert later married Beth Wilkinson, a teacher, and continued living in the home with his family of James, Rula Jane (Spencer), Gerald and Anna Beth. Ethel (Thurber) lived in Richfield.
The Joseph Cash Store, next door, held many memories for us. It burned the night Alice and DeWitt were being entertained at a wedding reception in January, 1925.
The little home south of the store was where "Aunt Zole" and Bill Shelton lived with their daughter Florence (Burns). Aunt Zole was a sister of "Lyde" Gilbert, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth, who came to Joseph to practice the United Order, so their memory ran back to the earliest settlement. Aunt Zole was a very active person with a finger in every pie. She ran an ice cream parlor on special days, making the confection herself. She said of Bill, "He likes to fiddle so well that he gets up and fiddles in his drawers."
That little house seemed to change hands several times. I recall Arch and Beulah (Rovinson) Hicks living there. Some of their family were Laveen (Orrock) and Bobby.
Across the street south was an early home of Bill and Etta Wells. I remember going there when the house was empty and seeing a strange contraption on the wall. One of my friends knew how to use it and I heard voices coming out of it. It was a very primitive telephone; I think the first one I had ever noticed.
"Parl" and Grace (Leavitt) Carter lived and reared their family in that house. Their children were Lyman, Aileen (Fry), Laura (Dorious), Maurine, Garth (who died in World War II), Jim. Grace, well into her 90's, is still living in Salt Lake City. Parl had a service station in front of his place where we got gasoline from an old fashioned pump for 25 cents a gallon, if we had the money.
Orange T. and Minerva (Hadden) Baker had a home near the south end of the block across the street east. It burned and they built a rock "hotel" on the north end of the block. Each of them had been married before so I'm not sure which child belonged to which, or to both. Most of them were married and living in town, or away, when I knew about them. The 1900 census listed Lois, Joseph, Elthea (Denton), Stephen, Lula (Dickensen), Orange and George. Lois (Hastings) lived in town. "Steve" married Ruby Wells and lived in Sevier and Kimberly before they built on the lot of the house destroyed by fire. Verle (Young) was their only child. Joe was a bachelor in the army in Hawaii when Minerva, his youngest sister, hired me, a fourth grader to write letters to him. (I was never sure how I should end-"With love, Revo", or "With love, Minerva." She took me to the hotel which smelled of beef steak, to get pay of 10 cents, and amazed me by reaching into the sugar bowl for it.) When Joe came home he said to my unpopular cousin, "let's get married." She said, "Good lord, Joe, who'd have us?" Each married someone else later.
Orange married an English girl, Clara (Fearnley), and was the father of Ivy Baker Priest who was Treasurer of the United States from 1953 to 1961. John married DeEsta Bills who said of our family, "They are a pack of giggling fools." I don't know how she could think that, do you? Then there was McKinley who married Vera Bell.
Andrew and Ann (Gay) Bohn had the last home before the highway turned west over the State Canal. It was a red frame house, the home of Vilate, Gay, Evelyn and Afton, about the best-dressed kids in town. Ann was an excellent housekeeper. We kids used to play outside when we went there, for the home was kept so ***** and span. We went to the swimming hole south through the lot, and we watched for the June apples to get ripe in Bohn's orchard. It was on one of those swimming parties that Evelyn took me to see an elderly neighbor, Martha Carter. She may have given us a piece of bread and butter. I just remember how swept her dooryard was. (No one had cement walks.)
We lived east of Joseph Main Street on what might be called First East. (There were only two streets east of Main, and one west)
We didn't like to pass Jim and "Neve" (Geneva Carter) Carter's place going to and from school so we kept to the east side of the street past Ab and Edna (Brown) Hopkins'. The Peterson kids: Leonard, Milton, Leah, Hazel and others threatened us and called us names. Mama told us "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt us." They moved away and Hakan and Mildred Ross were good neighbors. Hakan was an excellent farmer and Mildred (Prisby) minded her own business. They had Ruth, Mary, Jack, Stiner and _______.
