So shall it be with my father: he shall be
called a prince over his posterity, holding
the keys of the patriarchal priesthood over the kingdom of God on earth, even the Church
of the Latter Day Saints, and he shall sit in the general assembly of patriarchs, even in
council with the Ancient of Days when he shall sit and all the patriarchs with him and shall
enjoy his right and authority under the direction of the Ancient of Days.
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SMITH, Vida Elizabeth

SMITH, Vida Elizabeth

Female 1865 - 1945  (79 years)  Submit Photo / DocumentSubmit Photo / Document

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  • Name SMITH, Vida Elizabeth 
    Birth 16 Jan 1865  Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    _TAG Reviewed on FS 
    Burial Jan 1945  Lamoni, Decatur, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Death 3 Jan 1945  Los Angelas, Los Angelas, California, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Headstones Submit Headstone Photo Submit Headstone Photo 
    Person ID I19  Joseph Smith Sr and Lucy Mack Smith
    Last Modified 19 Aug 2021 

    Father SMITH, Alexander Hale ,   b. 2 Jun 1838, Far West, Caldwell, Missouri, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationFar West, Caldwell, Missouri, United Statesd. 12 Aug 1909, Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 71 years) 
    Mother KENDALL, Elizabeth Agnes   Additional Information on KENDALL, Elizabeth Agnes - I17,   b. 7 May 1843, Ulverstone, Lancashire, England Find all individuals with events at this locationUlverstone, Lancashire, Englandd. 6 Jun 1919, Lamoni, Decatur, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 76 years) 
    Marriage 23 May 1861  Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 May 1971, ALBER.~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 May 1971, ALBER. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 May 1971, ALBER.
    Family ID F10  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 SMITH, Heman Conoman ,   b. 27 Sep 1850, Zodiac, Gillespie, Texas, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationZodiac, Gillespie, Texas, United Statesd. 17 Apr 1919, Independence, Jackson, Missouri, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 68 years) 
    Marriage 2 Jun 1886  Independence, Jackson, Missouri, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Divorce Yes, date unknown 
    • ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO. ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO. ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO. ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO. ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO. ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO.~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO.~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 25 Apr 1986, PROVO.
    Children 1 son and 3 daughters 
    Family ID F19  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 24 Jan 2022 

    Family 2 YATES, James Elmer ,   b. 12 Mar 1874, Johnsonville, Montgomery, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationJohnsonville, Montgomery, Ohio, United Statesd. 7 Apr 1954, Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 80 years) 
    Marriage 2 Oct 1926  Potlatch, Latah, Idaho Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP. ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP. ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP. ~SEALING_TO_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP.~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP. ~SEALING_SPOUSE: Also shown as SealSp 6 Dec 1997, MTIMP.
    Family ID F20  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 24 Jan 2022 

  • Photos
    Vida Elizabeth Smith, 1 yr. sep 14, 1926.jpg
    Vida in door of Nauvoo House Sept 1917 050.jpg
    Vida Smith and Audentia Andersen  009.jpg
    Vida Elizabeth Smith (2).jpg
    Vida in Hyrum's yard, Independence 055.jpg
    Vida in Hyrum's yard, Independence 055.jpg

    mansion home heman and vida smith.jpg
    mansion home heman and vida smith.jpg

  • Notes 
    • Published:

      Anderson, Mary Audentia Smith, ANCESTRY AND POSTERITY OF JOSEPH SMITH AND EMMA HALE. Independence, Missouri: Herald Publishing House, 1929, 1958 [FHL Special 929.273 Sm51am] Internation Genealogical Index Submission Forms. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1970-1995. Internation Genealogical Index. Salt Lake: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1980, 1994. Database compiled by Michael Kennedy of ALpine, UT., Pres. Joseph Smith, Jr. Family Organization. Temple code from IGI 1994 Edition.

      BIOGRAPHY: Patriarchal Blessing of Vida Elizabeth Smith Given at Lamoni, Iowa, June 27m 1901, by Alexander H. Smith, Patriarch (RLDS) BIOGRAPHY: Vida, in the name of the Lord Jesus, our loved Savior and Redeemer, I lay my hands upon thy head to bless thee, to bestow upon thee that blessing which is understood as a Patriarchal Blessing, that under its influence thou mayest be watched over and directed in thy life lines, that thou mayst be forewarned; thus being forearmed be enabled to meet the vicissitudes of life and cope successfully with the influences of the adversary, and remain firm in the faith that nothing may happen to destroy thy confidence in it, to lead the away from it, but that the influences that may be thrown around thee may strengthen thee for the purposes of life, and open to thy mind the riches that are found in the store house of God, that thou mayest be made better and wiser, being made better acquainted with God and His laws, and the destinies that He has in store for His children; that the inspirations of His Holy Spirit may come to thee and quicken thy mind, increasing thy perceptive powers, and strengthening thy memory, in thee, that the office work of the Spirit may be with thee to that extent that thou mayest be brought nearer to God in consequence of the knowledge and power that is given unto thee, under the influences of that Holy Spirit. Thy life lines in the past have been lain in such peculiar nature and places that thou hast been made acquainted with the trials of this present life. Thou hast known disappointments, thou hast borne some of the trials and burdens of life; thou art sufficiently acquainted with them to understand the nature of them. And I pray that the influences of God's Holy Spirit may enable thee to understand that these experiences are calculated to bring thee nearer to the Master, and qualify thee, making thee better able to serve Him acceptably than thou wouldst have been hadst thou not have dealt with these trials and burdens. I pray God's Holy Spirit to be given thee to enable thee to bear patiently still the trials that are found in life. The children of the covenant are subject to trials and burdens in this present life, they are not exempt because they have made the covenant with God to serve Him; but having made the covenant they are given the promises of God that He will make them strong and enable them to bear, and provide an escape from every trial and every temptation, if they will serve Him, and serve Him acceptably. Now daughter, I bid thee to be faithful in the discharge of the known duties of life, remembering that the performing faithfully the little duties that devolved upon thee are those things that shall go to make up thy character; make it more perfect in the sight of God, more like the character of our Lord and Savior. I pray God to enlighten thee, to instruct thee relative to thy mission in life, giving thee a perfect understanding of it, that thou mayest discharge the duties of thy mission acceptably before Him, and perform those duties in this present life that shall entitle thee to an entrance into the presence of God and His Son, to dwell with them in the world to come. There is opening before the daughters of the covenant rich fields of labor, wherein they may perform such work as shall bring them into the presence of their Master, clothed upon with honor; wherein they may do such things as shall lay up for them treasures in Heaven, where they shall be secured for them as a reward in the great day when the Master shall give to ? That that is theirs by reason of faithful service. The work which is opening and widening and presenting itself now to the children of God is of that character that thou mayest make to thyself a name among the children of God which shall be fore thy good, and shall reflect honor upon the Master by reason of its character, and shall bring to thee a grand reward. I pray that he will quicken thy intellect, making