So shall it be with my father: he shall be
called a prince over his posterity, holding
the keys of the patriarchal priesthood over the kingdom of God on earth, even the Church
of the Latter Day Saints, and he shall sit in the general assembly of patriarchs, even in
council with the Ancient of Days when he shall sit and all the patriarchs with him and shall
enjoy his right and authority under the direction of the Ancient of Days.
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SMITH, Joseph Steven[1, 2]

Male 1868 - 1947  (78 years)  Submit Photo / DocumentSubmit Photo / Document

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  • Name SMITH, Joseph Steven 
    Birth 24 Sep 1868  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    WAC 23 Dec 1891  MANTI Find all individuals with events at this location 
    _TAG Reviewed on FS 
    Death 21 Jun 1947  Provo, Utah, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Burial 24 Jun 1947  Provo, Utah, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Headstones Submit Headstone Photo Submit Headstone Photo 
    Person ID I54035  Joseph Smith Sr and Lucy Mack Smith
    Last Modified 19 Aug 2021 

    Family ID F26624  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 GEE, Georgiana ,   b. 15 Dec 1869, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationProvo, Utah, Utah, United Statesd. 6 Feb 1899, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 29 years)  [2
    Marriage 23 Dec 1891  Manti, Sanpete, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Children 2 sons and 2 daughters 
    Family ID F26621  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 24 Jan 2022 

    Family 2 GEE, Esther ,   b. 29 Oct 1873, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationProvo, Utah, Utah, United Statesd. 22 May 1952, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 78 years)  [2
    Marriage 8 May 1901  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Children 2 sons and 3 daughters 
    Family ID F26596  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 24 Jan 2022 

  • Photos At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.

  • Notes 
    •             Joseph Steven Smith was born 24 September 1868 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Territory to Henry and Martha Knight Smith.  He was their only child to be born in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Territory. 
                  Joseph Steven’s grandfather, Stephen Smith and his wife Ann Waller were sent from England along with others to colonize the southern tip of So Africa.  When they left England they had three small children, Henry, Stephen, and Harriet. Harriet (sister of Henry) died on the boat and was buried at sea.  Henry was nearly five years old when they arrived in South Africa in 1819.          
                  Missionary activities for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began in South Africa when three Elders arrived at the Cape of Good Hope on 19 April 1853.  Within six months they had baptized forty five persons, organized two branches and blessed a number of children.  Henry Smith (Joseph Steven’s grandfather) and his family all received the gospel message and were baptized and became members of the Church on 20 March 1863.  His grandfather owned a fishery and a number of fishing boats.  He also owned a mercantile business and was very well to do. But the spirit of emigration to be with the Saints moved him to sell everything and get passage for himself and his family of eight children, and two cousins to come to Zion. 
                  They boarded the Ship “Mexicana” on 12 April 1865 at Port Elizabeth and started their journey to America with a total of forty nine passengers.  They arrived in New York on 20 June 1865.  Henry and his wife Martha, came with eight of their children, George Henry, 19; Annie Jane, 16; Harriet Elizabeth, 14; William Robert, 12; Martha Mary Ann, 8; Sarah Rachel, 7; Rosa Elizabeth 3; and Charlotte Amelia, 1.
                      They took the train to Cleveland, Ohio and from there traveled to St. Joseph,Missouri where they took a boat up the Missouri River to Wyoming, Nebraska which was the staging area for pioneers coming west. They traveled by ox team,and left on 12 August 1865 in the Henson Walker Company. 
                  They had many struggles along the way.  There was a stampede on the high plains of Wyoming. They had to wait at Fort Casper for food.  The wagon supply train from the west was expected to arrive at the fort so the soldiers went out to meet them.  They had gone only about a mile when they were attacked by a rather large group of Indians and they killed all the soldiers.  Then they attacked the supply train as it neared the fort and killed all who were in the train.
                  They left Fort Casper and headed southwest three or four days to Independence Rock and Devil’s Gate.  Just west of Split Rock, they left the trail and headed to South Pass reaching there about 10 October 1865.   Then they reached the town of Farson and traveled west to the Green River where they would cross the river.  They went on to Fort Bridger and arrived there on 9 October 1865.
                  From there they would proceed down Echo Canyon, over the Hogsback and down Parleys Canyon arriving there on 9 November, 1865. It took just 90 days on the trail from when they started across the plains to come to Utah.
                  They had a very difficult time, mainly because when they left South Africa, there were no warm clothes to be had anywhere.  Now they were in the midst of winter in the Utah Territory.  They had brought many yards of silk from their store in South Africa, also tea, and spices.  Martha, William’s mother, would exchange those items for milk or vegetables.  This family was reduced to poverty who had once known luxury, servants, warmth, and comforts but they never once regretted the decision to join the Church and come to Zion. 
                  Joseph Steven was baptized on 16 June 1877 at the age of eight.  He married Georgiana Gee on 23 December 1891 in the Manti Temple, Manti, Sanpete, Utah Territory at the age of 23.  She was born 15 December 1869 in Provo, Utah,Utah Territory to George Washington and Sophina Alcesta Fuller Gee II.  She was 22 years old when they married. 
                  They had four children, two girls and two boys, all born in Provo, Utah, Utah.  Harold Eugene was born 7 March 1893; George Lurleon was born 13 July 1894; Vera was born 20 September 1896 and died 9 August 1899; and a baby girl (unnamed) was born and died 16 January 1899.   Georgiana died 6 February 1899 from complications of childbirth at the age of 29 and was buried in Provo, Utah,Utah.
                  Joseph then married Georgiana sister, Esther on 8 May 1901 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.  They had five children,three girls and two boys, the first four being born in Provo, Utah, Utah.  Maurine Esther was born 27 January 1904 and died 18 April 1908; Lavona was born 6 March 1906 and died 28 August 1911;Joseph Clyde was born 11 December 1908; Legrande Gee was born 20 October 1912;and Bessie was born 3 October 1917 in Lakeview, Utah, Utah.  Joseph and Esther were living in McGill,White Pine, Nevada in 1920 when she was 46 and he was 52.
                  Joseph Steven died 21 June 1947 in Provo, Utah, Utah at the age of 78.  He was buried 24 June 1947 in Provo, Utah, Utah.  Esther died 22 May 1942 at the age of 78 and was buried 25 May 1952 in Provo, Utah, Utah.

  • Sources 
    1. [S282] Charles E. Benjamin, Descendants of Solomon Gee of Lyme, Connecticut, (1981 Privately Published Printed by Light and Life Press, Winona Lake, Indiana), Page 396.

    2. [S283] Laurence Gee, Laurence Gee.