We passed the house occupied by Bryant and Ader Parker, which James and Maryann Ross lived in for a while. Their children were Gwen, Delecroy and others. They moved to Delta. Then I think it was where Sim and Necha Stapley lived.
Across the street west, and south across the street from the school was where Sid and "Sis" (Lucinda Ross) Carter lived. I don't remember who took me there, but I was interested in seeing the trap door up. A ladder led down to the cellar (where it was said "Uncle Sid" hid away from the U. S. marshals during the days of polygamy.) We children liked to pass the blacksmith shop Sid had out in the street. We could see the anvil, fire and bellows. There were usually horses to be shod, and men waiting turns for service.
After Ab and Edna Hopkins moved to Richfield, Daniel and Hattie (Utley Stewart) Ross moved in. Each had lost a companion, so this was a mixed family. His children were Angie (Buchanan) living in Gunnison, Ruby (Mills), Clarence (His wife Anna Mae taught school), Rollo, Alta, Thora, Culbert and Grant. "Aunt Hat's" were LaVirl and Randall. Thora and Randall were in my class at school. Aunt Hat told a story that amused us. She had a crippled arm, so it was with great effort that she salted down a barrel of cucumbers to make pickles. She went away for a visit. One day Daniel saw Ezbon Jackman passing and called, "Come see these cucumbers; I think they are spoiling. They have a skum all over the top." Ezbon agreed, "Most assuredly," and was helpful in pouring off the brine and replacing it with fresh water. Aunt Hat was mad as a hornet about it. They were all spoiled.
With Regena I went to see her grandparents, Al and Mary A. (Dorrity) Gay in their adobe home. I was awed by the large fireplace used to heat the room, and I supposed to cook. Florence, their granddaughter lived with them. Every¬one loved Florence and her cousin, Irene Miller, beautiful, jolly girls. I saw them at Sunday school wearing beautiful large hats with ostrich feather plumes and hoped I would have one like them when I grew up. Brother and Sister Gay had crossed the plains in the same company as my Grandmother Morrey and her parents, the Sheffields.
Salina (Gay) Miller, lived a block north of her parents. She had lost her husband in the Schofield mine disaster. Her daughter Ora Allen lived in town. Irene married "Bill" Sawyer and they had a family: Maxine, Barbara, Garth, etc. Perry also lived in town for a while after marrying.
Along that street, at different times, lived the Mills, Borens, Robinsons, Gilberts.
There were several Mills brothers came to town about the same time as Will did: Charles, L.V. and Earl. Charles' wife was Pearl (Smith). Their children were Chloe (McCord), Eugene, Uella (Merchant), Estella (Higgins Johnson), Golda (Balch). Charles was a joker. He said "Weel, I guess I'd better get along home. Pearl cooked enough for four and there’s seven of us to eat it." At school we tormented Chloe who wasn't talking plainly. "What's your name?" "Toe Nils." "Toe Nails?" "No,Toe Nils."
L. V. soon moved away, but his children all had "L" names: Lena, Lizzie, Letha, Laura, Leslie, etc.
Earl Mills' wife was Rose Hampton. They bought Walt Hyatt's home. Their children were Grace (Nelson), Geneva (Warenski), Theron (married Nola Gleave), Ivan. My little brother Harold loved Earl because he was so good to him, when Harold's father was dead.
"Lyde" (Eliza Farnsworth) Gilbert was a widow who lived in a large white rock house. She was a good friend of our mother and they corresponded for years after the Gilberts moved to Arcadia in Duchesne County. Aunt Lyde had a family of Mittie (married to my cousin Jim Moore), Leandrew (Jr.) married to "Rilla" Ross, Martha, Tom, John, Melna and Alta.