it stronger, that thou mayst be enabled to perform the work that is now opening to thee, acceptably to thyself and to the Lord Jesus Christ. And that He may give thee health of body, and strength to perform the duties of life acceptably, also; that he may preserve thee from sickness and from accident, that He may surround thee with the things that go to make up the comforts of this present life, that thou mayest not be worried nor troubled, nor feel the burden of life to the extent that it will hinder thee from entering in upon doing that work that brings to thee so much satisfaction. I bid thee to remember, in the events of life, those seasons when under distress, and feeling weak and burdened and depressed, the influences of the Holy Spirit have come to thee to give thee relief, and to bring to thee the health and strength necessary to thee, to perform thy duties as a wife, a companion, and a mother, and rejoice in that God has been with thee, in Spirit, and brought thee relief, at times when it was necessary; manifested to thee, by the evidences of His Spirit, recognition, and given thee strength to still continue in the labors of life. Remembering these events, thy will increase thy confidence in the faith, and enable thee to see the events of life with more faith and confidence in Him, to enter in, with new zeal and zest, to the work of life. Perform thy domestic duties, that devolve upon thee, with an eye single to the glory of God, caring for the little ones that He has given thee; teaching them the principles of light, of life, and truth, forming their characters, and making their natures and dispositions so that they may represent the principles of life, and reflect the character of the Lord Jesus Christ, and become beautiful men and women in the Lord Jesus, representing the life work that has been thine, in that direction. Do not be discouraged. Never think that thy life has been a failure. Do the things that come to thy hand and trust in God; and He will bless thee, and He will lead thee as by the right hand. He will give thee of the influences of His Spirit. Thou shalt feel it thrilling thy heart, and thy whole being with joy and comfort, and thou shalt be led of Him, and feel His leadings, and realize that He is leading thee, that He is recognizing thee as a child dear to Him. And now I bless thee as a father would bless a child, asking God's choicest blessings to come down and rest upon thee, to surround thee with the influences of protection and loving care, and of those blessed influences that shall enable thee to feel that thou art indeed a child of god. Thou art of Israel. Thy life lines are recognized of God; thy inheritance is in Ephraim. And thou shalt received of the leadings of God's Holy Spirit, the blessings that shall mark thee of the household of God, entitled to the blessings that cometh from a long line of worthy ancestry, who have the right to the tree of life, and the influences of the Spirit of God in the prophetic line. I bless thee, too, that thou mayest exercise the gifts that belongeth to thee by inheritance, that thou mayest be filled with the influences of the Spirit of God, receive its light and instruction, and spirit ? Under its influences the words that shall be revealed to thee, that thy may be words of comfort and consolation to those that may hear thee, that it may evidence that thou art one indeed worthy of God, to received o f His Holy Spirit. The prophetic gift belongeth to thee, and thou art entitled to exercise this gift. And I pray God that it may be given thee, and that thou gayest received its influences, that it may enable thee to perform a good work, and that thy words may bring comfort and consolation, and that thou, too, gayest received light and information to help thee, by reason of the gift. I pray that God may open the visions of the future to thee, that thou gayest see, as through an open door, the beauties that are found represented in the Kingdom of God, that thou gayest understand the nature of life which is presented to thee in the world to come, understand this by the influences of God's inspiration, and be enabled to teach those that thou gayest be surrounded with, those beauties to benefit and improve them, and enable thee to have faith in the Lord and His promises. If thou art faithful, dear sister, these gifts and blessings shall be upon thee, and thou shalt feel them to thy comfort, and thou shalt be strengthened, that in the time that shall come to thee, the burdens of life that shall be thine, the temptations that may be around thee, shall have no force to overcome thee nor destroy thy faith in the Lord Jesus and his work. And thou shalt received that welcome plaudit that cometh from the Master because of thy work, and be bidden to enter in and enjoy the dwelling with the redeemed and sanctified, in the Celestial Kingdom of our God. The gift of Eternal Life I seal upon thee, daughter, and ask god, the Eternal Father, to let the influences of His Holy Spirit seal it upon thee, that thou gayest have it assured to thee, in thy mind, that thou gayest not waver; but be firm under all the vicissitudes of life. To the end, that, when the eve-time shall come, and the passage from the present life into the future, it may be of peace; the change may come as the infant's falling asleep, – the passing into life. These blessings I seal upon thee, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Anderson, Mary Audentia Smith, ANCESTRY AND POSTERITY OF JOSEPH SMITH AND EMMA HALE. Independence, Missouri: Herald Publishing House, 1929, 1958 [FHL Special 929.273 Sm51am] Internation Genealogical Index Submission Forms. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1970-1995. Internation Genealogical Index. Salt Lake: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1980, 1994. Database compiled by Michael Kennedy of ALpine, UT., Pres. Joseph Smith, Jr. Family Organization. Temple code from IGI 1994 Edition. BIOGRAPHY: Patriarchal Blessing of Vida Elizabeth Smith Given at Lamoni, Iowa, June 27m 1901, by Alexander H. Smith, Patriarch (RLDS) BIOGRAPHY: Vida, in the name of the Lord Jesus, our loved Savior and Redeemer, I lay my hands upon thy head to bless thee, to bestow upon thee that blessing which is understood as a Patriarchal Blessing, that under its influence thou mayest be watched over and directed in thy life lines, that thou mayst be forewarned; thus being forearmed be enabled to meet the vicissitudes of life and cope successfully with the influences of the adversary, and remain firm in the faith that nothing may happen to destroy thy confidence in it, to lead the away from it, but that the influences that may be thrown around thee may strengthen thee for the purposes of life, and open to thy mind the riches that are found in the store house of God, that thou mayest be made better and wiser, being made better acquainted with God and His laws, and the destinies that He has in store for His children; that the inspirations of His Holy Spirit may come to thee and quicken thy mind, increasing thy perceptive powers, and strengthening thy memory, in thee, that the office work of the Spirit may be with thee to that extent that thou mayest be brought nearer to God in consequence of the knowledge and power that is given unto thee, under the influences of that Holy Spirit. Thy life lines in the past have been lain in such peculiar nature and places that thou hast been made acquainted with the trials of this present life. Thou hast known disappointments, thou hast borne some of the trials and burdens of life; thou art sufficiently acquainted with them to understand the nature of them. And I pray that the influences of God's Holy Spirit may enable thee to understand that these experiences are calculated to bring thee nearer to the Master, and qualify thee, making thee better able to serve Him acceptably than thou wouldst have been hadst thou not have dealt with these trials and burdens. I pray God's Holy Spirit to be given thee to enable thee to bear patiently still the trials that are found in life. The children of the covenant are subject to trials and burdens in this present life, they are not exempt because they have made the covenant with God to serve Him; but having made the covenant they are given the promises of God that He will make them strong and enable them to bear, and provide an escape from every trial and every temptation, if they will serve Him, and serve Him acceptably. Now daughter, I bid thee to be faithful in the discharge of the known duties of life, remembering that the performing faithfully the little duties that devolved upon thee are those things