Latitude: 52.0592058333333, Longitude: -2.73176055555556
BirthMatches 1 to 6 of 6
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
BOHUN, Earl Humphrey de VII | Sep 1249 | Herefordshire, England | I28768 |
2 |
FITZ-SCROB, Richard | Abt 1010 | Herefordshire, England | I28864 |
3 |
HACKLUYT, Leonard I | Abt 1360 | Herefordshire, England | I60465 |
4 |
HACKLUYT, Leonard I | Abt 1360 | Herefordshire, England | I71164 |
5 |
WEAVER, Walter | 1389 | Herefordshire, England | I57224 |
6 |
WEAVER, Walter | 1389 | Herefordshire, England | I70724 |
DeathMatches 1 to 12 of 12
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Death |
Person ID |
1 |
BOHUN, Aeneas de | Abt 29 Sep 1331 | Herefordshire, England | I43390 |
2 |
CLIFFORD, Roger de I | Dec 1231 | Herefordshire, England | I50002 |
3 |
DAMARTIN, Matilda De | 1231 | Herefordshire, England | I49228 |
4 |
GRANDISON, Isabell de | 4 Apr 1406 | Herefordshire, England | I25703 |
5 |
KETHEROUGH, Agnes | 1 Jul 1515 | Herefordshire, England | I35603 |
6 |
KETHEROUGH, Agnes | 1 Jul 1515 | Herefordshire, England | I69437 |
7 |
LA BERE, Sir John de | Bef 1373 | Herefordshire, England | I31969 |
8 |
RICHARD, Lord Osborn Fitz | 1093 | Herefordshire, England | I28863 |
9 |
SHERBORNE, William | 1679 | Herefordshire, England | I65312 |
10 |
TODENI, Robert de | 1114 | Herefordshire, England | I32631 |
11 |
WEAVER, Walter | Aft 1416 | Herefordshire, England | I57224 |
12 |
WEAVER, Walter | Aft 1416 | Herefordshire, England | I70724 |
MarriageMatches 1 to 2 of 2