We thought the Robinsons, "Zeke and Daisy" (George and Mabel Collmoun) resented the names people called them. George drove the school bus and put a governor on to keep the mileage under 25, so he could talk more, I think. We called him "Beans and Broomcorn" because that was the subject of his talk. Their strange ways made us think they were "outlandish." Mama visited them to offer consolation for the death of one of the children. George mourned, "That was the best kid we had. I'd rather it had been Viney, or Clarence, or Lucile.” The youngest child, sitting in the high chair, moping with measles, threatened, "I'm going to the funeral or bust a gut."
Jane Shipp was passing on the street and heard Mabel quarreling and then Viney came hurling out the door backward.
Mabel was ill for some time and the women in the town went to assist. She was in a miserable condition so they bought sheets and made her more comfortable. When she died the women went again. Lucile said, "By ____, I'm having them sheets on my bed."
The undertaker brought a portable rack and prepared the body in the home. The kids found it to be such a novelty that they pushed it abound for a cart. One wanted to know if it would hurt his mother if he cut her toe off. We thought it appropriate to sing, "Life's battles are over," and "There's sweet rest in heaven."
George was courting again in three weeks. Our Vera said, "Eldon, I hope you'll let me get cold before you hunt another wife.” Eldon told her, "You'll be as cold in three days as you'll ever get."
Mabel Robinson's parents, the Collmouns, lived in a shack above the canal and I think some Benge children lived with them. Mrs. Collmoun died and Mother was there when she was being buried. She looked clean and lovely as her husband prepared the last rites. He mumbled something and tossed her trinkets and jewelry over her. We wondered if they were gypsies.
Somewhere along "First East" lived the Borens, who came from Panguich. Their tall, skinny son we nick-named "Ichabod Crane." Kenneth, about my age, did not grow, was deformed and on crutches. He didn't live long. Then I think there was a little girl named "Neta" Boren. I don't know where they went when they left Joseph.
The family of Cliff and Mary Jane (Carter-daughter of Sid and Lucinda) Shipp lived in a big white rock house (on Second East). I went there when I was small to gather Sunday eggs for the Relief Society. Their home was warm and cheery. As the years passed I was associated with Phil and Inez. Other members of the family were Edna (Mrs. Ira Jensen of Redmond), Sid and Cliff, usually working away from home, Charley and Mary (Mrs. Harvey Jensen of Salt Lake City). Mr. Shipp died quite young, but we remember him as postmaster when the post office was across the street south of the school.
George and Lucy (Bradbury) Warenski had a neat little log house across the street south from Shipps. Of their family, Della married our cousin Evan Charlesworth, Leda (Bredsgard) lived in Monroe, and Owen married Meta Owens. We thought Owen was a "spoiled brat" when he held us girls in a privy by throwing rocks. After George died Lucy married Harry Baierline and moved up town and kept the post office for many years.
No one else lived on that street until at the intersection of the county road leading to Monroe. Juliette (DeGraw) and her sons Ernest and Alva lived there. I think they had lived in Colonia Juarez, but came to Joseph from Panguich. They were quiet folk. Arnfred Christensen laughed at an incident concerning them. My father was putting hay into the barn, each time signaling with a loud "All right" when the teamster should move out to lift the hay fork. Ern was at his place, calling, "Alvie!" and Papa would echo "All right!" After several repetitions, Ern in disgust, yelled, "Oh, shut up, you darned fool!"
East of Hampton's was another house, occupied at various times by different people, among them Andrew and Dora Ross, Francis Jackman and family and "Tell" and Minerva Johnson Sylvester. Although I was not a participant, an occasion barely missed me. (Regena Gay and I were at her home watching for a signal to join our crowd down by the river for a "chicken wake." It seems that our crowd of girls separated to gather up the ingredients. The first group to come raided the Sylvester's chicken coop. The second group did likewise, alerting Minerva and Tell. The fire was built and the chickens nearly skinned when the Sylvesters, still in nightclothes appeared on the scene. Virginia Joos threw the evidence in the river.