that shall go to make up thy character; make it more perfect in the sight of God, more like the character of our Lord and Savior. I pray God to enlighten thee, to instruct thee relative to thy mission in life, giving thee a perfect understanding of it, that thou mayest discharge the duties of thy mission acceptably before Him, and perform those duties in this present life that shall entitle thee to an entrance into the presence of God and His Son, to dwell with them in the world to come. There is opening before the daughters of the covenant rich fields of labor, wherein they may perform such work as shall bring them into the presence of their Master, clothed upon with honor; wherein they may do such things as shall lay up for them treasures in Heaven, where they shall be secured for them as a reward in the great day when the Master shall give to ? That that is theirs by reason of faithful service. The work which is opening and widening and presenting itself now to the children of God is of that character that thou mayest make to thyself a name among the children of God which shall be fore thy good, and shall reflect honor upon the Master by reason of its character, and shall bring to thee a grand reward. I pray that he will quicken thy intellect, making it stronger, that thou mayst be enabled to perform the work that is now opening to thee, acceptably to thyself and to the Lord Jesus Christ. And that He may give thee health of body, and strength to perform the duties of life acceptably, also; that he may preserve thee from sickness and from accident, that He may surround thee with the things that go to make up the comforts of this present life, that thou mayest not be worried nor troubled, nor feel the burden of life to the extent that it will hinder thee from entering in upon doing that work that brings to thee so much satisfaction. I bid thee to remember, in the events of life, those seasons when under distress, and feeling weak and burdened and depressed, the influences of the Holy Spirit have come to thee to give thee relief, and to bring to thee the health and strength necessary to thee, to perform thy duties as a wife, a companion, and a mother, and rejoice in that God has been with thee, in Spirit, and brought thee relief, at times when it was necessary; manifested to thee, by the evidences of His Spirit, recognition, and given thee strength to still continue in the labors of life. Remembering these events, thy will increase thy confidence in the faith, and enable thee to see the events of life with more faith and confidence in Him, to enter in, with new zeal and zest, to the work of life. Perform thy domestic duties, that devolve upon thee, with an eye single to the glory of God, caring for the little ones that He has given thee; teaching them the principles of light, of life, and truth, forming their characters, and making their natures and dispositions so that they may represent the principles of life, and reflect the character of the Lord Jesus Christ, and become beautiful men and women in the Lord Jesus, representing the life work that has been thine, in that direction. Do not be discouraged. Never think that thy life has been a failure. Do the things that come to thy hand and trust in God; and He will bless thee, and He will lead thee as by the right hand. He will give thee of the influences of His Spirit. Thou shalt feel it thrilling thy heart, and thy whole being with joy and comfort, and thou shalt be led of Him, and feel His leadings, and realize that He is leading thee, that He is recognizing thee as a child dear to Him. And now I bless thee as a father would bless a child, asking God's choicest blessings to come down and rest upon thee, to surround thee with the influences of protection and loving care, and of those blessed influences that shall enable thee to feel that thou art indeed a child of god. Thou art of Israel. Thy life lines are recognized of God; thy inheritance is in Ephraim. And thou shalt received of the leadings of God's Holy Spirit, the blessings that shall mark thee of the household of God, entitled to the blessings that cometh from a long line of worthy ancestry, who have the right to the tree of life, and the influences of the Spirit of God in the prophetic line. I bless thee, too, that thou mayest exercise the gifts that belongeth to thee by inheritance, that thou mayest be filled with the influences of the Spirit of God, receive its light and instruction, and spirit ? Under its influences the words that shall be revealed to thee, that thy may be words of comfort and consolation to those that may hear thee, that it may evidence that thou art one indeed worthy of God, to received o f His Holy Spirit. The prophetic gift belongeth to thee, and thou art entitled to exercise this gift. And I pray God that it may be given thee, and that thou gayest received its influences, that it may enable thee to perform a good work, and that thy words may bring comfort and consolation, and that thou, too, gayest received light and information to help thee, by reason of the gift. I pray that God may open the visions of the future to thee, that thou gayest see, as through an open door, the beauties that are found represented in the Kingdom of God, that thou gayest understand the nature of life which is presented to thee in the world to come, understand this by the influences of God's inspiration, and be enabled to teach those that thou gayest be surrounded with, those beauties to benefit and improve them, and enable thee to have faith in the Lord and His promises. If thou art faithful, dear sister, these gifts and blessings shall be upon thee, and thou shalt feel them to thy comfort, and thou shalt be strengthened, that in the time that shall come to thee, the burdens of life that shall be thine, the temptations that may be around thee, shall have no force to overcome thee nor destroy thy faith in the Lord Jesus and his work. And thou shalt received that welcome plaudit that cometh from the Master because of thy work, and be bidden to enter in and enjoy the dwelling with the redeemed and sanctified, in the Celestial Kingdom of our God. The gift of Eternal Life I seal upon thee, daughter, and ask god, the Eternal Father, to let the influences of His Holy Spirit seal it upon thee, that thou gayest have it assured to thee, in thy mind, that thou gayest not waver; but be firm under all the vicissitudes of life. To the end, that, when the eve-time shall come, and the passage from the present life into the future, it may be of peace; the change may come as the infant's falling asleep, – the passing into life. These blessings I seal upon thee, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Anderson, Mary Audentia Smith, ANCESTRY AND POSTERITY OF JOSEPH SMITH AND EMMA HALE. Independence, Missouri: Herald Publishing House, 1929, 1958 [FHL Special 929.273 Sm51am] Internation Genealogical Index Submission Forms. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1970-1995. Internation Genealogical Index. Salt Lake: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1980, 1994. Database compiled by Michael Kennedy of ALpine, UT., Pres. Joseph Smith, Jr. Family Organization. Temple code from IGI 1994 Edition. BIOGRAPHY: Patriarchal Blessing of Vida Elizabeth Smith Given at Lamoni, Iowa, June 27m 1901, by Alexander H. Smith, Patriarch (RLDS) BIOGRAPHY: Vida, in the name of the Lord Jesus, our loved Savior and Redeemer, I lay my hands upon thy head to bless thee, to bestow upon thee that blessing which is understood as a Patriarchal Blessing, that under its influence thou mayest be watched over and directed in thy life lines, that thou mayst be forewarned; thus being forearmed be enabled to meet the vicissitudes of life and cope successfully with the influences of the adversary, and remain firm in the faith that nothing may happen to destroy thy confidence in it, to lead the away from it, but that the influences that may be thrown around thee may strengthen thee for the purposes of life, and open to thy mind the riches that are found in the store house of God, that thou mayest be made better and wiser, being made better acquainted with God and His laws, and the destinies that He has in store for His children; that the inspirations of His Holy Spirit may come to thee and quicken thy mind, increasing thy perceptive powers, and strengthening thy memory, in thee, that the office work of the Spirit may be with thee to that extent that thou mayest be brought nearer to God in consequence of the knowledge and power that is given unto thee, under the influences of that Holy Spirit. Thy life lines in the past have been lain in such