So shall it be with my father: he shall be
called a prince over his posterity, holding
the keys of the patriarchal priesthood over the kingdom of God on earth, even the Church
of the Latter Day Saints, and he shall sit in the general assembly of patriarchs, even in
council with the Ancient of Days when he shall sit and all the patriarchs with him and shall
enjoy his right and authority under the direction of the Ancient of Days.
First Name:  Last Name: 
[Advanced Search]  [Surnames]

Albemarle, Virginia, United States



Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 AKIN, Isabella  1761Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66531
2 ANTHONY, Elizabeth  10 Mar 1746Albemarle, Virginia, United States I61302
3 CORNWALL, Nancy  8 Apr 1798Albemarle, Virginia, United States I19221
4 DUDGEON, John  16 Apr 1752Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66476
5 LAPSLEY, Ann  1749Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66420
6 LAPSLEY, Martha  20 May 1746Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66418
7 LAPSLEY, Mary  1738Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66402
8 LAPSLEY, Samuel  1704Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66428
9 LAPSLEY, Samuel  1747Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66419


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
1 AKIN, Isabella  1761Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66531
2 SUBLETT, Abraham  Abt 1760Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66529
3 SUBLETT, Mary Hunt  1756Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66477
4 SUBLETT, Sarah Celia  Abt 1760Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66518
5 WEATHERFORD, John William  1752Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66526


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 ADAMS, Judith  Jan 1780Albemarle, Virginia, United States I62517
2 AKIN, Isabella  Abt 1840Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66531
3 ANDERSON, Susannah Ann  8 Oct 1781Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66443
4 LAPSLEY, Samuel  1775Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66428
5 MARTIN, Thomas  25 Jul 1792Albemarle, Virginia, United States I20873
6 SUBLETT, Martha Patsy  Nov 1829Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66515


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 ADAMS, Judith  1780Albemarle, Virginia, United States I62517
2 AKIN, Isabella  Abt 1840Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66531
3 CLARK, Micajah Sr.  25 Jul 1808Albemarle, Virginia, United States I62770
4 LAPSLEY, Joseph II  Jan 1792Albemarle, Virginia, United States I66415
5 MARTIN, Thomas  Jul 1792Albemarle, Virginia, United States I20873


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 LAPSLEY / IRVINE  1723Albemarle, Virginia, United States F31407
2 LAPSLEY / WOODS  1741Albemarle, Virginia, United States F31404