There were fewer homes on the west part of town. Two large brick houses belonged to Parkers and to John Dunn. I didn't remember John's first wife who was divorced, but his second wife was Effie. Like the other Dunns, John had his own vocabulary. In court he was asked about the property, if it had any encumbrances. He replied "Just a pig pen and an old chicken coop." Once in a funeral procession our high-powered car sputtered and jerked. John rode up beside it and yelled, "Thrower inner mejan, John, thrower inner mejan."
Ed and Charl (Charlotte Crabtree) Warenski lived on "First West", one of the few families on that street. Some of their children were Bertha (Henderson), Charlie, Bert and Ralph. Ed, like many other men, spent too much time at the pool hall. One day when he came home for dinner he was served raw meat and an ax.
I don't know where Dora Carter lived. She was the mother of Parlan and Dennis, Walter and Ruby. Walter was deaf but he could make enough sounds to partly be understood. Ruby was a big girl, still wearing her shoes of the wrong feet. Lula, some relation, was blind and used to come for vacation and play the piano beautifully. I think she may have been at the blind school.
Not permanent residents, never the less, the school teacher families were such a part of the community that they figure in its history. Besides Arnfred Christensen and Francis Jackman, there were many others. About 1915 the Harwoods from California were favorites. They were Methodists and were also photographers, which made them curiosities. Vincent Bradley from Sanpete County, married to Reta Hansen from Elsinore, was my seventh and eighth grade teacher. Golden and Thelma (Shaw) Buchanan from Venice were popular with the young married crowd, as were Everett and Manita (Peterson) Hansen from Monroe and Richfield. Each couple had one, two or three children.
We spoke of the people who lived west of the State Canal as being "above the canal."
Uncle Joe and Aunt "Meedy" (Almeda Harmon) Moore (Joseph Moore was step-cousing to John Ferney Morrey, Revo’s father) lived in two houses set one in front of the other. I think the front one was of sawed logs and the other was log. Uncle Joe was tall and angular, Aunt Meedy short and plump. She wore her hair in a knot on top of her head. I remember her as being a soft-spoken, contented lady, sitting rocking and crocheting in the living room while the big girls did the work and played toe organ. The big girls at home, when I first remember, were Hattie, Killarnia, Eva and Elma. There had been twelve children; most of them married now and in homes of their own. Eliza was our Aunt “Lizy" as she had married Mama's brother, Uncle Walter Rawlinson. Emily was Mrs. Alma Christensen and they moved to Clear Creek Canyon. Clarissa was Mrs. Will Hyatt, Fern was Mrs. Herman Lott, and Jim was married to Mittie Gilbert. Aunt Meedy's mother, Eliza, lived with them until she died and then Mr. Harmon, her father was with them until he died.
Next south was the home of John and Hester (Brown) Robinson. I don't remember them except a daughter Bessie. I don't know if they lived in the house later occupied by the Cracraft family-Charley and Susie (Hoops) and family; Frank, Garn, Polly, Ila, Hazel and Thad. Charlie and Susie were "off again, on again" and Charlie said "We haven't had a temple divorce."
There were several families related to the Browns, who I think, were southern folk. I'm not sure where Archie and Bertha (Nelson) lived before they moved to the Bob Ross farm. They had David, Arden, Evelyn and Myrtle. Myrtle and Grant had a feud at school and one day were seen daring each other to come around the corners of the school house. Each was supplied with rocks to throw.
Al and Almira (Howd) Johnson and son Bill (William) and daughter Minerva (Sylvester) lived along the main road above the canal. Mr. Johnson was the church and school janitor. Bill worked for years for Papa at $30 per month and boarded at home. He left and went to World War I. The Johnsons had another daughter Eva (Mrs. Harry Hall). Ernestine was their daughter that I recall, & Larue.
“Doc Pliney” and Day Brandbury were formerly from Kanosh and then lived at Bradbury Ranch in Clear Creek Canyon. Mother had a connection with them also, for the Days had come from South Africa where Grandpa Rawlinson was born. Doris, unmarried, lived with them. After their daughter Mary lost her husband, Walt Hyatt, she lived with them, and continued to live there after her parents passed away. Mary had children, Reed, Archie, Jeanette (Utley) and Dan.