peculiar nature and places that thou hast been made acquainted with the trials of this present life. Thou hast known disappointments, thou hast borne some of the trials and burdens of life; thou art sufficiently acquainted with them to understand the nature of them. And I pray that the influences of God's Holy Spirit may enable thee to understand that these experiences are calculated to bring thee nearer to the Master, and qualify thee, making thee better able to serve Him acceptably than thou wouldst have been hadst thou not have dealt with these trials and burdens. I pray God's Holy Spirit to be given thee to enable thee to bear patiently still the trials that are found in life. The children of the covenant are subject to trials and burdens in this present life, they are not exempt because they have made the covenant with God to serve Him; but having made the covenant they are given the promises of God that He will make them strong and enable them to bear, and provide an escape from every trial and every temptation, if they will serve Him, and serve Him acceptably. Now daughter, I bid thee to be faithful in the discharge of the known duties of life, remembering that the performing faithfully the little duties that devolved upon thee are those things that shall go to make up thy character; make it more perfect in the sight of God, more like the character of our Lord and Savior. I pray God to enlighten thee, to instruct thee relative to thy mission in life, giving thee a perfect understanding of it, that thou mayest discharge the duties of thy mission acceptably before Him, and perform those duties in this present life that shall entitle thee to an entrance into the presence of God and His Son, to dwell with them in the world to come. There is opening before the daughters of the covenant rich fields of labor, wherein they may perform such work as shall bring them into the presence of their Master, clothed upon with honor; wherein they may do such things as shall lay up for them treasures in Heaven, where they shall be secured for them as a reward in the great day when the Master shall give to ? That that is theirs by reason of faithful service. The work which is opening and widening and presenting itself now to the children of God is of that character that thou mayest make to thyself a name among the children of God which shall be fore thy good, and shall reflect honor upon the Master by reason of its character, and shall bring to thee a grand reward. I pray that he will quicken thy intellect, making it stronger, that thou mayst be enabled to perform the work that is now opening to thee, acceptably to thyself and to the Lord Jesus Christ. And that He may give thee health of body, and strength to perform the duties of life acceptably, also; that he may preserve thee from sickness and from accident, that He may surround thee with the things that go to make up the comforts of this present life, that thou mayest not be worried nor troubled, nor feel the burden of life to the extent that it will hinder thee from entering in upon doing that work that brings to thee so much satisfaction. I bid thee to remember, in the events of life, those seasons when under distress, and feeling weak and burdened and depressed, the influences of the Holy Spirit have come to thee to give thee relief, and to bring to thee the health and strength necessary to thee, to perform thy duties as a wife, a companion, and a mother, and rejoice in that God has been with thee, in Spirit, and brought thee relief, at times when it was necessary; manifested to thee, by the evidences of His Spirit, recognition, and given thee strength to still continue in the labors of life. Remembering these events, thy will increase thy confidence in the faith, and enable thee to see the events of life with more faith and confidence in Him, to enter in, with new zeal and zest, to the work of life. Perform thy domestic duties, that devolve upon thee, with an eye single to the glory of God, caring for the little ones that He has given thee; teaching them the principles of light, of life, and truth, forming their characters, and making their natures and dispositions so that they may represent the principles of life, and reflect the character of the Lord Jesus Christ, and become beautiful men and women in the Lord Jesus, representing the life work that has been thine, in that direction. Do not be discouraged. Never think that thy life has been a failure. Do the things that come to thy hand and trust in God; and He will bless thee, and He will lead thee as by the right hand. He will give thee of the influences of His Spirit. Thou shalt feel it thrilling thy heart, and thy whole being with joy and comfort, and thou shalt be led of Him, and feel His leadings, and realize that He is leading thee, that He is recognizing thee as a child dear to Him. And now I bless thee as a father would bless a child, asking God's choicest blessings to come down and rest upon thee, to surround thee with the influences of protection and loving care, and of those blessed influences that shall enable thee to feel that thou art indeed a child of god. Thou art of Israel. Thy life lines are recognized of God; thy inheritance is in Ephraim. And thou shalt received of the leadings of God's Holy Spirit, the blessings that shall mark thee of the household of God, entitled to the blessings that cometh from a long line of worthy ancestry, who have the right to the tree of life, and the influences of the Spirit of God in the prophetic line. I bless thee, too, that thou mayest exercise the gifts that belongeth to thee by inheritance, that thou mayest be filled with the influences of the Spirit of God, receive its light and instruction, and spirit ? Under its influences the words that shall be revealed to thee, that thy may be words of comfort and consolation to those that may hear thee, that it may evidence that thou art one indeed worthy of God, to received o f His Holy Spirit. The prophetic gift belongeth to thee, and thou art entitled to exercise this gift. And I pray God that it may be given thee, and that thou gayest received its influences, that it may enable thee to perform a good work, and that thy words may bring comfort and consolation, and that thou, too, gayest received light and information to help thee, by reason of the gift. I pray that God may open the visions of the future to thee, that thou gayest see, as through an open door, the beauties that are found represented in the Kingdom of God, that thou gayest understand the nature of life which is presented to thee in the world to come, understand this by the influences of God's inspiration, and be enabled to teach those that thou gayest be surrounded with, those beauties to benefit and improve them, and enable thee to have faith in the Lord and His promises. If thou art faithful, dear sister, these gifts and blessings shall be upon thee, and thou shalt feel them to thy comfort, and thou shalt be strengthened, that in the time that shall come to thee, the burdens of life that shall be thine, the temptations that may be around thee, shall have no force to overcome thee nor destroy thy faith in the Lord Jesus and his work. And thou shalt received that welcome plaudit that cometh from the Master because of thy work, and be bidden to enter in and enjoy the dwelling with the redeemed and sanctified, in the Celestial Kingdom of our God. The gift of Eternal Life I seal upon thee, daughter, and ask god, the Eternal Father, to let the influences of His Holy Spirit seal it upon thee, that thou gayest have it assured to thee, in thy mind, that thou gayest not waver; but be firm under all the vicissitudes of life. To the end, that, when the eve-time shall come, and the passage from the present life into the future, it may be of peace; the change may come as the infant's falling asleep, – the passing into life. These blessings I seal upon thee, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Anderson, Mary Audentia Smith, ANCESTRY AND POSTERITY OF JOSEPH SMITH AND EMMA HALE. Independence, Missouri: Herald Publishing House, 1929, 1958 [FHL Special 929.273 Sm51am] Internation Genealogical Index Submission Forms. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1970-1995. Internation Genealogical Index. Salt Lake: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1980, 1994. Database compiled by Michael Kennedy of ALpine, UT., Pres. Joseph Smith, Jr. Family Organization. Temple code from IGI 1994 Edition. BIOGRAPHY: Patriarchal Blessing of Vida Elizabeth Smith Given at Lamoni, Iowa, June 27m 1901, by Alexander H. Smith, Patriarch (RLDS) BIOGRAPHY: Vida, in the name of the Lord Jesus, our loved Savior and Redeemer, I lay my hands upon thy head to bless thee, to bestow upon thee that blessing which is understood as a Patriarchal Blessing, that under its influence thou mayest be watched over and directed in thy life lines, that thou mayst be forewarned; thus being forearmed be enabled to meet the vicissitudes of life and cope successfully with the influences of the adversary, and remain firm in the faith that nothing may happen to destroy thy confidence in it, to lead the away from it, but that the influences that may be thrown around thee may strengthen thee for the purposes of life, and open to thy mind the riches that are found in the store house of God, that thou mayest be made better and wiser, being made better acquainted with God and His laws, and the destinies that He has in store for His children; that the inspirations of His Holy Spirit may come to thee and quicken thy mind, increasing thy perceptive powers, and strengthening thy memory, in thee, that the office work of the Spirit may be with thee to that extent that thou mayest be brought nearer to God in consequence of the knowledge and power that is given unto thee, under the influences of that Holy Spirit. Thy life lines in the past have been lain in such peculiar nature and places that thou hast been made acquainted with the trials of this present life. Thou hast known disappointments, thou hast borne some of the trials and burdens of life; thou art sufficiently acquainted with them to understand the nature of them. And I pray that the influences of God's Holy Spirit may enable thee to understand that these experiences are calculated to bring thee nearer to the Master, and qualify thee, making thee better able to serve Him acceptably than thou wouldst have been hadst thou not have dealt with these trials and burdens. I pray God's Holy Spirit to be given thee to enable thee to bear patiently still the trials that are found in life. The children of the covenant are subject to trials and burdens in this present life, they are not exempt because they have made the covenant with God to serve Him; but having made the covenant they are given the promises of God that He will make them strong and enable them to bear, and provide an escape from every trial and every temptation, if they will serve Him, and serve Him acceptably. Now daughter, I bid thee to be faithful in the discharge of the known duties of life, remembering that the performing faithfully the little duties that devolved upon thee are those things that shall go to make up thy character; make it more perfect in the sight of God, more like the character of our Lord and Savior. I pray God to enlighten thee, to instruct thee relative to thy mission in life, giving thee a perfect understanding of it, that thou mayest discharge the duties of thy mission acceptably before Him, and perform those duties in this present life that shall entitle thee to an entrance into the presence of God and His Son, to dwell with them in the world to come. There is opening before the daughters of the covenant rich fields of labor, wherein they may perform such work as shall bring them into the presence of their Master, clothed upon with honor; wherein they may do such things as shall lay up for them treasures in Heaven, where they shall be secured for them as a reward in the great day when the Master shall give to ? That that is theirs by reason of faithful service. The work which is opening and widening and presenting itself now to the children of God is of that character that thou mayest make to thyself a name among the children of God which shall be fore thy good, and shall reflect honor upon the Master by reason of its character, and shall bring to thee a grand reward. I pray that he will quicken thy intellect, making it stronger, that thou mayst be enabled to perform the work that is now opening to thee, acceptably to thyself and to the Lord Jesus Christ. And that He may give thee health of body, and strength to perform the duties of life acceptably, also; that he may preserve thee from sickness and from accident, that He may surround thee with the things that go to make up the comforts of this present life, that thou mayest not be worried nor troubled, nor feel the burden of life to the extent that it will hinder thee from entering in upon doing that work that brings to thee so much satisfaction. I bid thee to remember, in the events of life, those seasons when under distress, and feeling weak and burdened and depressed, the influences of the Holy Spirit have come to thee to give thee relief, and to bring to thee the health and strength necessary to thee, to perform thy duties as a wife, a companion, and a mother, and rejoice in that God has been with thee, in Spirit, and brought thee relief, at times when it was necessary; manifested to thee, by the evidences of His Spirit, recognition, and given thee strength to still continue in the labors of life. Remembering these events, thy will increase thy confidence in the faith, and enable thee to see the events of life with more faith and confidence in Him, to enter in, with new zeal and zest, to the work of life. Perform thy domestic duties, that devolve upon thee, with an eye single to the glory of God, caring for the little ones that He has given thee; teaching them the principles of light, of life, and truth, forming their characters, and making their natures and dispositions so that they may represent the principles of life, and reflect the character of the Lord Jesus Christ, and become beautiful men and women in the Lord Jesus, representing the life work that has been thine, in that direction. Do not be discouraged. Never think that thy life has been a failure. Do the things that come to thy hand and trust in God; and He will bless thee, and He will lead thee as by the right hand. He will give thee of the influences of His Spirit. Thou shalt feel it thrilling thy heart, and thy whole being with joy and comfort, and thou shalt be led of Him, and feel His leadings, and realize that He is leading thee, that He is recognizing thee as a child dear to Him. And now I bless thee as a father would bless a child, asking God's choicest blessings to come down and rest upon thee, to surround thee with the influences of protection and loving care, and of those blessed influences that shall enable thee to feel that thou art indeed a child of god. Thou art of Israel. Thy life lines are recognized of God; thy inheritance is in Ephraim. And thou shalt received of the leadings of God's Holy Spirit, the blessings that shall mark thee of the household of God, entitled to the blessings that cometh from a long line of worthy ancestry, who have the right to the tree of life, and the influences of the Spirit of God in the prophetic line. I bless thee, too, that thou mayest exercise the gifts that belongeth to thee by inheritance, that thou mayest be filled with the influences of the Spirit of God, receive its light and instruction, and spirit ? Under its influences the words that shall be revealed to thee, that thy may be words of comfort and consolation to those that may hear thee, that it may evidence that thou art one indeed worthy of God, to received o f His Holy Spirit. The prophetic gift belongeth to thee, and thou art entitled to exercise this gift. And I pray God that it may be given thee, and that thou gayest received its influences, that it may enable thee to perform a good work, and that thy words may bring comfort and consolation, and that thou, too, gayest received light and information to help thee, by reason of the gift. I pray that God may open the visions of the future to thee, that thou gayest see, as through an open door, the beauties that are found represented in the Kingdom of God, that thou gayest understand the nature of life which is presented to thee in the world to come, understand this by the influences of God's inspiration, and be enabled to teach those that thou gayest be surrounded with, those beauties to benefit and improve them, and enable thee to have faith in the Lord and His promises. If thou art faithful, dear sister, these gifts and blessings shall be upon thee, and thou shalt feel them to thy comfort, and thou shalt be strengthened, that in the time that shall come to thee, the burdens of life that shall be thine, the temptations that may be around thee, shall have no force to overcome thee nor destroy thy faith in the Lord Jesus and his work. And thou shalt received that welcome plaudit that cometh from the Master because of thy work, and be bidden to enter in and enjoy the dwelling with the redeemed and sanctified, in the Celestial Kingdom of our God. The gift of Eternal Life I seal upon thee, daughter, and ask god, the Eternal Father, to let the influences of His Holy Spirit seal it upon thee, that thou gayest have it assured to thee, in thy mind, that thou gayest not waver; but be firm under all the vicissitudes of life. To the end, that, when the eve-time shall come, and the passage from the present life into the future, it may be of peace; the change may come as the infant's falling asleep, – the passing into life. These blessings I seal upon thee, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Anderson, Mary Audentia Smith, ANCESTRY AND POSTERITY OF JOSEPH SMITH AND EMMA HALE. Independence, Missouri: Herald Publishing House, 1929, 1958 [FHL Special 929.273 Sm51am] Internation Genealogical Index Submission Forms. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1970-1995. Internation Genealogical Index. Salt Lake: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1980, 1994. Database compiled by Michael Kennedy of ALpine, UT., Pres. Joseph Smith, Jr. Family Organization. Temple code from IGI 1994 Edition. BIOGRAPHY: Patriarchal Blessing of Vida Elizabeth Smith Given at Lamoni, Iowa, June 27m 1901, by Alexander H. Smith, Patriarch (RLDS) BIOGRAPHY: Vida, in the name of the Lord Jesus, our loved Savior and Redeemer, I lay my hands upon thy head to bless thee, to bestow upon thee that blessing which is understood as a Patriarchal Blessing, that under its influence thou mayest be watched over and directed in thy life lines, that thou mayst be forewarned; thus being forearmed be enabled to meet the vicissitudes of life and cope successfully with the influences of the adversary, and remain firm in the faith that nothing may happen to destroy thy confidence in it, to lead the away from it, but that the influences that may be thrown around thee may strengthen thee for the purposes of life, and open to thy mind the riches that are found in the store house of God, that thou mayest be made better and wiser, being made better acquainted with God and His laws, and the destinies that He has in store for His children; that the inspirations of His Holy Spirit may come to thee and quicken thy mind, increasing thy perceptive powers, and strengthening thy memory, in thee, that the office work of the Spirit may be with thee to that extent that thou mayest be brought nearer to God in consequence of the knowledge and power that is given unto thee, under the influences of that Holy Spirit. Thy life lines in the past have been lain in such peculiar nature and places that thou hast been made acquainted with the trials of this present life. Thou hast known disappointments, thou hast borne some of the trials and burdens of life; thou art sufficiently acquainted with them to understand the nature of them. And I pray that the influences of God's Holy Spirit may enable thee to understand that these experiences are calculated to bring thee nearer to the Master, and qualify thee, making thee better able to serve Him acceptably than thou wouldst have been hadst thou not have dealt with these trials and burdens. I pray God's Holy Spirit to be given thee to enable thee to bear patiently still the trials that are found in life. The children of the covenant are subject to trials and burdens in this present life, they are not exempt because they have made the covenant with God to serve Him; but having made the covenant they are given the promises of God that He will make them strong and enable them to bear, and provide an escape from every trial and every temptation, if they will serve Him, and serve Him acceptably. Now daughter, I bid thee to be faithful in the discharge of the known duties of life, remembering that the performing faithfully the little duties that devolved upon thee are those things that shall go to make up thy character; make it more perfect in the sight of God, more like the character of our Lord and Savior. I pray God to enlighten thee, to instruct thee relative to thy mission in life, giving thee a perfect understanding of it, that thou mayest discharge the duties of thy mission acceptably before Him, and perform those duties in this present life that shall entitle thee to an entrance into the presence of God and His Son, to dwell with them in the world to come. There is opening before the daughters of the covenant rich fields of labor, wherein they may perform such work as shall bring them into the presence of their Master, clothed upon with honor; wherein they may do such things as shall lay up for them treasures in Heaven, where they shall be secured for them as a reward in the great day when the Master shall give to ? That that is theirs by reason of faithful service. The work which is opening and widening and presenting itself now to the children of God is of that character that thou mayest make to thyself a name among the children of God which shall be fore thy good, and shall reflect honor upon the Master by reason of its character, and shall bring to thee a grand reward. I pray that he will quicken thy intellect, making it stronger, that thou mayst be enabled to perform the work that is now opening to thee, acceptably to thyself and to the Lord Jesus Christ. And that He may give thee health of body, and strength to perform the duties of life acceptably, also; that he may preserve thee from sickness and from accident, that He may surround thee with the things that go to make up the comforts of this present life, that thou mayest not be worried nor troubled, nor feel the burden of life to the extent that it will hinder thee from entering in upon doing that work that brings to thee so much satisfaction. I bid thee to remember, in the events of life, those seasons when under distress, and feeling weak and burdened and depressed, the influences of the Holy Spirit have come to thee to give thee relief, and to bring to thee the health and strength necessary to thee, to perform thy duties as a wife, a companion, and a mother, and rejoice in that God has been with thee, in Spirit, and brought thee relief, at times when it was necessary; manifested to thee, by the evidences of His Spirit, recognition, and given thee strength to still continue in the labors of life. Remembering these events, thy will increase thy confidence in the faith, and enable thee to see the events of life with more faith and confidence in Him, to enter in, with new zeal and zest, to the work of life. Perform thy domestic duties, that devolve upon thee, with an eye single to the glory of God, caring for the little ones that He has given thee; teaching them the principles of light, of life, and truth, forming their characters, and making their natures and dispositions so that they may represent the principles of life, and reflect the character of the Lord Jesus Christ, and become beautiful men and women in the Lord Jesus, representing the life work that has been thine, in that direction. Do not be discouraged. Never think that thy life has been a failure. Do the things that come to thy hand and trust in God; and He will bless thee, and He will lead thee as by the right hand. He will give thee of the influences of His Spirit. Thou shalt feel it thrilling thy heart, and thy whole being with joy and comfort, and thou shalt be led of Him, and feel His leadings, and realize that He is leading thee, that He is recognizing thee as a child dear to Him. And now I bless thee as a father would bless a child, asking God's choicest blessings to come down and rest upon thee, to surround thee with the influences of protection and loving care, and of those blessed influences that shall enable thee to feel that thou art indeed a child of god. Thou art of Israel. Thy life lines are recognized of God; thy inheritance is in Ephraim. And thou shalt received of the leadings of God's Holy Spirit, the blessings that shall mark thee of the household of God, entitled to the blessings that cometh from a long line of worthy ancestry, who have the right to the tree of life, and the influences of the Spirit of God in the prophetic line. I bless thee, too, that thou mayest exercise the gifts that belongeth to thee by inheritance, that thou mayest be filled with the influences of the Spirit of God, receive its light and instruction, and spirit ? Under its influences the words that shall be revealed to thee, that thy may be words of comfort and consolation to those that may hear thee, that it may evidence that thou art one indeed worthy of God, to received o f His Holy Spirit. The prophetic gift belongeth to thee, and thou art entitled to exercise this gift. And I pray God that it may be given thee, and that thou gayest received its influences, that it may enable thee to perform a good work, and that thy words may bring comfort and consolation, and that thou, too, gayest received light and information to help thee, by reason of the gift. I pray that God may open the visions of the future to thee, that thou gayest see, as through an open door, the beauties that are found represented in the Kingdom of God, that thou gayest understand the nature of life which is presented to thee in the world to come, understand this by the influences of God's inspiration, and be enabled to teach those that thou gayest be surrounded with, those beauties to benefit and improve them, and enable thee to have faith in the Lord and His promises. If thou art faithful, dear sister, these gifts and blessings shall be upon thee, and thou shalt feel them to thy comfort, and thou shalt be strengthened, that in the time that shall come to thee, the burdens of life that shall be thine, the temptations that may be around thee, shall have no force to overcome thee nor destroy thy faith in the Lord Jesus and his work. And thou shalt received that welcome plaudit that cometh from the Master because of thy work, and be bidden to enter in and enjoy the dwelling with the redeemed and sanctified, in the Celestial Kingdom of our God. The gift of Eternal Life I seal upon thee, daughter, and ask god, the Eternal Father, to let the influences of His Holy Spirit seal it upon thee, that thou gayest have it assured to thee, in thy mind, that thou gayest not waver; but be firm under all the vicissitudes of life. To the end, that, when the eve-time shall come, and the passage from the present life into the future, it may be of peace; the change may come as the infant's falling asleep, – the passing into life. These blessings I seal upon thee, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Anderson, Mary Audentia Smith, ANCESTRY AND POSTERITY OF JOSEPH SMITH AND EMMA HALE. Independence, Missouri: Herald Publishing House, 1929, 1958 [FHL Special 929.273 Sm51am] Internation Genealogical Index Submission Forms. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1970-1995. Internation Genealogical Index. Salt Lake: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1980, 1994. Database compiled by Michael Kennedy of ALpine, UT., Pres. Joseph Smith, Jr. Family Organization. Temple code from IGI 1994 Edition. BIOGRAPHY: Patriarchal Blessing of Vida Elizabeth Smith Given at Lamoni, Iowa, June 27m 1901, by Alexander H. Smith, Patriarch (RLDS) BIOGRAPHY: Vida, in the name of the Lord Jesus, our loved Savior and Redeemer, I lay my hands upon thy head to bless thee, to bestow upon thee that blessing which is understood as a Patriarchal Blessing, that under its influence thou mayest be watched over and directed in thy life lines, that thou mayst be forewarned; thus being forearmed be enabled to meet the vicissitudes of life and cope successfully with the influences of the adversary, and remain firm in the faith that nothing may happen to destroy thy confidence in it, to lead the away from it, but that the influences that may be thrown around thee may strengthen thee for the purposes of life, and open to thy mind the riches that are found in the store house of God, that thou mayest be made better and wiser, being made better acquainted with God and His laws, and the destinies that He has in store for His children; that the inspirations of His Holy Spirit may come to thee and quicken thy mind, increasing thy perceptive powers, and strengthening thy memory, in thee, that the office work of the Spirit may be with thee to that extent that thou mayest be brought nearer to God in consequence of the knowledge and power that is given unto thee, under the influences of that Holy Spirit. Thy life lines in the past have been lain in such peculiar nature and places that thou hast been made acquainted with the trials of this present life. Thou hast known disappointments, thou hast borne some of the trials and burdens of life; thou art sufficiently acquainted with them to understand the nature of them. And I pray that the influences of God's Holy Spirit may enable thee to understand that these experiences are calculated to bring thee nearer to the Master, and qualify thee, making thee better able to serve Him acceptably than thou wouldst have been hadst thou not have dealt with these trials and burdens. I pray God's Holy Spirit to be given thee to enable thee to bear patiently still the trials that are found in life. The children of the covenant are subject to trials and burdens in this present life, they are not exempt because they have made the covenant with God to serve Him; but having made the covenant they are given the promises of God that He will make them strong and enable them to bear, and provide an escape from every trial and every temptation, if they will serve Him, and serve Him acceptably. Now daughter, I bid thee to be faithful in the discharge of the known duties of life, remembering that the performing faithfully the little duties that devolved upon thee are those things that shall go to make up thy character; make it more perfect in the sight of God, more like the character of our Lord and Savior. I pray God to enlighten thee, to instruct thee relative to thy mission in life, giving thee a perfect understanding of it, that thou mayest discharge the duties of thy mission acceptably before Him, and perform those duties in this present life that shall entitle thee to an entrance into the presence of God and His Son, to dwell with them in the world to come. There is opening before the daughters of the covenant rich fields of labor, wherein they may perform such work as shall bring them into the presence of their Master, clothed upon with honor; wherein they may do such things as shall lay up for them treasures in Heaven, where they shall be secured for them as a reward in the great day when the Master shall give to ? That that is theirs by reason of faithful service. The work which is opening and widening and presenting itself now to the children of God is of that character that thou mayest make to thyself a name among the children of God which shall be fore thy good, and shall reflect honor upon the Master by reason of its character, and shall bring to thee a grand reward. I pray that he will quicken thy intellect, making it stronger, that thou mayst be enabled to perform the work that is now opening to thee, acceptably to thyself and to the Lord Jesus Christ. And that He may give thee health of body, and strength to perform the duties of life acceptably, also; that he may preserve thee from sickness and from accident, that He may surround thee with the things that go to make up the comforts of this present life, that thou mayest not be worried nor troubled, nor feel the burden of life to the extent that it will hinder thee from entering in upon doing that work that brings to thee so much satisfaction. I bid thee to remember, in the events of life, those seasons when under distress, and feeling weak and burdened and depressed, the influences of the Holy Spirit have come to thee to give thee relief, and to bring to thee the health and strength necessary to thee, to perform thy duties as a wife, a companion, and a mother, and rejoice in that God has been with thee, in Spirit, and brought thee relief, at times when it was necessary; manifested to thee, by the evidences of His Spirit, recognition, and given thee strength to still continue in the labors of life. Remembering these events, thy will increase thy confidence in the faith, and enable thee to see the events of life with more faith and confidence in Him, to enter in, with new zeal and zest, to the work of life. Perform thy domestic duties, that devolve upon thee, with an eye single to the glory of God, caring for the little ones that He has given thee; teaching them the principles of light, of life, and truth, forming their characters, and making their natures and dispositions so that they may represent the principles of life, and reflect the character of the Lord Jesus Christ, and become beautiful men and women in the Lord Jesus, representing the life work that has been thine, in that direction. Do not be discouraged. Never think that thy life has been a failure. Do the things that come to thy hand and trust in God; and He will bless thee, and He will lead thee as by the right hand. He will give thee of the influences of His Spirit. Thou shalt feel it thrilling thy heart, and thy whole being with joy and comfort, and thou shalt be led of Him, and feel His leadings, and realize that He is leading thee, that He is recognizing thee as a child dear to Him. And now I bless thee