I went to Jeff and Nanny (Gilbert) Carter's home with the twins, Mabel and Mazel. I was introduced to the oija board there. I looked at the Sears catalogue with the twins and we decided on muffs and furs for Christmas. Somehow Santa did not get the message. Big sisters of the twins, LaPriel and Maryann were the big girls I remembered at school when I was small. Byron was Eldon's friend and I remember they came to our home one Sunday and taught us how to make "Snow ice cream" by mixing snow, separated cream, sugar and vanilla. Icy was Macel's friend and Gilbert was Vetris’ age. They moved to Delta.
Jeff Carter, though a mature man, did immature tricks just for amusement. Sometimes they weren't funny.
Father and Eldon were trying to break a horse to work. They had him teamed with an older horse on a wood rack. Ace was sitting on the back of the wagon having a leisurely smoke. Jeff came along on his motorcycle and just as he got even with them he made the motor backfire with a loud bang. The horses gave a jump and lit into a run up the graveled road. The startled men were unable to control them and Ace was bounced around like a rubber ball. The wagon missed the bridge on the canal. With a jerk the wagon came uncoupled. Poor Ace was thrown into the rock-strewn ditch. The horses rode away and continued running until someone headed them toward home.
Jeff had a hearty laugh at their plight.
The reputation Jeff had for mischief made us think that it too bad Will Dunn didn't accomplish his childhood errand. Jeff was sick and his mother knew what ailed him. She told Will, "go fetch me some nanny berries to make some tea to bring out the measles on Jeff.” Will came back and said, "I can't find any berries." Peggy Ann said, "They're sheep terd, you little fool."
The Leavitt "boys" had homes further along the road. Ether and Vera (Utley) had a young family of; Chad, Dean, Vivian, Barbara and others. Lloyd was married to Jennie Fawn Sylvester, who died young leaving a young family. He later married Barney.
"Jim" and Hulda (Parker) Leavitt lived at the bend of the road and under the canal. Their children still at home were Paul, Lasca (Anderson) and Frank. Paul and his cousin Clayton Parker ran away from home and joined the army in World War I. I don't know Paul's experience, but Clayton was in the battle at Argone Forest. Lasca was a friend of Alice and often slept in our home when it was too late at night to walk home in the dark.
Walter and Martha (Mormon) Brown lived across the road west from Leavitts. They were good faithful people. They had hearts of gold and adopted three orphan brothers, Carl, Clifford and Ralph Nelson. Carl died of appendicitis; the other two lived to marry, but died young. Ralph and his wife (Grace Mills) built a new home in town and operated a store in Joseph.
Farther up the dirt road and near the railroad crossing was where "Brig" and Pansy (Brown) Darger lived, making a living by raising fruit - Gaino and Jonathan apples. The children of the family were Velora, Ivan, David, Eldren (my age), Erma and Valden. I don't know if the man we called "Old Man Brown" was Pansy's father. It was rumored that Andrew Ross brought him from Tennessee to run a "still" for him; who knows?
Quite often families moved to Joseph, made their imprint, and moved on. Occasionally a member of the family married into the more established families. Some we heard about from earlier times were Murdocks, Cooleys, Newbys, Carters, Billingsly's, Fred Lott, Farnsworths, Haights, John Ross, Grahams, Giffords. More recent ones were Robert Penny, his wife Clara (Goulding) and her relatives William Goulding, Amplus Goulding; Hessie Joos with family Margaret, Minerva, Grace (Owens), Belva, Bobby, Easton; "Bill” Sawyer (married Irene Miller); Herbert Allen (married Ora Miller); Perry Miller and family Dennis Carter, Abe Roberts, Joe Roberts, and others. Lafayette Hampton, Alexander Shaw, Martin Merritt.
If I have left anyone out of this narrative and you remember them you may visit them at the Joseph Cemetery above town. That's where our neighbors from the Cove (Sevier) may also be found...