as a father would bless a child, asking God's choicest blessings to come down and rest upon thee, to surround thee with the influences of protection and loving care, and of those blessed influences that shall enable thee to feel that thou art indeed a child of god. Thou art of Israel. Thy life lines are recognized of God; thy inheritance is in Ephraim. And thou shalt received of the leadings of God's Holy Spirit, the blessings that shall mark thee of the household of God, entitled to the blessings that cometh from a long line of worthy ancestry, who have the right to the tree of life, and the influences of the Spirit of God in the prophetic line. I bless thee, too, that thou mayest exercise the gifts that belongeth to thee by inheritance, that thou mayest be filled with the influences of the Spirit of God, receive its light and instruction, and spirit ? Under its influences the words that shall be revealed to thee, that thy may be words of comfort and consolation to those that may hear thee, that it may evidence that thou art one indeed worthy of God, to received o f His Holy Spirit. The prophetic gift belongeth to thee, and thou art entitled to exercise this gift. And I pray God that it may be given thee, and that thou gayest received its influences, that it may enable thee to perform a good work, and that thy words may bring comfort and consolation, and that thou, too, gayest received light and information to help thee, by reason of the gift. I pray that God may open the visions of the future to thee, that thou gayest see, as through an open door, the beauties that are found represented in the Kingdom of God, that thou gayest understand the nature of life which is presented to thee in the world to come, understand this by the influences of God's inspiration, and be enabled to teach those that thou gayest be surrounded with, those beauties to benefit and improve them, and enable thee to have faith in the Lord and His promises. If thou art faithful, dear sister, these gifts and blessings shall be upon thee, and thou shalt feel them to thy comfort, and thou shalt be strengthened, that in the time that shall come to thee, the burdens of life that shall be thine, the temptations that may be around thee, shall have no force to overcome thee nor destroy thy faith in the Lord Jesus and his work. And thou shalt received that welcome plaudit that cometh from the Master because of thy work, and be bidden to enter in and enjoy the dwelling with the redeemed and sanctified, in the Celestial Kingdom of our God. The gift of Eternal Life I seal upon thee, daughter, and ask god, the Eternal Father, to let the influences of His Holy Spirit seal it upon thee, that thou gayest have it assured to thee, in thy mind, that thou gayest not waver; but be firm under all the vicissitudes of life. To the end, that, when the eve-time shall come, and the passage from the present life into the future, it may be of peace; the change may come as the infant's falling asleep, – the passing into life. These blessings I seal upon thee, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Anderson, Mary Audentia Smith, ANCESTRY AND POSTERITY OF JOSEPH SMITH AND EMMA HALE. Independence, Missouri: Herald Publishing House, 1929, 1958 [FHL Special 929.273 Sm51am] Internation Genealogical Index Submission Forms. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1970-1995. Internation Genealogical Index. Salt Lake: The Church of Jesus CHrist of Latter-day Saints, 1980, 1994. Database compiled by Michael Kennedy of ALpine, UT., Pres. Joseph Smith, Jr. Family Organization. Temple code from IGI 1994 Edition. BIOGRAPHY: Patriarchal Blessing of Vida Elizabeth Smith Given at Lamoni, Iowa, June 27m 1901, by Alexander H. Smith, Patriarch (RLDS) BIOGRAPHY: Vida, in the name of the Lord Jesus, our loved Savior and Redeemer, I lay my hands upon thy head to bless thee, to bestow upon thee that blessing which is understood as a Patriarchal Blessing, that under its influence thou mayest be watched over and directed in thy life lines, that thou mayst be forewarned; thus being forearmed be enabled to meet the vicissitudes of life and cope successfully with the influences of the adversary, and remain firm in the faith that nothing may happen to destroy thy confidence in it, to lead the away from it, but that the influences that may be thrown around thee may strengthen thee for the purposes of life, and open to thy mind the riches that are found in the store house of God, that thou mayest be made better and wiser, being made better acquainted with God and His laws, and the destinies that He has in store for His children; that the inspirations of His Holy Spirit may come to thee and quicken thy mind, increasing thy perceptive powers, and strengthening thy memory, in thee, that the office work of the Spirit may be with thee to that extent that thou mayest be brought nearer to God in consequence of the knowledge and power that is given unto thee, under the influences of that Holy Spirit. Thy life lines in the past have been lain in such peculiar nature and places that thou hast been made acquainted with the trials of this present life. Thou hast known disappointments, thou hast borne some of the trials and burdens of life; thou art sufficiently acquainted with them to understand the nature of them. And I pray that the influences of God's Holy Spirit may enable thee to understand that these experiences are calculated to bring thee nearer to the Master, and qualify thee, making thee better able to serve Him acceptably than thou wouldst have been hadst thou not have dealt with these trials and burdens. I pray God's Holy Spirit to be given thee to enable thee to bear patiently still the trials that are found in life. The children of the covenant are subject to trials and burdens in this present life, they are not exempt because they have made the covenant with God to serve Him; but having made the covenant they are given the promises of God that He will make them strong and enable them to bear, and provide an escape from every trial and every temptation, if they will serve Him, and serve Him acceptably. Now daughter, I bid thee to be faithful in the discharge of the known duties of life, remembering that the performing faithfully the little duties that devolved upon thee are those things that shall go to make up thy character; make it more perfect in the sight of God, more like the character of our Lord and Savior. I pray God to enlighten thee, to instruct thee relative to thy mission in life, giving thee a perfect understanding of it, that thou mayest discharge the duties of thy mission acceptably before Him, and perform those duties in this present life that shall entitle thee to an entrance into the presence of God and His Son, to dwell with them in the world to come. There is opening before the daughters of the covenant rich fields of labor, wherein they may perform such work as shall bring them into the presence of their Master, clothed upon with honor; wherein they may do such things as shall lay up for them treasures in Heaven, where they shall be secured for them as a reward in the great day when the Master shall give to ? That that is theirs by reason of faithful service. The work which is opening and widening and presenting itself now to the children of God is of that character that thou mayest make to thyself a name among the children of God which shall be fore thy good, and shall reflect honor upon the Master by reason of its character, and shall bring to thee a grand reward. I pray that he will quicken thy intellect, making it stronger, that thou mayst be enabled to perform the work that is now opening to thee, acceptably to thyself and to the Lord Jesus Christ. And that He may give thee health of body, and strength to perform the duties of life acceptably, also; that he may preserve thee from sickness and from accident, that He may surround thee with the things that go to make up the comforts of this present life, that thou mayest not be worried nor troubled, nor feel the burden of life to the extent that it will hinder thee from entering in upon doing that work that brings to thee so much satisfaction. I bid thee to remember, in the events of life, those seasons when under distress, and feeling weak and burdened and depressed, the influences of the Holy Spirit have come to thee to give thee relief, and to bring to thee the health and strength necessary to thee, to perform thy duties as a wife, a companion, and a mother, and rejoice in that God has been with thee, in Spirit, and brought thee relief, at times when it was necessary; manifested to thee, by the evidences of His Spirit, recogn